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The World Ends With You - Squeenix Fashion-Dance-JRPG!


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The story is one of the interesting factors in the game, because it is relatable to real life (yes ok, the reapers and the game and stuff maybe not but the emotional underlines have specific bearings that are relatable). In fact, I'm trying to think of something that isn't a plus in the game other than perhaps the learning curve but even that is gradual.


I bought this for the second time a few weeks ago and apart from getting through the first day and starting the second, I haven't touched it. I feel very ashame but I think it's something I'd rather play on through the summer, providing I don't go and buy something like Pokemon Platinum. I've been overloaded with RPGs recently so a break is nice, although I am playing through a rather large one on the GC at the moment. I definitely intend to finish it properly this time as I didn't give it the time it deserved the first time round. So once I have everything out of the way, this'll take my full attention.

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  • 5 months later...

* bump! *


Finally bought TWEWY last week... for a tenner. :santa:


My impressions so far (after less than eight hours play and finishing up with Shiki about ten mins ago) are pretty much the same as everyone else's- loving the style, baffled by the battle mechanics, thought it was starting to click and have since found that I'm back to getting E ranks again. :grin:


There's a lot thrown at you in Shibuya and its not been easy to take it all in. Eating (and digesting!) food to increase stats, the trends with clothes and pins, befriending store owners... so much depth, its difficult to know what to focus on. Basically I've been following the mission/ day structure with some shopping and eating added in. My main efforts have gone into getting to grips with battling and levelling up the pins- strangely enough, battling seems fun despite being confusing and chaining encounters together for a gauntlet of loot accumulation has been really effective for me. So far, its been one of those RPGs where it feels good to battle and grow my characters. The most annoying baddies have been the flying ones and the porcupines, grr.


I was getting into a groove using the telekinesis badges to throw cars and stuff around but when I came to the big boss man at the end of day seven I had to revamp my tactics. It was fun, but now that I've switched my active pins around, I'm gonna stick with my new set up for a while and see where it gets me. They will be gaining PP while I sleep which is a very nice touch.


I'm not sure whats going on with the story- seems like "Groundhog Week." Now I've met the obnoxious Joshua, Neku has become a lot more likeable! I'm just hoping things stay fun and fresh so I end up dropping as many hours into TWEWY as everyone else before me has done.


Downloaded the soundtrack earlier, love it. : peace:

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Ive been waiting 10 minutes to read your reply. ( clicked on your name to see what you were up to :) )


Im glad your enjoying it, yeah it is a little overwhelming at first but once it clicks its very satisfying. When it came to fighting I just concentrated on the touch screen mainly and then picked a direction to go with the d-pad for the other one.


Yeah Joshua is a little git, I hated him when he first joins you but he grew on me. As for Neku I loved his emo character, reminded me of Squall due to the fact that he wanted to be left alone and didnt need anyones help.


I wish SE would give us a sequel!

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Ive been waiting 10 minutes to read your reply. ( clicked on your name to see what you were up to :) )


Im glad your enjoying it, yeah it is a little overwhelming at first but once it clicks its very satisfying. When it came to fighting I just concentrated on the touch screen mainly and then picked a direction to go with the d-pad for the other one.


Yeah Joshua is a little git, I hated him when he first joins you but he grew on me. As for Neku I loved his emo character, reminded me of Squall due to the fact that he wanted to be left alone and didnt need anyones help.


I wish SE would give us a sequel!


I better watch what threads I'm viewing when you're online, eh? :p


I had the hang of battling for a while (getting stars and A ranks regularly) but like I said, when I changed my set of active pins, I went back down to E ranks again. You're right that Neku is cut from the same cloth as Squall was- I knew you'd be a fan of Neku after playing TWEWY for five mins!


Is the door left open at the end for a sequel...? (... Don't answer that.)


I noticed via MSN you were listening to it ;)


Good spot! :grin:

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Is the door left open at the end for a sequel...? (... Don't answer that.)


If Bioshock has anything to teach, it's that a sequel can be made regardless of whether a door is open or not. That's not really an answer though...it's been long enough that I don't remember the specifics of the ending.

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I'm still in the same camp as Neku when it comes to not trusting Joshua. However seeing that Mr. Hanekoma is friends with him helps things. I found a blue Noise which I did battle from and ended up running from. It was like the Okami wolf and the battle wasn't going to badly until it unleashed a move on me that looked like it was straight out of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance... so I decided it was time to bounce!


I've seen where the title is incorporated into the game and it was pretty upbeat. The phrase "the world ends with you" always sounded pretty apocalyptic to me, but its quite the opposite eh!

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Seven days remain... again. I have to get to 104... again. But its all good. I still feel like I've barely scratched the surface of things but I'm enjoying it all the same. The final battle Joshua and I partook in was zetta fun, with my active pins working really well as I was able to link attacks together a bit to prevent him attacking me back. :grin:


I never quite got comfortable with Joshua though. I had to retry so many battles its not even funny as chaining encounters together was such a risk. The only time he was really useful was against the zetta crazy guy at the end of day seven.


