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Your Childhood


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Oof, my childhood? Such a long time ago y'see. What with me being so old compared to all the rest of you guys.




Erm, i do't really remember many old traditions.

My best remembered family holidays was me, mum, dad (the old days this) gran and grandad. In.. fuck, it's next to Skegness i've forgotten the name.

There was my dad digging a massive hole and putting me in it, and me riding one of those mini-ferris wheel thingies at an indoor arcade.

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Guest Stefkov

Not that old, but what we do as a family has all happened with me being this old and my brother being 20.

We used to go Butlins with another family. Not just Butlins, we went to trailer parks aswell or soemthing.

We went on holiday with them once aswell.

Holidays we went on like every 2 years. The last one, Turkey, I think was our last family holiday. It wasn't great aswell, we went to the German part of Turkey.:nono:

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I remember when I was younger I used to go round to my dads house. I was picked up on the Friday afternoon after school, then we would drive to his house (Approximately 1.5/2 hours away) and on the way we would stop at Burger King usually to get dinner. Or sometimes somewhere different. Then when we got there might pop to Alldays and he'd buy me some Cashew nuts or Pistachio nuts. Then Saturday we would do something, like go to Brighton/Brighton Pier, go out for a nice meal, or go to a museum or something interesting, then on the Sunday he would cook a nice roast lunch and after that around 3pm he would take me home. :)


I kinda miss that! :(

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I used to like the "old" holidays. Me, bro, my mum and dad would usually go to different places down on the south coast in a caravan and we always found really strange things to do. Now my brothers 20 and doesn't really want to go (Or his control freak girlfriend wouldn't want him to anyway). And it's boring just me on my own :( especially camping when there isn't much to do.


I will always remember all the primary school stuff i did, like christmas plays (Even though i hated them at the time) and everyone was excited that santa was coming.


Awww thats just reminded me how good primary school was, i want to go back. No worrying about exams or jobs or growing up in general.

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I will always remember all the primary school stuff i did, like christmas plays (Even though i hated them at the time) and everyone was excited that santa was coming.


You just reminded me the time I forgot one of only two lines in a Christmas play. I was in year six, and at the time I wasn't keen on performing to large groups so I never took a major role. I played a Roman soldier, so I had this awesome costume. Anyway time comes and my scene arrives, I walk on stage, one guy says his line, then I just forgot, I just stood there for what seemed like fucking ages as the guy next to me quietly reminded me how the line began. I quickly remembered and shouted it.


Was quite embarassing.

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The trips to Wales. We went to a village that was north of Aberystwyth named 'Borth' (Which I think is Welsh for 'North'.)

We used to stay in a caravan site that my uncle worked at. And every night we'd go out to a club or a pub or go see a relative who lived in the area. We would also go shopping in Aberystwyth, and play on the arcades on the pier.

Last time I went there was 3 years ago.

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oxigen_waste > you seem like someone who isnt a complete retard - evidently you can work a keyboard anyway - why the hell would you say something like that when you know full well it's going to offend, what is your problem man? :shakehead


for the record - cause i know i've gone on about this before - am i seriously the only one here who has a problem with jokes about rape and child molestation?!


grow the fuck up and show some respect and courtesy for others around you.


Nah you're not, but I think a lot of people who do get offended have already given up on speaking their mind.



Some of my most fun memories are the Sinterklaas ones. To wake up in the morning, go downstairs with my sisters and turning on the lights to find the living room filled with toys and candy. Or being a naughty child and getting up early to take a peak before everyone else, then going back to bed to wait to be woken up again.

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I know that's next to skeggy but that ain't the one..

Grr it's irritating me now.

I'd ask my mum but she'll probably dig the photos out.


Ingolmells? (sp?)


I used to go down to Cornwall and IOW with my family and my uncle's family. We never talk to them now though.


