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Worst/best day Of Your Life?


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Worst day: Christmas Day 2004


About a week earlier I developed the symptoms of mumps, and over the week I'd gone through the who swelled face thing. The worse thing about mumps is that not only does it hurt to eat (really bad), it also hurts to think about eating because it stimulates your swollen slavia glands. As you can guess, because I was hungry alot (eating=pain even over 3 types of painkiller)and I was surrounded by sugary goodness it hurt constantly. (I lost over a stone in a week)


Anyway, by christmas day the swelling was starting to go down and I was down to 2 types of painkiller, and I was looking forward to going to annual family gathering at my grans to have a huge christmas dinner. I wake up about 10am, knowing that my sister and family will already be downstairs having opened her presents REALLY early. I get downstairs, no one there. I look around the house and can't find anyone and the car is gone.


I found a note attached to the microwave informing me they'd left without me, fearing I might infect people there. while technically true, they might have informed me of this plan earlier. The note also said they've left me a microwaveable christmas dinner in the freezer.


So yea, I spent that christmas opening my presents with my dog and two cats. All of which were more interested in stealing some of my rubbery turkey from the microwavable dinner, while I sat in agony eating it. Knowing all the time my family were eating all this lovely food and having fun. T'was bollocks

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Not too sure about the best day. I can't really say which day is the best. If I chose the day I met this girl last year whom is now one of my best friends I'd have to think if it wasn't for another day before that I wouldn't have met her - so is that the best day?



Worst day must've been the day my wee brother was hit by a car earlier this year. Felt absolutely shit, just not knowing what was going to happen.

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I know i'm going to sound like a horribe person, but i was laughing hystericly when i read that.


haha. you are a horrible person indeed. But TBH, I'm emotionally damaged.

I don't feel the emotion of sadness anymore. I only feel feelings of joy. And IMO thats a good thing. Although the girls I'm with don't agree with that.

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Best day:


21 November 2005 - I went out with some friends to Pizza Express, to celebrate completing our Scripted part of our Drama GCSE. We had a laugh, the food was fantastic, and I found a fiver on the floor that night as well.


Worst day:


24 November 2005 - My dog died

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Best day: I don't know really. I've had a lot of great days, though if i had to pick a best day it would probably be yesterday (i'm being serious lol). I decided to make some money for charity by hosting a chirstmas talent show, and it was all going good when about 1 hour before the show (during rehearsals), my friend, who was performing, had a ladder dropped on his head. Obviously, he got concussed, and as he was the only bass player in the talent show, 1 act had to drop out. Then another act dropped out, and on top of that, the rehearsels were fucking AWFUL. Luckily, once we got going it went BRILLIANTLY and everyone loved it. £269 we made =]


Worst day: It's torn between:

-My ex dumping me (i was so in love with her).

-My ex getting a bf the day after she dumped me (i cried...a lot).

-When i realised i had chickenpox and my exams were right around the corner :(

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I cant remember many good days as i was mostly stoned out of my skull and it all melts into one long day where I cant pick out individual details. Yay for drugs!


The worst day was when I took too many E's and they were filled with Ketimin for some strange reason and I thought I was going to die. Wahay.

But now I dont do any drugs. Because I am cool.

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