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I think I'm starting to miss my 360:(


I've only had my PS3 for a month but there's something just nagging at me that I've made a mistake. I could sell my PS3 and buy a new 360 but I'm not sure if anyone would buy it and if I bought a new 360 and it red-ringed on me I'd be devastated. I really don't know what to do!!!

Guest Stefkov

Finished Ratchet and Clank.

Best game I've played.

Is the 60GB sold in stores anymore? I have searched a couple of local internet stores but no one seems to have it.


The GAME near me has a couple of second hand 60GB's in.


I think I'm starting to miss my 360:(


I've only had my PS3 for a month but there's something just nagging at me that I've made a mistake. I could sell my PS3 and buy a new 360 but I'm not sure if anyone would buy it and if I bought a new 360 and it red-ringed on me I'd be devastated. I really don't know what to do!!!


What do you want us to do about it?


Well it turns out I no longer have nough money to buy a PS3 game =( Oh well. In the meantime, I am finally progressing on Motorstorm! Think things have finally started to click with that game :)


I am thinking about picking up a PSP (basically for 3 games: the new Castlevania, plus Mega Man Powered Up and Ultimate Ghosts 'N Goblins... :p), and I have a couple of questions:


-does anyone know a good "protector"/cover, or whatever it's called (one of those plastic covers that fits the console and protects both the screen and console, only leaving the buttons uncovered; I don't mean the thin protectors like those for the DS screens, I mean an actual plastic cover)


-can I download content for PSP games from other territories? I know the games are region-free, but if I pick up, for example, a US game, will I be able to download the bonus content available from either the US or European store? And how does the console actually connect to the internet?

I am thinking about picking up a PSP (basically for 3 games: the new Castlevania, plus Mega Man Powered Up and Ultimate Ghosts 'N Goblins... :p), and I have a couple of questions:


-does anyone know a good "protector"/cover, or whatever it's called (one of those plastic covers that fits the console and protects both the screen and console, only leaving the buttons uncovered; I don't mean the thin protectors like those for the DS screens, I mean an actual plastic cover)


-can I download content for PSP games from other territories? I know the games are region-free, but if I pick up, for example, a US game, will I be able to download the bonus content available from either the US or European store? And how does the console actually connect to the internet?


Buy Disgaea. Thats not a recommendation, its an instruction.

I am thinking about picking up a PSP (basically for 3 games: the new Castlevania, plus Mega Man Powered Up and Ultimate Ghosts 'N Goblins... :p), and I have a couple of questions:


-does anyone know a good "protector"/cover, or whatever it's called (one of those plastic covers that fits the console and protects both the screen and console, only leaving the buttons uncovered; I don't mean the thin protectors like those for the DS screens, I mean an actual plastic cover)


-can I download content for PSP games from other territories? I know the games are region-free, but if I pick up, for example, a US game, will I be able to download the bonus content available from either the US or European store? And how does the console actually connect to the internet?


I can tell you that the PSP links to the internet through a wireless conection in a similar way to the Wii and DS. It connects to the PStore through a USB. I'm not sure about the other questions though.


Oh and buy Locoroco :D


Why do people buy covers for stuff? I mean, if it's to keep it looking nice, it wont matter because it'll be in a cover. Surely you could use it until it looks like shit, and then cover it up?

Buy Disgaea. Thats not a recommendation, its an instruction.


Just after finishing FFT:WOTL, great game, and am looking for something else now to satisfy my SRPG needs, is Disgaea good yeah?


Was thinking either that or Jeanne De' Arc, can't make up my mind as I have heard only great things about both games.......

Just after finishing FFT:WOTL, great game, and am looking for something else now to satisfy my SRPG needs, is Disgaea good yeah?


Was thinking either that or Jeanne De' Arc, can't make up my mind as I have heard only great things about both games.......


Disgaea is absolutely amazing. I honestly can't recommend it enough. I bought my PSP with about 6 games, and none of them have had more than 10 minutes look in before I went back to the deep, amazing, funny, amazing game that is Disgaea. There is just a ridiculous amount to do, its funny, the gameplay is amazing, and when you find out one new thing, you read Wikipedia and find out something else.


I totally cannot recommend it enough. Im sure Domstercool will agree, and anyone else whos played it.

Indeed I can HIGHLY recommend the game, it's one of the best strategy RPGs ever made!


My review if you are interested in reading.


Great review, will probably buy this as I need a game for my trip to New York next week, thanks for the advice!


I'm investing in some form of playstation console at the weekend.

PSP or PS2, i feelt here's a LOT of good games i missed out by becoming a Nintendo fanboy, hating Sony and selling the PS2 off.


So, PSP or PS2? I'm probably gonna go PS2, i have one at dad's, byut i'm only there 4 days every 2 weeks.


Also, list of the great PS2 games please? i'll probably have it modded so i can get some import games too.


DMC series

Onimusha series

Ratchet and Clank series

Jack and Daxter

Kingdom Hearts 1&2

Final Fantasy series

Metal Gear Solid 2&3


Tekken series

Shadow of Collosus

Tales of Abyss ( US import )

Rogue Galaxy



and thats just the ones I can think of now.

Why don't you save up a bit more and just get a PS3?


Because he can get superior consoles for a lot less. Unless you manage to find a second hand 60GB model somewhere.


Ash; a PS2 is definitely the way to go.


HoT forgot these great series as well:

Silent Hill series (2 is the greatest mind-fuck ever)

God of War 1 and 2

We Love Katamari (if you can find it)


I'm sure there's loads more I've missed too.


Why? It's at least five times more expensive and has a lot smaller library.


AshMat: If you want US/JAP exclusives I recommend Tales of the Abyss and Radiata Stories.


Calza you won't have read this, i'm not actually allowed to buy a PS3 until after my exams, and i really wanna play some of the PS2 games i missed out on.

If you are getting a PS2, then a modded one if the best way to go. You really do need all those awesome USA RPGs and full 60hz


*Notices blue name*


Hmmm. Upgrades.


+1 inter-wang-point for quote namer.

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