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Xbox Live Arcade/PSN Thread


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Fewer levels than the original game, no create a skater, no HORSE, no splitscreen, no level creator, ugly visuals. You really think it's fantastic? :/ I'd rather have fired up my PS1 and played THPS2 again. Most regretted purchase of 2012 so far.


For a downloadable game seven levels isn't bad, plus there will be more made available as dlc, no you can't create your own skater but they did implement the ability to play as your avatar... which does look a little odd but it's not a bad alternative.


No level creator... you have a point there because if games like Trials Evolution can have such advanced editors these days then this could have at least had a basic one, speaking of which did anyone try the Tony Hawk's themed Trials level? I thought it was pretty enjoyable. :)


Ugly visuals though? compared to the original games it's a vast imrprovement, it might not be the best looking arcade game granted and if I was to remake it I think cel-shading could have worked better - JSR style perhaps - but still, I've quite honestly seen worse looking retail games and for 1200 points I still think that Tony Hawks Pro Skater HD is well worth it. :D

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I just think the skater look crap, all their faces are shiny and look nothing like the people. The particle effects are also weak (blood, water etc) and whilst they've made the textures for each map HD, that's all they've done. It's also glitchy as anything.


Anyway the biggest flaw is the lack of splitscreen. At 800 points I wouldn't have minded, but 1200 was too much.

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I first found out about ToeJam & Earl a couple of years ago when I was looking for co-op games to play and decided it looked so bad that not even co-op could get me to play it. Is there more to it than just slowly walking around searching for stuff or are we talking deep layers of ~nostalgia~ under another few layers of Saturday morning co-op? :heh:

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I first found out about ToeJam & Earl a couple of years ago when I was looking for co-op games to play and decided it looked so bad that not even co-op could get me to play it. Is there more to it than just slowly walking around searching for stuff?


Nope. That's pretty much all you do in the game. The levels are randomly generated, which really helps the replay value, add to that the funky soundtrack and awesome characters, including the enemies, and you have one fantastic game.


I played it loads in co-op mode as a kid and loved it to bits. Fast forward many a year and I bought it on the VC. I didn't have a co-op partner so I played it in single player mode and still loved it to bits.


Youch! Hubba Hubba! Alright! Hallelujah!

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The reviews I've read of Deadlight have all been pretty negative.


One review said the first third of the game was by far the strongest, so if you haven't finished the game yet, Dog-amoto, you may be in for a rude awakening. :heh:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Anyone bought Deadlight? It's awesome.


Actually, I take this back. This insipid dog turd is one of the worst games I've had the misfortune to download. I thought it was good at first, mainly due to the setting and atmosphere but the controls are too loose, the voice acting is balls, the level design is haphazard at best and I've had an amazing amount of unfair deaths, error messages, game breaks where I've had to restart from the last checkpoint and so much random shit happen to me, I'm not even sure I have the heart to finish it, and I'm right near the end...

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At least Dust is really good, even though I dislike the character design. It doesn't have the best start, but I found Fidget's voice became more tolerable after a while and the game really opens up once you have a few abilities under your belt and are taking on multiple quests.

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Dust is great. The designs feel a little bit like you're playing a game on Newgrounds, but the gameplay more than makes up for it.


Bit strange though, I quit the game and when I loaded it up the next time, items were back which I had already collected, and areas I had been to had vanished from the map. But it had definitely saved, because I had the move I earned just before quitting.... Not sure if it's a bug or I'm just being dense.


Anyway very much enjoying it.

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Unless....OMG! It's finally happening!


I would love a sequel or even just a HD port like Banjo Kazooie.


I ADORED this game to bits when it was on the N64. Shooting little Tribals heads off never got old. :D I think Mizar is still one of the hardest last bosses I have ever faced in a videogame.


Edit: Is it just me or does Vela look like she has a wang and balls on her outfit?

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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I ADORED this game to bits when it was on the N64. Shooting little Tribals heads off never got old. :D I think Mizar is still one of the hardest last bosses I have ever faced in a videogame.


Like King K. Rool, I never got to fight the final boss. Similar to DK64 (where I was missing the DK Arcade Coin), I was missing one piece: all the Tribals.


I wouldn't mind if they changed it so they didn't respawn (so you don't have to collect every single one in one go through the level).

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Regarding Dust, my game totally glitched out. I had a 14% complete manual save and a 22% complete autosave. The autosave had the following problems:


  • Cages and chests I had unlocked returned to their locked state, but I still had the items and the keys were still gone (from my inventory and their initial location)
  • Anywhere I tried to go on the map, it just took me back to the map screen, except the village and The Glade
  • Sanctuary and a couple of other places had gone from the map (not that I could get there anyway)
  • All notes and quests vanished


So yeah... slightly problematic, had to go back to my earlier one.


I read someone else had a glitch moved their save to the cloud and it solved crashes to dash, but no luck for me.



Edit: Is it just me or does Vela look like she has a wang and balls on her outfit?


Yeaaaah I thought this too but was trying not to mention it :heh:

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