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For those of you who like puzzles...


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Me and The3rdChildren started this last night, we managed to get up to level 15 which was driving us nuts. Then he went to bed.


I finally figured it out at 4:45am and went to bed, satisfied.


I continued again this afternoon and managed to get to level 19, so now i'm taking a break from it for a while.


Fun game, though.

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This is quite fun. I'm on level 3. It's rather troublesome. Any hints Meik, not the answer just a tip (not try google, idiot.)

EDIT: Oops its 4, its the one with the lamp and google bar.

EDIT: Done it, man, I made that harder than it should have been.

EDIT: I'm now on 6 which is most confusing, something to do with an alternative anagram to ascii??? I'll have another think tomorrow.

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This is quite fun. I'm on level 3. It's rather troublesome. Any hints Meik, not the answer just a tip (not try google, idiot.)


The first thing you need to do with most of these puzzles is look at the source html. There are usually vital clues in there. For this particular one, it gives you one pretty big clue.


Next, look carefully at the picture.


(Just got to level 20).

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Whoosh, this thing is hard. X3

I'm currently stuck on level 9. I think I have a bit of a clue where I should be looking, but I can't really find the solution there and stuff. ='3


Edit: yay, did it! Was actually quite simple. Was looking in the right place afterall. =D

Now level 11 has me stumped again, but I will figure it out... somehow.

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Guest Ray Falling

Hmmm, well theres some trouble here...on Firefox it wont play background music which is some cases is part of the clue and on Explorer the passwords dont work n_n


Plus I'm a freaking idiot but it's quite a brilliant game.

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