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Yeah I've never had a problem with Shopto.



Shit... now that the 360 Elite is dropping in price to £199.99 (£189.99 on Shopto), I'm back to the same old... wtf do I do!!!


Really it comes down to...


360 - better controller, better online community, alan wake, splinter cell...


PS3 - blu-ray, free online, the last guardian, modnation racers, uncharted 2...


I think the 360 may just about wins on games IMO (argh does it?... I dunno), but then I'd quite like blu-ray for a few films...


This is literally impossible!!


Just get a fucking PS3. :heh:


Off the top of my head,


Uncharted 2




Heavy Rain

GoW 3

Demon's Soul

ModNation Racer


All in the next 6 months.


Anyways, enough of my bias. *glares at his 360*


Sony to distribute Dirt 2


Codemasters hands over sales duties for PS3 and PSP versions of latest Colin McRae title


In a surprise move, UK publisher Codemasters had confirmed that Sony is to take over sales and distribution duties for the upcoming Colin McRae: Dirt 2 on both PS3 and PSP.

The deal echoes Sony’s swoop to capture the PlayStation publishing rights to Atari’s Ghostbusters earlier this year – though unlike that deal, Dirt 2 will not be a timed PlayStation exclusive and will still be released on Xbox 360, Wii and DS alongside PS3 and PSP on September 11th.


“To have Colin McRae: Dirt 2 represented by the platform holder during the new PS3 system’s launch window is testimony to the strength of the game and its commercial relevance,” Codemasters’ senior VP of publishing for EPAC Axel Herr stated.


“The Colin McRae series has enjoyed a great affinity with the PlayStation brand in PAL territories for over 10 years and we’re proud to have the support and ambition of SCEE behind it during this key time for both the PS3 and PSP.”


The agreement covers all PAL territories except Spain (Warner Bros), Australia and New Zealand (Namco Bandai).


I wonder why.


I'll post my PS3 games thing again for you Retro:


Exclusives (at least timed):


Uncharted: Drakes Fortune - see sequel video below

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - stunning animations and multiplayer added.


Metal Gear Solid 4 - amazing game, hard to find decent gameplay videos, but just buy it.


Resistance 2 - it's a solid shooter but It's my favourite for online pr0ness. Vid gives an idea of game.


Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction - a colourful game for you. Great franchise. Also has sequel coming soon. (Crack in Time)


Little Big Planet - another colourful game. Some levels are astounding.


Motorstorm: Pacific Rift - a great racing game, brilliant art style as well.


Killzone 2 - decent campaign but online is very fun and deep.


Wipeout HD - amazing racing game, possibly my favourite of all time. Game only 1/3 of the price of a retail game yet has so much content, it's amazing value, only on PSN.


Gran Turismo 5 - graphical showcase, even if it isnt your cup of tea. Must buy for me.


God of War 3 - another masterpiece in terms of graphics. Looking forward to it.


Infamous - so far it hasnt met my expectations but it is still good at worst.


The Last Guardian - Highly anticipated because the developer has been known for it's incredible games. This looks great just from the trailer.


The Agent - A rockstar exclusive, same team as GTA. Set in 70s, about stealth, sounds interesting.


Heavy Rain - looks brilliant. More of a movie than a game but it looks really interesting and almost like a thriller film that you have control over.


MAG - 256 players online....


Modnation Racers - Similar in vein to LBP, but racing. No videos that cut to the chase for this though. Anyway:


Flower - Second PSN game I will post, it's a quirky and vibrant game that uses sixaxis effectively.


Super Stardust HD - a great dual-stick shooter on PSN.


Fat Princess - another promising PSN game, huge multiplayer game by the looks of things.


Shatter - another promising PSN title. Who said brick games were a thing of the past?

Embed doesn't seem to work, here's link:




Cba to get videos for these but I'll list the biggies:

Fallout 3


Bioshock 1 / 2

Call of Duty 4

Modern Warfare 2

Assasins Creed 1 / 2

Resident Evil 5

Red Dead Revolver

Fifa (10)


+ stuff I've missed




And not forgetting 3D Dot Game Heroes, which looks awesome.

Yeah I've never had a problem with Shopto.



Shit... now that the 360 Elite is dropping in price to £199.99 (£189.99 on Shopto), I'm back to the same old... wtf do I do!!!


Really it comes down to...


360 - better controller, better online community, alan wake, splinter cell...


PS3 - blu-ray, free online, the last guardian, modnation racers, uncharted 2...


I think the 360 may just about wins on games IMO (argh does it?... I dunno), but then I'd quite like blu-ray for a few films...


This is literally impossible!!


I think you should get a PS3 because it is better and you can watch blu ray movies and do you like Metal Gear Solid?


I think its reasonable he may be contemplative about why exactly Codemasters have asked Sony to release it without being sarcastic in intent :heh:

Yeah I've never had a problem with Shopto.



Shit... now that the 360 Elite is dropping in price to £199.99 (£189.99 on Shopto), I'm back to the same old... wtf do I do!!!


Really it comes down to...


360 - better controller, better online community, alan wake, splinter cell...


PS3 - blu-ray, free online, the last guardian, modnation racers, uncharted 2...


I think the 360 may just about wins on games IMO (argh does it?... I dunno), but then I'd quite like blu-ray for a few films...


This is literally impossible!!


Dude, get a 360, then we wont have to wait until the few England games to play co-op! (Yes I know I have a PS3 as well, but if the games multi format I'll pretty much always buy it for 360)!

