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Just ordered my PS3 & free HDMI cable from Amazon. With FIrst Class Delivery I got it all for £282 which I thought was an excellent deal! Come the weekend I'll be a fully fledged member of the PSWii club.


Completed Ratchet and Clank earlier, what a great game it was. Not up to Mario Galaxy standards but probably second best game of the year, so glad I picked up a PS3 even if I don't get another game for it for a while!


The MH series are marmite games, either you love them to bits or you just plain hate them. Personally, I cant get enough of them and its just a shame they dont do that well over in the western world especially when compared to how well it sells in Japan.


When the 1st MH game arrived on the PSP in Japan I had to import it straight away. It was tough playing it in Japanese but having played the PS2 game I got the jist of it.

Guest Jordan

Well, I finished Uncharted last night.


Not the best of endings, but over all it was a fairly "good" game. Not great, i'd give it like... an 8 or something.


I bought 3 games on the PSN for £10.47: Loco Roco (which is fantastic... if short), Super Stardust HD (which is solid) and Super Rub'a'Dub (bought this after playing the trial quite abit.)


Next games wanted: Every day shooter, Warhawk at some point.


I have Ratchet coming in the next few days also.


I actually loved Uncharted. I fell in love with everything about it. It was one of the most solid action games of the year. Hell it's certainly a 9.0 game for me. I had more fun with Uncharted than what I did in Gears single player. Just a shame it was short, well a sequel will no doubt be coming, Hurrah for more Drake loving! :>


What's your score on Stardust? You like the ducks eh? :D

Guest Jordan

I'm just so used to super solid third person shooters. The lack of ammo really annoyed me and the fact that the platforming was amazing just over shadowed the 'good' shooting mechanics.


Stardust, i'm at like... 800K? Or so? I got to phase 4 on the first planet last night without dying... then died 3 times within a minute.


Rub'a'Dub is quite fun actually, a little easy and the controls a somewhat cumbersome, but fun non the less.


Not bad. I manage to get 1 mil 800k and now I can't do it again, highest after that is 900ishk. I think I manage to get some sort of huge multiplayer and just rank up the points. I also can't see to get past the first planet, lol. God darn it!


Yeah rub a dub was quite slaughtered in reviews. I think ign gave it 3.x ish. It's nowt special but it's a fun and cheap little game. certainly not that bad anyway.

Guest Jordan

I hope that Stardust Co-op addon comes out fairly soon...


Well "multiplayer"... it better be co-op.


So whats the next big exclusive PS3 game? Haze in Feb?


Stardust is already co-op. I'm sure I read it in a review that it was, it's only local co-op mind though. Not sure what the add ons will be.


Yeah I think Haze is the next exclusive PS3 game and if you like big demos, GT5 Prologue is sometime around the same period as well.


Do many people play online on there PS3's? Iv been renting a few games since i got my PS3 and sometimes its tough to find matches in things like CoD 4 >.>


The only games i own atm are uncharted, and Singstar. I bought a Bluetooth headset though and think on payday i will Download Warhawk :)


Yeah i have really enjoyed CoD4, im not great with FPS, there not really my type of game, the only FPS i have been online with before was..... PDZ on the 360. Regardless of what anyone thought i really enjoyed that game online, i never played the single player though o.O My and my GF used to go online play against my bro and his GF and have a good laugh.


Would you say that CoD 4 is worth buying just for the online play?

Would you say that CoD 4 is worth buying just for the online play?

If you're into that sort of thing, definitely. I don't know where you live, but at least in the UK you can find the game for under £30, too.


Speaking of online multi-player, anyone that owns a PS3 and has at least a passing interest in Battlefield-esque games owes it to themselves to buy Warhawk.

Sooo tempted to get that now :) My headset comes today/tommorrow so i might just get it before i get paid at the end of the month. Is it good fun?

Warhawk? I really enjoy it, and I was quite surprised as it wasn't really doing anything for me prior to its release — I bought the download version on an, "It's only £20," whim.


It's very arcadey, but when you're in the thick of it I've never felt like I'm playing a war game so much. Climbing a sniper tower with anti-aircraft fire booming overhead, Warhawks screaming across the skies, and fiery debris raining from the down gets me every time. There's also an expansion pack out now that adds a dropship, and the sound of that thing rolling across the skies is amazing.


In fact here's the trailer for the expansion pack. If that at all interests you then I suggest you get your wallet out.


Woot, PS3 just arrived! Currently setting it up now (Love that little click sound when turning it one from stand by).


Will post my Network ID when its all set up, and add everyone from here!


It seems the editors of Famitsu may have hired a new staff writer: in the latest issue, the magazine has enlisted the help of Assassin’s Creed producer Jade Raymond in interviewing famed Japanese developer Hideo Kojima.


In the piece, translated by Develop, Raymond spoke of the differences in culture and play style between different game markets, and asked Kojima how he creates games that are anticipated in both his native Japan and the West.


“The fundamentals of game design, and how the game controls, come from listening to my instinct, so those aspects get made first,” replied Kojima.


“The rest we adjust depending on the region. For example, the new system where you can read books to restore your spirit is in all versions of the game, but things like the speed of the recovery are changed depending on region.”


Raymond then asked how he feels about violence in games, given the current issues surrounding games and the Japanese market.


“I don’t think there are many games that tackle violence head on,” he said


“When you hit someone or inflict pain, faces get disfigured for example, and I want to make games that show that sort of thing.”


“If you don’t see the pain, you can’t understand what you’ve done, and you’ll pass through battles without taking responsibility for your actions. I don’t want to ignore that. I want players to think, even if it’s just a little, about what violence and war are.”


Finally, talk turned to the recently released Assassin’s Creed, which Raymond admits takes much inspiration from Metal Gear Solid.


Kojima heaped the Ubisoft Montreal development team with similar praise, saying: “I’ve got to choose my words carefully so that I’m not misunderstood, but I think there are fewer developers around today who think about making a good game. As a creator, I find that sad, but when I see teams like the Assassin’s Creed team it gives me confidence. I want Assassin’s Creed to sell well.”

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