I'm not sure how to approach this week. I gotta build my new partner with food and I want to try and beat some of those blue noise if they are still about, as well as try and build my relationships with as many stores as possible. I got 100% with Mr Hanekoma but thats all so far. The thing is, I feel like I could put the slider all the way to the right and doddle through proceedings and not worry too much about anything getting in my way. Seeing as Neku can't play a fourth time, I guess this is my final week in Shibuya so if I wanna do stuff, nows gotta be the time.


Finally, for now, I've one main gripe with the game. The map! I just can't seem to read it. If I leave an area via the top of the screen I don't seem to go north on the map. Weirds me out and made it kind of difficult to get around during the previous week when there were a few targets on the map to head to. :wtf: I still find Shibuya disorientating to get around by memory, so its handy that you are guided by the reapers who have put walls up everywhere each day.

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It's true, the map of Shibuya isn't exactly helpful for navigating, but I found I just got used to where everything is by a certain point, so I never needed it.


Oh, and to address :


if I wanna do stuff, nows gotta be the time.


Don't worry about this kind of thinking. I won't say how near or far away from the end of the story you are, but I will say


I really love RPG's that let you continue and have freedom of the world even after you've finished the game...


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Ok, so... the credits have rolled.


I would say this is my final view on TWEWY but obviously there's still ALOT to go back and do. :o The closing week was enjoyable because the mission formula of weeks one and two got shook up a bit as things in Shibuya were going to hell, basically. By the end, I was starting to get a feel for navigating round the place but I still ended up running in the wrong direction more often than I should have, lol. I mastered more pins as I played, with my final four (dunno if I should have been able to use more than four by this point...?) being a healing pin, a fire one, the ice one and one where you slash downwards on baddies. Gotta say that it was a good enough set up for the battles right up until the very very last one. The pins I found the least useful throughout were the ones where you have to press the touchscreen or draw a circle in open space.


The Composer who we were chasing after turned out to be... every bit the frickin twat we all expected. Such a bell end! And tbh, I don't know what happened at the end. I think it was a happy ending as I personally felt uplifted after it all... but I had a sneak peak at Another Day and it said something about it taking place in an alternate universe to what the game did, so I haven't a clue. ::shrug: Shibuya did live on though didn't it? So I must have stopped the Composer...


There's an utter stack of things to go back and do now. I don't think I will jump into it straight away as I feel a wee bit burnt out with TWEWY right now, but I'm sure all the unanswered questions will draw me back sooner or later!

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Hmm...seems like this is your first RPG where it's set in modern times and such. Want a game way vaster and better then this? Try out the Persona series (You have a PS2 DO IT!!! :heh: )


Thinking about it, TWEWY is probably the most modern RPG I've played, yeah. I don't have a bad word to say about medieval settings for RPGs but its nice to mix things up every now and again.


My PStwo has seen pretty much no play since July, lol. But yeah, I defo wanna try out the Persona series. I've heard nothing but good things about it. (...until half an hour later H-o-T posts the following...)


If you want to play a confusing, slow starting and overrated piece of junk then yes go with that. :D


Ok... so not everyone likes it. :heh:

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Ok... so not everyone likes it. :heh:


There was a serious lack of belts and zippers! :angry:


Its still worth checking out as the majority of people like it, it just wasn't for me. I wasn't a fan of having a deadline for the task at hand, the game took about 3-4 hours to actually get going, the game can be cheap when it comes to elements, I hated the school lesson system and the tutorials for the card system I found confusing as hell. Yup, I didn't like it. :grin:

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There was a serious lack of belts and zippers! :angry:

I...loled at this. :heh:


Its still worth checking out as the majority of people like it, it just wasn't for me. I wasn't a fan of having a deadline for the task at hand, the game took about 3-4 hours to actually get going, the game can be cheap when it comes to elements, I hated the school lesson system and the tutorials for the card system I found confusing as hell. Yup, I didn't like it. :grin:


Card system is fun as hell xD


Being able to make Persona's with abilities that make them like God, with abilities that give them no weakness is too cool ^^


Persona 3 is so far 170 hours

Persona 4 so far 150 hours.


I could easily go back and play them again :bouncy:

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I meant to say before, after I heard that final scene where the characters speak to you... it got me wondering: is Shiki voiced by the same person who did Colette in Tales of Symphonia? I thought they sounded alike!


Yes!! :D


So who's your favourite secondary character to battle with?

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Yes!! :D


So who's your favourite secondary character to battle with?


Haha, quality. Seemed a bit weird that I was hearing Colette's voice but seeing a brunette like Shiki do the talking!


I know which partner you want me to favour... but I just couldn't trust him. Shiki would have to be my favourite as I felt I got a feel for using her style the best. I was getting used to Joshua a wee bit by the end of his week but not enough to make him my favourite- that kid is such an arrogant little turd.

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