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Just thought of possibly the only way they would do it...and now thinking about it, it's obvious...


Kelly would obviously visit Nathan's grave and, because she can hear thoughts, she'd hear him thinking of something and she'd obviously find out he's alive and his power would obviously be immortality.



And I really like all of them. Kelly and Simon are my favourites though.


Ah ha! Good call indeed, that sounds pretty likely

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Two and Half Men - Season 1: Ep: Just Like Buffelo


An exellent episode, of which i do love the end. Don't want to spoil it for anyone, but if you havn't seen this sit-com yet believe me, you will want to see it.



Why is everyone suddenly watching S1 of this series? It's been going for like... 7 years or something.


Also, what I've caught on TV, I've always found it to be little more than a very standard daytime sitcom.

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Why is everyone suddenly watching S1 of this series? It's been going for like... 7 years or something.


Also, what I've caught on TV, I've always found it to be little more than a very standard daytime sitcom.


Its because Viva is showing it now I think.


Ive watched the show so many times on Paramount over the years, I think as the kid got older it became less funny, although still watchable.

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Glee- Showmance


Very entertaining, their voices are awesome and the way they do it is brilliant. Push It made me laugh. Brilliant stuff




Glee- Acafellas


Another brilliant episode of Glee. Loved the song Mercedes was singing and also their version of I Wanna Sex You Up was awesome.




Glee- Preggers


The best episode so far in my opinion. I thought it was fantastic, absolutely loving this show so far.



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Dollhouse 2.09 & 2.10


To steal a quote from someone...


Perhaps it would have just worked better as a set 13 episodes because while these storylines could have been stretched out they've been brilliant at this pace.


I think the ending to 2.09 would have been a bit more surprising if the title of the 10th wasn't 'The Attic' (hence why I didn't include it before the cut, in case). Regardless, seeing Adelle descending into a self-destructive and drunken state was interesting. We need to hit our lowest to be our best eh? Nice to see (a bit) of Victor/Anthony's backstory although his five years being up seemed to come out of nowhere.


Seeing Echo get imprinted with all sorts was kinda fun. Obviously they had to have a period of 'blank slate slowly remembering' to explain things but its cool seeing her be able to shift and change to different people. Plus the fact she seems to hate Caroline now. Interesting.


Victor and Sierra (/Anthony and Priya) are sweet. The way they keep gravitating to each other. "I was having sex with you...then you turned into the rotting corpse of a rapist I killed." Brilliant. Oh and "perhaps it would be best if we waited til after the gun fight to get to know each other" Priya really is quite a strong character.


That pesky Adelle, glad to see she had a plan all along (or hitting rock bottom made he really focus). Seeing the group at the end, all ready to fight, reminded me of Buffy. Although the "I must meet Caroline!" line fell a bit flat. But it was interesting to see The Attic. Hadn't really thought what it would be, but certainly not what I expected. Twisted...yet decorative. Some wonderful cinematography :)


Wonder what they took of Paul's...his love for Echo maybe?


I loved the line "I think its 2010. Hard to say, don't know how long we've been off the air." Guessing that was added in when they were shelved during November.



Only three more episodes left :(

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Glee- The Rhodes Not Taken


Enjoyed the episode. Yet again, great songs and great storyline.




Glee- Vitamin D


My favourite episode yet. The episodes are getting better everytime.




Glee- Throwdown


Mercedes singing 'Hate on me' was just fantastic, she's easily the best voice in the group. Also, the lead cheerleader (Quinn or something) is hot. Brilliant acting.



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Glee- The Rhodes Not Taken


Enjoyed the episode. Yet again, great songs and great storyline.




Glee- Vitamin D


My favourite episode yet. The episodes are getting better everytime.




Glee- Throwdown


Mercedes singing 'Hate on me' was just fantastic, she's easily the best voice in the group. Also, the lead cheerleader (Quinn or something) is hot. Brilliant acting.