Yeah I've never had a problem with Shopto.



Shit... now that the 360 Elite is dropping in price to £199.99 (£189.99 on Shopto), I'm back to the same old... wtf do I do!!!


Really it comes down to...


360 - better controller, better online community, alan wake, splinter cell...


PS3 - blu-ray, free online, the last guardian, modnation racers, uncharted 2...


I think the 360 may just about wins on games IMO (argh does it?... I dunno), but then I'd quite like blu-ray for a few films...


This is literally impossible!!


You are posting in the PS3 topic. I think your heart has already made up your mind for you.


And good list there dwarf. Think I pretty much own most of those.

Just get a fucking PS3. :heh:


Off the top of my head,


Uncharted 2




Heavy Rain

GoW 3

Demon's Soul

ModNation Racer


All in the next 6 months.

There are plenty to counter that but this isn't the thread and there's no point starting an argument. I don't care anyway. I have both aswell.

To the person who is asking; with the prices that low can't you just get both? Surely you should be able to get good deals where you get the console and a few games for the same price as getting the console itself. That way you can get playing on them both straight away.


Plenty to counter that? In the next 6 months?


Apart from Halo: STD, which I'm definitely going to pick up, and Forza (which I hate because PGR is much better damnyoumicrosoftforsellingBizarre :heh: ) I can't see much else.


This is a genuine question, if there something good for the 360 I don't want to miss out on it.


Me niether.


I too have both consoles, and while I love my Xbox, the PS3 is the machine to have now. I will be picking up ODST (STD lol!) but as far as I can tell, thats it.


Having said that, imo the Xbox has been on fire with the Downloadable titles. Trails HD and Shadow Complex are truly awesome games, and with Perfect Dark and Serious Sam on the way, I think the eggbox has it tied up for the Downloadable games.


Still, the PS3 has by far the better retail games coming in the next six months.

There are plenty to counter that but this isn't the thread and there's no point starting an argument. I don't care anyway. I have both aswell.

To the person who is asking; with the prices that low can't you just get both? Surely you should be able to get good deals where you get the console and a few games for the same price as getting the console itself. That way you can get playing on them both straight away.


Are they really that low? For people with bills to pay etc...its still a massive investment...


Yeah come on, the Elite is now £200 and the Slim £250 (other bargain prices are available), but £450 would be an aweful lot of money to just shell out + Live GOLD + HDMI cable + extra controllers etc...


The reason it's such a difficult decision is because the two console are pretty evenly matched and it almost seems a bit stupid to get both, just for those couple of exclusives that each platform has... because once those couple of games have passed you're just left with effectively the same system playing multiplatform games until the next couple of exclusives roll around in 6months-1years time.


There's also the unknown of PS3 wand and 360 Natal, but they're a pretty long way off atm.

Yeah come on, the Elite is now £200 and the Slim £250 (other bargain prices are available), but £450 would be an aweful lot of money to just shell out + Live GOLD + HDMI cable + extra controllers etc...


The reason it's such a difficult decision is because the two console are pretty evenly matched and it almost seems a bit stupid to get both, just for those couple of exclusives that each platform has... because once those couple of games have passed you're just left with effectively the same system playing multiplatform games until the next couple of exclusives roll around in 6months-1years time.


There's also the unknown of PS3 wand and 360 Natal, but they're a pretty long way off atm.


See you seem to feel just the same way I did before making my decision. It did come down to those few exclusives for MGS4, Uncharted, LBP has a bigger pull than the likes of Halo 3 and Fable 2. Left 4 Dead was a big deciding factor and at the time it was still being listed at a lot of places as coming to PS3. So I was slightly annoyed at that. But every other next gen game I wanted at the time were HD multiformat, Orange Box and Burnout Paradise mainly. I also have to admit the hardware itself had a big bearing on my decision, PS3 is wireless out of the box and I saw it as an opportunity to get invested in the Bluray market so I had a player if it became the prominent format of choice. Still debatable whether it will be/has become. Remember it did take ages for people to finally let go of DVDs. I still buy all my films on DVD tbh only own 4 blurays and 2 of them came free with my PS3. One came half price with my remote and the other is shoot em up which was cheaper on bluray than dvd.


Sony's firmware is getting closer and closer to the 360's and I know people say well achievements are better than trophies and the community is better. Pah I don't think it is. I know Home is much derided but there are people out there who talk to you etc...and I have made a couple of friends on there who I have gone on to play other games with.


So's Fuel. 100% poor man's motorstorm. It's almost not worth bothering with that bundle, aren't shopto still offering the £230 thing, even if they are out of stock?


Just a quick update for people.


Game are doing a deal if you trade in your 80GB PS3 you get a Slim for £125.


Blockbuster are doing a deal which is if you trade your 80GB in you get a Slim plus Batman: Arkham Asylum and a months free rentals for £100.

Just a quick update for people.


Game are doing a deal if you trade in your 80GB PS3 you get a Slim for £125.


Blockbuster are doing a deal which is if you trade your 80GB in you get a Slim plus Batman: Arkham Asylum and a months free rentals for £100.


What do I do with content that is locked to my machine? (SingStar DLC)

My slim is on the way! :yay: Its strange, this is the 3rd PS3 i've had yet im stupidly excited about getting the slim, its like a new console has launched. :D


It's an exciting time to own Sony consoles that why!


Seen a ton of the new adverts this morning, they are sooooo much better than the previous ones and definitly are pitched perfectly at the more mass market they need to start penetrating to get the higher sales.

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