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Mega Man 10 is the hardest game I've ever played.


Seriously, avoid it if you're even a slightly average player. If you're below average now, and you're downloading it, just get a knife and put it through your gullet to save yourself 20 minutes of suicide-inducing frustration.

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I'm very nearing the end of Assassins Creed and all I can say is what a monotonous game! I mean don't get me wrong when you in full swing be it vaulting across roof tops, pulling off some awesome stealth kills or pulling off some sweet counter moves/defence breaks whilst surrounded by soldiers its great and a lot about it works. However the mission structure and lack of variety just make it feel like such a grind! Last night I did 2 blocks and it just felt like I had done the exact same level twice in a row.


Anyway like I said nearly done am at the last memory block (I think) I'm finding the plot in the present day fairly compelling and looking forward to seeing where it goes. I hope Assassins Creed 2 is worth it all like many people say it is.

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Felt the same I did not finish. Loved it at first though...


Eurogamer Expo Sunday Detailed Impressions:


Overall the show was well worth it. I could not try out all the games i wanted but still was happy. The environment was much better. I could walk without bumping into people etc. Typical small issues like every games event. Uncalibrated TVs and silly positioning of seats too close etc. Another big thing were some people pushing in through queues and taking overly long on short demos. Some people were also really bad gamers :p


3D: Very impressive. Sony had the only console games with stereoscopic 3D at the show. 1st party games were demoed. Nvidia had afew pc units tucked away somewhere too with Starcraft 2. I tested GT5, Killzone 3 and Motorstorm Apocalypse in seteroscopic 3d. Aside from dirty glasses, and overly close tv's which resulted in cross banding around the sides screen. It worked great. By the end of the day however the glasses are too dirty to even bother though.



Gran Turismo 5: In 3 setups: Old e3 demo with 3D, 2D and a 2D steering wheel version. Out of the 3d games GT5 had the most impressive 3D effect. Which was through 3D cockpit view. It also ran better in 3D than other normal games did at the show lol! Not sure how they pulled that off. Some real Wizards at Polyphony. 3D seemed incomplete however. They had not done much to the scenery or cars. Which explains why some people were mentioning it had no 'proper' 3d at the show. Cockpit view in 3D was fully 3D at the show however, it was amazing. I also like the the pop in/depth effects used in GT5, it felt like the cockpit was right there. As opposed to only more pop out effects (Motorstorm).


The game looks amazing in person and minus the several odd gltches(track dissapearing) was very polished and fun to play. Damage was realtime but also dynamic which is rare. You could probably get some wonky shapes and damage like afew images on the internet(small cost for dynamic damage compared to precanned which currently nearly all games use) but they all looked amazingly impressive at the show. The Rally track had a really nice realtime day to night effect. The city tracks looked gorgeous. Easily the graphical and technical powerhouse at the show. It was also nice seeing a good racing game at the show that focused on actual 'racing'.


The steering setup was excellent. But very punishing in sim mode. I was humbled and played in standard mostly afterwards. Was alot of fun. The wheel will lock alot unlike controllers. This takes getting used to. standard controls were very easy. That new Ferrari Italia looks nice but is terrible to drive :p The Mercedes SLR AMG was very nice out of the demoed cars though. Nice to see Lamborghini etc. Shame it seemed like we only got the e3 demo. The menu is really nice. Its basically one of the japanese areas from prologue with bloosom petals flying around? Cant wait for the final game. GT blew me away and I am prepared again!


SOCOM (Move): One of the most impressive games at the show. Didnt have much presence but the Move demo was one of the best things at the show. The actual level was a decent shoot and kill tutorial level with Uncharted style controls. Move worked amazingly well. Easily the best shooting game for a motion controller. The game seems to stablise the pointer. It never felt too fast or slow. I was easily able to pick headshots instantly.


I actually had an easier time using SOCOM with Move compared to any standard controller shooter at the show amazingly. They should just patch this version into MAG. The moving reticule makes sense for Socom compared to most games. The engine is clearly the same engine MAG uses. So no problem with varied level design and scale. Shooting mechanics solid etc. Cant wait. Lacks some graphical oomph that games like Killzone have on the other hand.