Yeah, Mercedes is completely brilliant. Her voice blows me away in some songs and I love her whole persona. Supposedly the next 9 episodes (Which start airing in April) will have 6-8 songs in them, rather than the 3-4 they have at the moment. So hyped!

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Yeah, Mercedes is completely brilliant. Her voice blows me away in some songs and I love her whole persona. Supposedly the next 9 episodes (Which start airing in April) will have 6-8 songs in them, rather than the 3-4 they have at the moment. So hyped!


She's my favourite character. I want her to sing more.


I heard her version of 'And I am telling you' and it was awesome, one of the best covers I've heard.

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She's my favourite character. I want her to sing more.


I heard her version of 'And I am telling you' and it was awesome, one of the best covers I've heard.


I love the guy in the wheelchair (His name escapes me). His bit in "Push it" was AMAZING.

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Isn't his name Artie?


Glee- Mashup


Again, a fantastic episode. I thought Finn was an arsehole most of the episode though.




Glee- Wheels


Another great episode, once again. It's nice that they done an episode focusing on Artie's disability and also Sue having a softer side to her (even though I still don't like her)




Glee- Ballad


Love this show. The dinner party was hilarious and I liked the Rachel/Will storyline. I want Will to get with Ginger (don't know her name)



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^ WTF!? You don't like Sue? Sorry, but she is fucking revelatory in that show. It's (the show) such a dissapointment overall that whenever she appears on screen, you feel relieved something quality is gonna come.


I used to like her and then, around episode 4 or something, I started to go off her a little. She's winning me round a little after the Wheels episode though...


The Fattest Man In Britain


Brilliant show. Timothy Spall at his best. Also, Barry from Birmingham is in it too, he's gotten a lot bigger than last time I saw him (he don't live far from me, about ten minutes). Everyone should watch this!




Glee- Hairography


Brilliant yet again, I loved the Bootylicious and Imagine performance.




Glee- Mattress


Great episode yet again.




Glee- Sectionals


Sad that it's the last episode but happy it was brilliant, haha. Felt sorry for Will and Finn though.




Does anyone know when series two is gonna be showing?

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Q Who?


The first ever appearance of the Borg. Really good episode. I really hope at some point we get to see a rebooted Borg.


Maybe they'll come in search of Nero's ship.


I dont think we should, it would'nt really make sense for them to jump their arrival forward so many years for no reason and they are a Next Gen era badguy and should stay that way. Plus most of the people who watched the movie would have had no idea that Nero's ship was added to with Borg parts.

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Yeah, I know...but the Borg rock. :heh:


Them picking up on Nero's ship makes sense, although they'd rape whoever they came across so the Enterprise would have absolutely no chance. Hopefully they reboot TNG as a series instead of a film but I don't mind though as long as they do reboot it in the future.

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Yeah, I know...but the Borg rock. :heh:


Them picking up on Nero's ship makes sense, although they'd rape whoever they came across so the Enterprise would have absolutely no chance. Hopefully they reboot TNG as a series instead of a film but I don't mind though as long as they do reboot it in the future.


Stop it!!! Im only just getting over the reboot of TOS, leave my precious TNG alone!

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I was never really that big a fan of TOS. TNG was my Star Trek. I love what it was (bar it being filmed straight onto video so the picture quality is awful) but I want more!! :heh:


More Q!!


Well if you want more (as I do) then they should just carry on in the real Trek universe. I accepted the TOS reboot because im the same as you, TNG was more my trek. If they tried rebooting TNG then thats where id draw the line and refuse to watch it.

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I love the Q trial when he wants to kill himself, so good. *Massive Geek*. Actually that might be Voyager, come to think of it.


Was Q in Voyager?!


Well if you want more (as I do) then they should just carry on in the real Trek universe. I accepted the TOS reboot because im the same as you, TNG was more my trek. If they tried rebooting TNG then thats where id draw the line and refuse to watch it.


Tbh, I'm happy for a reboot because TNG is there. It's been done and it is and always will be great. I'd just love to see a new take on it. Patrick Stewart for the mother fucking WIN!! :D

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