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Here's the Euro list according to Gaf.



► inFamous 2

► MotorStorm Apocalypse

► LittleBigPlanet 2

► Darksiders

► Outland

► Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath

► Renegade Ops

► Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine

► Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown

► Chime Super Deluxe


If you haven't already, now is the perfect time to play Darksiders!

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Out of those I only have Darksiders. And I'm have way through a dungeon with no idea what on Earth I'm doing as I stopped playing for a while.


So I need to start again.




Those games are true.


However, they're also throwing out PS1 Classics and Minis (apart form any stand-out ones) from future PS+. Instead, they'll be replaced by full PS3 games. They're also focusing on getting a lot of Indie games which will be free for PS+ users the moment they go on the store.


Edit: It's three new PS3 games a month.



Good idea to change it up so now its just quality games all year round....really great for those titles you might have missed.


out of the list I've already played;


► inFamous 2

► Darksiders

► Outland

► Renegade Ops


Plus own these two;


► MotorStorm Apocalypse

► Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine


So actually I'm only getting...


► LittleBigPlanet 2

► Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath

► Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown

► Chime Super Deluxe


But still a good list.

What's Warhammer like?

It's pretty good. Very much about barrelling into packs of enemies and tearing them up rather than taking cover. Not something you'd want to play for extended periods, but a decent diversion for the price.


It very much rewards you getting amongst it rather than sitting back behind cover...in fact your only way to regen health is to kill. I've got it (1.98 from Game fire sales) but not played it my views are only from demo.


I've just added today's PS+ releases to my download list. They clock in at over 50GB.


I think I may need to get a bigger HDD at some point.

Unbelievable. I really need to replace my hard drive... (too scared).


It is really easy to get it changed, I did it a few years ago (on the phat PS3) and had no problems, although I was nervous!

I've just added today's PS+ releases to my download list. They clock in at over 50GB.


I think I may need to get a bigger HDD at some point.


Yeah I just added the ones I didn't own. Whilst having digital copies of disc games would be cool it's a case of weighing up the space and whether it's worth it. So I've only downloaded Strangers Wrath (which I love) LBP2 and Super Chime Deluxe. I have no interest in Virtua Fighter at all so probably won't download it.


It is really easy to get it changed, I did it a few years ago (on the phat PS3) and had no problems, although I was nervous!


I've told him a million times how easy it is he won't listen haha.


I've now only got 30gb left on a 320gb hard drive afterdownloading this months ps+ titles - Darksiders is 10gb!


Think some hard drive spring cleaning is in order. :angry:

I've now only got 30gb left on a 320gb hard drive afterdownloading this months ps+ titles - Darksiders is 10gb!


Think some hard drive spring cleaning is in order. :angry:


When I bought my 120 GB HD I thought I would never be able to use up everything. How wrong I was.


Downloading Infamous 2 and Oddworld to begin with.


Stranger's Wrath is amazing!!!! I missed it first time despite owning an xbox. I didn't know much about but knew a lot of work was going into it as Just Add Water the developers behind the HD remix were on the psnation podcast a fair old bit. Fantastic production values for a downloadable title. I've never played a game that so seamless brings together third and first person mechanics. This is due to the brilliant controls.

Downloaded 50gb in one night thanks to plus. My 500gb hdd is now only 120gb free.


Happy the games are all good games. Infamous 2 and LBP2 are hidden under freebies. Infamous 2 is the largest game there i think followed by Darksiders. Both are about 25gb combined.


If you have LBP2 disk version you need to import your save profile as LBP doesnt use normal save data due to space. Glad its on my hdd now :)


I also brought BF3 premium but i am still pissed at EA. Gotta get it on pc too. That £40 is definitely better with PS+ if i had to go either way but i am a huge bf fan. Feel ripped off though. The overall dlc better be worth it EA :p Close quarters is a bit disappointing, small cod style maps. Back to Karkand completely destroys these but i guess its to cover cod and moh slightly. Damage is mostly cosmetic and you cant break through walls and stuff. To be fair the Karkand maps are some of the best in any fps of all time. Was never going to be easy :p Armored fury looks good though.


Yeah LBP 2 is a perfect game to have on the HDD just pop in and out to try out a few levels here and there.


Because I now have the sequel, I decided to try and give InFamous another try.


I must have given up just before the point where the game "clicks" and starts to become fun, after getting used to things in a mission (which really confused me due to a glitches objective, so I had to restart), I finally got the hand of how the combat and everything works. It's strange, because I kind of just learnt everything quickly on my own, and understood the game better straight away when I did months ago. Really enjoying the combat now.


The infamous games are two of the best games this gen. I for one hope we don't see another one this gen so it doesn't become a tired series. Finished the first one in just 2 days when I was off work sick.

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