KILLZONE 3: Only in 3D and single player at the show. Three demo stages. Looked insane. 3D ran in sligthly lower resolution and lower detail than the 2D but it looked really great anyhow. 3D has a big effect on the effects and on screen gun. Adds to the atmosphere with snow and explosions around you. The game controlled well. Easier to get into than KZ2 but still retains the 'feel' tm. Cant say much else but demo was fun. If you liked Killzone 2 then this is looking better as a single player game.


No multiplayer sadly. No 2D either. All passers by could see was a blurry game without 3d glasses. Insane looking game though. People were more impressed with me playing using cover and different weapons, compared to alot of other people who played it amusingly. I was also one of the rare people to use the melee properly doing knife stabs and kicks etc :p Was fun watching all those animations in 3D :) Snow effects were nice too. I was filmed i think so I might get famous for my gaming prowess.


Crysis 2: On PC and 360. 360 also had a multiplayer demo. I played both. The single player demo on PC looked great. However its not running to the same standard as High or very high like Crysis 1. It looked worse than Crysis on Medium in many ways and other ways better. Textures were notably lower res compared to Crysis 1. Less polygons in the environments etc. The new killzone 2 style lighting effects were nice but overdone. Makes Killzone look subtle. Simple things like explosions and shooting dont light as well. But its still nice looking no matter what. A step behind Crysis though. At least this will run on some computers. Gameplay was dull. The enemies were your bullet sponge type jobs. The rest, scripted sequences. Openness seemed liked the Killzone 2 type as in you have several options.


The 360 single player demo looked great IMO but ran badly. MS stupidly chose to use shitty old small Samsung vaseline look tvs for Crysis. It was running at 0-20 fps throughout but is easily one of the best looking multiplatform games to date. The multiplayer 360 demo on the other hand ran smoothly and looked fantastic. Again its way beyond other multiplatform shooters. The best looking 360 and mutliplatform game at the show. Better than Gears 3 or Fable 3 which are both exclusive. Really impressive! Again I did not care for the gameplay. Its a COD esque multiplayer by the makers of HAZE. You had things like holograms and sliding on the floor added to the mix. I liked that you could go over walls with your hands though. Summary: Amazing engine, terrible gameplay. PS3 version probably doomed given its not been shown.


Infamous 2: Graphically its improved alot. When you see it in person it has a crispness only afew games manage. Perhaps the best looking open world game to date? Its much more variation than Assasin's Creed graphically with better textures and modeling. It looked almost as good as Gears 3 at the show but with much more variety, damage to scenery, lots on screen etc. Did not get to play. I kept queued up and left, wasted a total of 30 minutes on this. Lack of queuing discipline by some people...


NFS:HP : Was on 360 in single and multiplayer. Single player didnt seem that great at all. Online seemed fun you have two teams cops and the people trying to escape. Graphics were nice but it lacked AA so some really nice bits like rocky scenery could have looked even nicer! Its 30 fps unlike Burnout which was 60fps. Do not go in expecting Burnout. Its a NFS Hot Pursuit thats for sure. You get 4 abilites like boost, emp, spikes to use when you like. Handling is really really easy. The whole game takes place on highways form the looks of it. Shortcuts are nice and long. Would have preffered to play on a Bravia.


Motorstorm Apcoalypse: Single player demo only(notice the theme with Sony). Was in 3D. Fun 3D effects, looked like it was ready. Ran in lower resolution sadly. Much more intense than Split Second. Abit crazy in fact. By the last lap all helll breaks loose. The player in the lead has to put up with the most sudden changes. You have earthquakes, explosions, tracks changing stuff etc. Same issue as NFSHP, Split Second etc. It felt too much like non racing aspects took over at times. Stuff gets thrown at you randomly like Split Second but more extreme.


LittleBigPlanet 2: Same as beta.


Castlevania: Missed it. :( Looked like they were showcasing a full game maybe? Nice artitic style.


Assasin's Creed Brotherhood: same as beta. Not my type of game anyway. I loved the start of AC2 but not the middle parts whatsoever.


Medal Of Honor: Multiplayer only. Was popular. Got good word of mouth but not my type of game. Seemed same as beta.


Kinect: Some told me some games and a booth was removed after bad word of mouth supposedly. The games looked overly basic. Simpler than most cheap downloadable games. According to a friend who played it, it works but just about. He went in excited about Kinect. Came out confused. Happens.


