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What's Your Worst Nightmare?


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So, whats you're worst nightmare. Whats the scariest thing you could imagine happening to you? I.e being burried alive etc.


Mine would be, taken from an episode of Buffy (which made me scared of this when I was younger) where something steals my voice and I'm not able to call for help. I'm just helpless. I've had so many nightmares about that, it scares the hell out of me.:(



So, what's youre worst nightmare?

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Haven't had what I'd consider a nightmare in years, get dreams where I face incredible danger, but they're more like an action film, you always know the hero is going to survive. One of my favourites was when I was a member of starfleet fighting an army of aliens from the alien movies. Had loads of others including things like zombie infestations, being in a war, facing gangsters, all sorts of stuff, they were just fun though.

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Having spiders lay eggs in my eyes and then a couple weeks later having a hoard of baby spiders explode out of my eye ball all over my face.


Just one of the many things I would consider a nightmare if it happened.


Bugger! Thats another nightmare added to my list. That sounds horrible!

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Last night was a pretty bad one, maybe my worst. I'd just finished reading K-PAX (fucking awesome book) and was falling asleep, and i dreamt i was the character in it. he's just lying there in a catonic state not moving or anything, and then the whole room goes white and then i see someone injecting me with something, but i can't do anything about it due to my state, and then i see the emperor from gladitor and the director person from king kong (Jaquion Phoenix and jack black) just there, laughing at me. I was so scared i sorta forced myself to wake up.

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Not being able to move wouldn't be nice.


Read somewhere about waking up, but not being able to move any muscles for a minute or so. Sleep paralysis I think its called. Apparently fairly common. That would scare me anyway.


A zombie apocalypse would be awesome however. *grabs cricket bat*

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Not being able to move wouldn't be nice.


Read somewhere about waking up, but not being able to move any muscles for a minute or so. Sleep paralysis I think its called. Apparently fairly common. That would scare me anyway.


A zombie apocalypse would be awesome however. *grabs cricket bat*


I had that Bluejay and it is very scary to find yourself paralysis.

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Not being able to move wouldn't be nice.


Read somewhere about waking up, but not being able to move any muscles for a minute or so. Sleep paralysis I think its called. Apparently fairly common. That would scare me anyway.


A zombie apocalypse would be awesome however. *grabs cricket bat*


I've sort of had both! :D


One was me getting a green disc hover above my head and then have it enter my body shocking me and this terrified me! I tried to wake up but none of my muscles would move and i kept struggling but my body refused to get up! scary stuff! :S


and in the other I was sort of being chased by zombies in white robes with torches and the only way for me to escape them was to jump off these concrete stairs so i do and i land SMACK on the floor! the last thing i see before i woke up was them surrounding me... :)

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I had a dream about a month ago. I was at, what I believe was a school and I was trapped in a room and had been given three minutes to escape before someone would enter the room and kill me. I escaped through a window, and ran out to some fields where I discovered a camp where other escapees were, I presume, hiding. Very weird, and I remember waking up feeling quite disturbed by it.


Also, I used to have a recurring dream where I was climbing a set of stairs, following someone. It was dark, but moonlight was shining through a window on the left hand side. As we reached the top of the stairs, the creepy silhouetted figure in front of me would quickly spin around and look me straight in the face. But its face remained completely silhouetted. That never failed to jolt me awake!

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I've sort of had both! :D


One was me getting a green disc hover above my head and then have it enter my body shocking me and this terrified me! I tried to wake up but none of my muscles would move and i kept struggling but my body refused to get up! scary stuff! :S


and in the other I was sort of being chased by zombies in white robes with torches and the only way for me to escape them was to jump off these concrete stairs so i do and i land SMACK on the floor! the last thing i see before i woke up was them surrounding me... :)


Yeah, but sleep paralysis isn't a dream. Its when you wake up and can't move anything for a bit.


I had that Bluejay and it is very scary to find yourself paralysis.


Cool. How long for?

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Guest Jordan

I've had a weird experience once, where my mind was awake but my body was asleep and i had to force myself to wake up.


It was pretty horrible and happend quite recently.


As for word nightmares? Anally raped to death, buried alive, drowning, dying in a plane/train/car/boat accident.

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Yeah, but sleep paralysis isn't a dream. Its when you wake up and can't move anything for a bit.




Cool. How long for?


Just a few mins Bluejay.

Its called Hypnagogia as well.

During the hypnagogic state, an individual may appear to be fully awake, but has brain waves indicating that the individual is technically sleeping. Also, the individual may be completely aware of their state, which enables lucid dreamers to enter the dream state consciously directly from the waking state.


The hypnagogic state is sometimes proposed as an explanation of experiences such as alien abduction, apparitions, or visions.

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Just a few mins Bluejay.

Its called Hypnagogia as well.

During the hypnagogic state, an individual may appear to be fully awake, but has brain waves indicating that the individual is technically sleeping. Also, the individual may be completely aware of their state, which enables lucid dreamers to enter the dream state consciously directly from the waking state.


The hypnagogic state is sometimes proposed as an explanation of experiences such as alien abduction, apparitions, or visions.


So your awake but not and can still be dreaming? :wtf:


So that alien green disc appearance could have been me in a hypnagogic state?


As i was unable to move! :)

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I'm in convenience store, its all dark with only the reddish ad lights and the freezer's lights on, and then I see a shadow behind me, I look at the source and there's a baby standing there looking at me, I know he's looking at me because his glowing red eyes point at me. Then I start running away from him through the store's aisles but he starts running for me too in a mechanical way, like his legs and arms are bolted, I try to run faster but its like running on water and he's getting faster and faster until he gets really close, that's when I panic and wake up.

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Just a few mins Bluejay.

Its called Hypnagogia as well.

During the hypnagogic state, an individual may appear to be fully awake, but has brain waves indicating that the individual is technically sleeping. Also, the individual may be completely aware of their state, which enables lucid dreamers to enter the dream state consciously directly from the waking state.


The hypnagogic state is sometimes proposed as an explanation of experiences such as alien abduction, apparitions, or visions.


Cool. Interesting stuff. :smile:


Apart from that alien adbuction bullshit. Can't move a bit, you've clearly been abducted by aliens.


I've had a weird experience once, where my mind was awake but my body was asleep and i had to force myself to wake up.


It was pretty horrible and happend quite recently.

Sounds like the sleep paralysis thing. Unless, yours was you coudn't open your eyes or escape from the dream.


I have an odd friend who is obsessed with dreams and lucid dreaming. Says he trains himself to have control of his dreams and control thier outcomes without waking up.


If I ever realise I'm dreaming I wake up.

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So your awake but not and can still be dreaming? :wtf:


So that alien green disc appearance could have been me in a hypnagogic state?


As i was unable to move! :)


Yeah it is cause by opening your eyes Coolness.

You can also wake up in a fear, awareness of a "presence," chest or back pressure, and an inability to breathe.

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