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If you had Bernard's Watch...


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I would stop time, go to London Parliament and change the computer databases so that I am Prime Minister of Britain. I would then learn how to fly a plane, travel the world, create fake aliases around the world and make it look like I have won presidential elections in all countries. I would then change all major government computers so that I am recognised as the country's leader, then create a mobile transmitter device a la the Master in Doctor Who, so that when I unfreeze time, nobody suspects a thing, but they all recognise me as the world's master. :D MUHAHAHAHAHAHAH!


Haha, that'd be well good, like in those scifi movies where suddenly everything's different with no explanation at all, only it'll have happened to everyone! I reckon they'll clock on though, given the fact you're ruling the entire world, but how would they prove you wrong without the watch?

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About the rape thing? (off topic but meh) Do you think it's rape if the girl is drunk, says yes but then when she's sober decides she didn't actually want to she only said yes when she was drunk? Because there was a group of women who wanted that law passed which I think is disgusting. If you don't want to sleep with people when you are drunk then either get drunk on your own or don't drink.

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About the rape thing? (off topic but meh) Do you think it's rape if the girl is drunk, says yes but then when she's sober decides she didn't actually want to she only said yes when she was drunk? Because there was a group of women who wanted that law passed which I think is disgusting. If you don't want to sleep with people when you are drunk then either get drunk on your own or don't drink.


According to a girl I know it is rape.


She slept with one of my best mates when they were both drunk. Her parents somehow found out so she called rape and almost ruined one of my best friend's life.

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Hang people from their ankles during social studies class.


Also stop time during class go outside and climb a tree. Start time and wave through the window into your class wait until either the whole class notices you or your teacher notices you and then stop time again and go back to class. Repeat until either whole class is pissing themselves laughing or your teacher catches on.


How can the world be "forever" frozen if no time is passing? I don't see why anyone should notice anything at all.


But time never gets unfrozen so basically...


Stuff like this shouldn't be discussed for the sake of sanity.

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About the rape thing? (off topic but meh) Do you think it's rape if the girl is drunk, says yes but then when she's sober decides she didn't actually want to she only said yes when she was drunk? Because there was a group of women who wanted that law passed which I think is disgusting. If you don't want to sleep with people when you are drunk then either get drunk on your own or don't drink.


For it not to be rape the girl has to give her "active consent". So if she is asleep that is rape. If you intoxicate her without her knowing then that is rape. If she gets drunk and says yes then it probably isn't rape. However, in the future it may well become rape.


Also, in court you have to prove rape beyond all reasonable doubt. In criminal cases in Scotland, you have to corroborate evidence (which means you have to provide two pieces of evidence). It isn't enough to prove intercourse - you have to prove it happened without consent. This is partly why less than 5% of rapes end in convictions in Scotland. It isn't much better in England.


Whatever the situation in law though, you shouldn't be doing it!

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While everyone was frozen, I would walk into Downing Street, carry Gordon Brown all the way to the White House, exchange him with George Bush and carry Mr. Bush all the way back to Downing Street. Then start time again.


I'd then like to see how long they can successfully hide it from the media.

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