Zelda: Most obnoxious thing at the show. Nintendo were idiots. They hid the game (a single machine) behind black curtains mentioning that the game would be pulled if people took pictures etc. People did just that. The Nintendo booth already was smaller than the Just Dance booth and one of the most deserted at the show. It looked pathetic. The worst bit. It seemed like people were playing the game for 30 minutes at a time making the queue times ridiculous. I was wondering why no one queued up at the game. Well because the line never budged. I left after speaking to some of the people who said they were there for hours. The queue only had about 10 people in it at that point...


Donkey Kong: Played well. Not much to say though. I'll get it when its cheap.


Kirby: Nice surprise. Great game. Best Nintendo game at the show for me. A different kind of platformer. Seemed very easy but clever. Wish it was HD. Unlike Sony, Nintendo insisted on everyone using the safety band for Wii motes(with gloves may I add). Even though Kirby used the classic sideway controller method...


Other thoughts:


  • Sony had alot more PS3 only games at the show than 360 and Wii only combined and then some. 360 only had Fable 3 and Gears 3... Nintendo didnt give a damn either.
  • Sony demoed nothing multiplayer at all. Everything single player... MS and multiplatform games were very multiplayer focused.
  • Alot of multiplatform games this year were demoed on PS3.
  • Move did well at the show despite being already out. It had more traffic than Wii or Kinect amusingly... Sports Champions did best I think, probably because it demonstrates alot.
  • Shooters were common at the show. More than half the show were shooting games.
  • Heard Goldeneye Wii was pulled because it was really bad?
  • Some issues with queuing this year, less supervision = some crazy people.
  • 18+ area only had shooting games, no other genres.
  • PSP was not there at all. DS only had two games i think. Dead platforms.
  • It was nice chilling to games like GT5 or Kirby at the end of the show. No killing or violence :p

Edited by Choze
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Interesting thought there, particularly the 3D stuff. I've been considering getting a 3D monitor when I come to buy one in the next couple of months and I think I'm being swayed as I read more and more opinions. Along with 3DS it actually seems like it's going to be quite good from a gaming point of view.

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I only got to try Killzone 3 in 3D — meant to check out MotorStorm but there was always a queue so I cleaned up elsewhere — but I found it to be noticeably artificial. Perhaps it's something that you acclimatise to, but I felt the same whilst watching Avatar: the 3D effect didn't immerse me because it was noticeable, I was constantly aware of the fact I was viewing a stereoscopic image rather than the technology making things feel more natural.


Incidentally Bulletstorm was a lot of fun. Assuming the PS3 version isn't a mess people would do well to keep an eye out for it next February.


Oh, and I totally agree with Choze in regards to the badly calibrated TVs. A lot of them seemed to have image interpolation features turned out to make the framerate look better, and I'm not sure if it's due to that or dodgy settings elsewhere but several games looked far more aliased than they do on my no-frills 1080p monitor. And whoever decided not to provide headphones for the Dead Space 2 display really shot their foot off with a plasma cutter.

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Anything that compromises the actual visuals/smooth running of a game is a bit of a downer for me.


True. One constant downside to 3D games. Motorstorm suffered the most as it ran quite abit lower than HD. GT5's 3D on the other hand was still better than most normal games. It looked to be 720p at 60fps. Not 100% though.


I loved GT5's cockpit view the most because it looked like you were looking into a cockpit. Lots of subtle depth rather than in your face pop out effects. I liked it alot.

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I started playing Uncharted 2 last night.


It's awesome!


It's just so well refined and feels so solid.


REALLY looking forward to completing it.


Wont take you long trust me. If though i was so unwell at the time, had to get out of bed to finish this. Well worth it.

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I started playing Uncharted 2 last night.


It's awesome!


It's just so well refined and feels so solid.


REALLY looking forward to completing it.

Just quoting for the fourth time. For the lols.


But yeah, make sure to contact me and Michael Jamieson, for some illegal activity. It involves rape. Hard. Hard rape.

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*Sniff*. It's just that... Ohh! Mmm.

It's just that there's been so much tension recently and I finally feel the air has been cleared and all there is now is relief. *Sniffle* Ohh... Huhh-uhhh-huhh..

I just feel like I need to thank everyone for helping me through this. Is everyone fine with that? BECAUSE I AM and I really need to know that everyone else is TOO !

Guys? *weep*

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