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Whats your BMI?


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Bah looking at the title of this thread nearly sent me into a rage. BMI is such a pile of crap. Means absolutely nothing.


*drinks a yakult* ORLY? :grin:


...saying that - i have no idea what my BMI is~ my mum got really into dieting a while ago and since i live with her i got to diet by default... >.< (i pay the rent, she buys the food - what can i say?) but i've never made an effort to "diet" - just to look after myself and not eat so much crap...

...working at blockbusters is NOT helping... staff discount on cream eggs?


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Bah looking at the title of this thread nearly sent me into a rage. BMI is such a pile of crap. Means absolutely nothing.


I heard from someone at work that people in the overweight (25+ but not obese) category of BMI tend to have a higher quality of life, and live longer, because it's more likely to be associated with comfort and being well off in life.


But they could've been talking crap.

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My bmi is 19.5, but it doesn't really give a good impression of if you're healthy or not considering the fat/muscle argument.


Not to mention, that to be healthy you need to take into account your cholesterol, blood levels, etc etc.


The nhs says my bmi is lower than that. So I would treat this as more of a laugh than an actual guide of how your body is.

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My bmi is 19.5, but it doesn't really give a good impression of if you're healthy or not considering the fat/muscle argument.


Not to mention, that to be healthy you need to take into account your cholesterol, blood levels, etc etc.


The nhs says my bmi is lower than that. So I would treat this as more of a laugh than an actual guide of how your body is.

It was supposed to be just a laugh, but people are taking it way too seriously.


Your not supposed to let it upset you, because its not 100% accurate for most people. So take it in good FUN, and if you feel the need to diet because of this i appologise.

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It doesn't upset me its more a warning because when I was on this thread on another forum people assumed this was them being unhealthy and I had to remind them that it's not accurate =].


I know you werent upset, i was agreeing with you point.


People are tking it a little too seriously, not you nightwolf.

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well i was 140 pounds (eeek)

i am not 136 since i lost 4...

.. walking and eating healthier FTW

i wont calculate my new bmi just yet as im sure it wont have changed much


I think it depends on your height, for me (5ft11) it takes nearly half a stone loss to go down 1 single bmi point. =( Might be different for you if you're a touch shorter.


As to all the people criticizing it: Its obviously not gonna be right if you are a huge hulk of a bodybuilder type person. Generally it is a GUIDE... and with every guide there is the exceptions. Obviously you know yourself in your mind if you are overweight or not. And it doesn't necessarily measure how well you eat/how healthy you are.


I think the governments recent campaign is ridiculous, claiming you should be at the very bottom of your bmi, without being underweight. I know quite a few people that are considered to be relatively skinny and eat lots of unhealthy foods.. Um, yeah that's healthy? Where i am totally obese according to the scale, and im constantly watching what i eat =(

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BMI calculators are pretty rubbish, i know one lad who has a BMI of 29, is 6'4" and weighs like 18 stone or something. He's fit as a fiddle, it's all muscle mass!


Anyway, from memory i weigh 173 pounds and im 6' 1". That gives me 22.8! Gone up by 2 in the past 2 years, lets hope it's the gym and increased exercise rather than the beer :p

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I think it depends on your height, for me (5ft11) it takes nearly half a stone loss to go down 1 single bmi point. =( Might be different for you if you're a touch shorter.


As to all the people criticizing it: Its obviously not gonna be right if you are a huge hulk of a bodybuilder type person. Generally it is a GUIDE... and with every guide there is the exceptions. Obviously you know yourself in your mind if you are overweight or not. And it doesn't necessarily measure how well you eat/how healthy you are.


I think the governments recent campaign is ridiculous, claiming you should be at the very bottom of your bmi, without being underweight. I know quite a few people that are considered to be relatively skinny and eat lots of unhealthy foods.. Um, yeah that's healthy? Where i am totally obese according to the scale, and im constantly watching what i eat =(


touch? im like 9 inches smaller than u :S

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I'm at 19.5 which is roughly what I should be. But I don't know exactly what height I am. I put in 5ft 11 as I think it must be round about that. Weighed myself yesterday and I was just under 10 stone so I put in 10 stone to make up for the height.

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