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Hold up, did someone just say "Boss Fight"?

They're pretty much the only thing marring the game as they're unavoidable and you have to kill them, obviously somewhat tricky if you've been playing things non-lethal, but ultimately each encounter gives you the tools you need to beat them. They aren't the worst bosses ever — they aren't just bullet sponges, each has a gimmick — they just don't really fit with the game's focus on player choice; if you could talk them out of fighting, or otherwise disable them prior to the fight, it would be a different story.


I suspect the idea behind them was to be somewhat like Metal Gear Solid's bosses — there are a lot of references to that series in the game — but instead they're memorable for the wrong reasons.


Speaking of which, I finished this yesterday not killing anyone or setting off any alarms and didn't get credited with either the Pacifist or Foxiest of the Hounds Trophies. Looking around a bit it seems both might be slightly bugged, and not just on PS3, so I'd advise other people to not bother too much about either until there's a patch out.


Above annoyance aside this game is fantastic. As in one of the generation's best. Not only is it a worthy of being a Deus Ex game, it also has me rubbing my hands for Thief 4.

Speaking of which, I finished this yesterday not killing anyone or setting off any alarms and didn't get credited with either the Pacifist or Foxiest of the Hounds Trophies. Looking around a bit it seems both might be slightly bugged, and not just on PS3, so I'd advise other people to not bother too much about either until there's a patch out.


I was going to start my second playthrough for those Trophies. Thanks for the tip, I'll wait and finish up Xenoblade instead.


Whilst I'm not sure of the reason behind not getting Foxiest of the Hounds, the issue with Pacifist seems to be that sometimes when you stun people they die anyway; if you go to loot them you'll see a skull rather than the 'ZZZ' symbol. Hopefully it's something that can be fixed, otherwise you'll need to put in a lot of busywork to make sure you haven't accidently cheated yourself.


That's just the game being true to the series' roots! Once you made it past the second mission in the first game, it stopped differentiating between dead and unconscious enemies.


Kind of made my close-to-non-lethal run pretty pointless in retrospect. :sad:

Posted (edited)

I had been playing non-lethal, til I read that I had needed to sneak through the prologue for the achievement, which I didn't do. Once I reached part where you escape from Alice Garden Pods, well the team that had come in had killed a load of people so I gave in, whipped out the pistol and sniper rifle and damn... the game got more fun :heh:


Edit, btw am I the only one who notices this every time it's mentioned: Neuropozyne

Edited by Shorty

Hahahaha I got to the first mention of that last night and I knew there was something about the word that didn't sit right with me! Now I'm gonna see it every single time I play :laughing:


I'm playing it on the PC however and the game is a total BEAST to run. Considering upgrading to a quad core just for a beefier experience as I keep getting irritating little freezes on loading in to a new area I know shouldn't be there (and wouldn't if I got the game on my 360).


It's probably not your machine, this game just doesn't run fantastic at times, especially when loading.


I have i7 2600 3.5, NVIDIA 560 with 2GB and 4GB RAM and still have niggling little problems here and there.


Consider me reassured then :heh:


I eagerly await any upcoming patches. In the mean time I'll put up with the niggles because it's so damn good.


Got this from sainsbury's on saturday (or was it sunday...) for £33.99 plus it was the limited edition version that includes tong's mission, grenade launcher, explosives, and hacking grenade


great considering its the cheapest around (having to pre-order isn't making it cheaper considering pre-orders are often free)


the game is amazing




It keeps crashing on me;

Monday was the first time I played it as I was finishing play thru 5 of mass effect 2, it worked fine for about 4 hours then during the first mission it froze when getting to the

Hostage situation

and I had to reset my 360

Last night it froze running down some stairs in an apartment block, the screen went multi colored for a second and a high pitched sound happened too then it was the stairs again but frozen

Then an hour or so later I was on a fire escape about to snipe a guy and it froze again.


It can't be my xbox (despite it being a launch model) as i've been playing red dead loads and mass effect 2 recently with no issues at all


The pc version seems to have loads of issues from google searches


Anyone else getting these?


I cannot believe the response to this game. I very much during all the run up to it considered it an "also ran" a title that pays homage to the original takes parts from other games and does a fairly workman like job of replicated the original (an awesome game, I really should go back and finish it) BUT it very much sounds like it that this is the game of the moment. Do I pick it up when I replace my broken PS3?

I cannot believe the response to this game. I very much during all the run up to it considered it an "also ran" a title that pays homage to the original takes parts from other games and does a fairly workman like job of replicated the original (an awesome game, I really should go back and finish it) BUT it very much sounds like it that this is the game of the moment. Do I pick it up when I replace my broken PS3?


Short answer: Yes.


Long answer: If you like stealth games, RPG's, storys, cyberpunk, sci fi, crawling in vents like John McLane, punching anyone and everyone you see and grim mega futures, then yes. If you are left handed, then no.

Short answer: Yes.


Long answer: If you like stealth games, RPG's, storys, cyberpunk, sci fi, crawling in vents like John McLane, punching anyone and everyone you see and grim mega futures, then yes. If you are left handed, then no.


So its a yes then...hmmm I will have to see if any bundles include it!

I played it for half an hour and got bored. Not sure what the big hubbub is about.


ooooh. So did you feel it was without merit at all or just you got bored?


I never said I hated it or that it was a bad game. I'm voicing a personal opinion, I would appreciate it if you respected that.


ooooh. So did you feel it was without merit at all or just you got bored?


There are a lot of things to like about it but it just didn't hook me. I'm not a fan of stealth and I don't think the shooting is good enough to make an offensive playstyle that fun. I'm going to give it another go, maybe it'll click.


If I gave up on every game that didn't immediately grab me within the first thirty minutes, I would have missed out on a lot of great games.


That said, I'm not sure what you're doing playing Deus Ex if you don't like stealth. :heh:


I'm just renting it. Beyond that there is an old Deus Ex I pretty much know nothing about this one. I didn't even know it was an FPS. :hehe:

Posted (edited)
I never said I hated it or that it was a bad game. I'm voicing a personal opinion, I would appreciate it if you respected that.

I was just ribbing, Daft, and you were asking for it by sidling in with such an aloof comment.


If you have no prior exposure to the series — or similar titles like Vampire: The Masquerade — I suspect it'll take a while for appreciation to sink in. I can see how someone might come away thinking it's a slightly wonky FPS, as opposed to the breaking and entering simulator it truly is.


That said if you hate stealth it may be a non-starter. It's far more freeform than, say, the old Splinter Cell games, but ultimately the game's designed around enemies not knowing where you are for the majority of the time.




Edited by Aimless

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