In school plays I always had a (if not the) lead role. I often played a girl :D It's funny because I'm actually quite shy but I always seem to be able to get up on stage and perform (although I haven't done it in a while). In year 9 me and a friend got up in front of the class and started acting like retards. (It was at that time that Strider wanted to be my friend). If I think about it it seems quite strange that I did stuff like that but I always do it easily. I supose once you get going all shyness goes out of the window.


As for Santa Claus my sister told me he wasn't real and showed me the hidden presents when I was three :( I can't even remember believeing in Santa, although I can remember my fantasies being thoughtlessly shattered. Bitch.


PS: sorry for all the brackets :D

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Living in the highlands brought a lot of snow every winter, which was awesome. It was good period in my life for snowmen and sledging. Everyone in the area owned mini metros and would just plough their way through six inches of the stuff, thus completely invalidating 4x4s long before somebody figured they were a great way to advertise the fact that you have both too much disposable income and a tiny penis.


for the record - cause i know i've gone on about this before - am i seriously the only one here who has a problem with jokes about rape and child molestation?!

Once you spend too much time then is healthy (like me) on the internet, a lot of the bull crap just becomes white noise, like your own inbuilt censor. It's the internet. Not a lot that happens on here matters. Ever. The "ignore" function on this particular site helps a lot. It is something which I wish could be applied in real life.

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Haha bluey you always know how to make a serious situation funnier yet still be serious about it.


I just block all of that out, it doesn't bother me much.


When I was a kid I used to go skiing every year. Been about 25-30 times O.o I love it, started when I was around 3 I think and have carried it on. I hope its going to carry on for the rest of my life. I doubt the sisters and the mother will join us soon since me and my dad just like to skiing hard and skiing fast. Its still fecking enjoyable though.


To anyone that hasn't skied before... DO IT! You won't regret it. (unless you're a retard and die from a silly accident O.o lol) =]

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This is off topic so this is going to be my only post on the matter. Personally I don't see anything wrong with rape jokes. People don't complain about jokes about murder, assualt etc. As long as they're used with tact then it's fine. But I wouldn't make a joke about anything if the other person had had a bad experience of it.


Anyway let's get back on topic now.

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But I wouldn't make a joke about anything if the other person had had a bad experience of it.


*points all around* internet... this is an open forum, not only can kids of any age read that idiocy, but anyone on here could have had some terrible experience along that vein - you just never know.

i'm not saying we should ALWAYS ovoid ALL topics that MIGHT make someone upset, (christ, i was selling a driving theory test PC game to a woman today and made a comment about how my mum always fears for her life whenever i take her out in the car - how was i to know her friends daughter had been killed in a car accident 2 weeks ago? *cringe*) but seriously - what is the point in a post like that? it's just asking for trouble. thats all i'm saying. i'm amazed, and frankly - disappointed that nothing seems to have been done about it.

but yes. how off topic can you get? i've said my piece.


i dont remember most of my childhood.

(another substantial contribution from bluey... :indeed: )

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I had a great childhood :)


My stepdad used to stick loads of a4 bits of paper together with cellotape, and draw villages for me, and I'd colour them in.


Also, I lived in the actual middle of nowhere, with like, 1 other house across a marshy field, so we had hens and dogs and cats and a vegetable garden and things :)


My school was called 'Happy Hänsell' too - and there was a sand pit of pink powdery stuff to play in.

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Mine was pretty shit, i got hurt alot physically and i had to help my parents out with their businesses.


There was however, alot of games and computers in my childhood. Things haven't changed there :)

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mmm I spent a lot of time with my grandma cause my parents were always working, everytime they came home I asked if they brought presents, I was a pervert from very early (seriously), I always felt like I was the guy that picked on, but looking back I rarely did. I was always drawing and playing videogames (shame I stopped drawing :S), during junior high me and my best friend would go to my place afterschool on wednesdays and spit on people from my window and I was very smart and a great student (keyword being was).

Pretty normal childhood thankfully.

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