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So did anyone open the first door on their advent calender this morning, or are you all too old for them now? :heh:


I got a Dr Who Dalek version, and the choclate was beautiful, and the tatse reminded me of that Christmas feeling.


I've actually completely forgotten to get one this year! I'll have to try and find a decent one soon...

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So did anyone open the first door on their advent calender this morning, or are you all too old for them now? :heh:


I got a Dr Who Dalek version, and the choclate was beautiful, and the tatse reminded me of that Christmas feeling.


I got the same calendar. :D 32 chocolates too, no more of my sister rubbing it in that her calendar goes through till mid-January.

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I have a Mars one, had to buy it myself for the first time ever :(


Ah well. Opened it this morning.


And we had Christmas music occassionally at work. Bad christmas music too. Closer to the time I'll phone up the lady DJ (as she plays my songs and the guys dont) and request Dandy Warhol's cover of Little Drummer Boy.

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I think I got an advent calendar only once in my life...

We had Sinterklaas anyway as kids in December, which meant lots of candy. I miss it; wish I never had to grow up. =(


*will just have to buy her own Sinterklaas candy*


Still have to do my Christmas shopping. People are late with putting up their Christmas lists (even though I keep pestering them about it), so I have no idea what to buy them yet. And I'm running out of time! =O

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I think I got an advent calendar only once in my life...

We had Sinterklaas anyway as kids in December, which meant lots of candy. I miss it; wish I never had to grow up. =(


*will just have to buy her own Sinterklaas candy*


Still have to do my Christmas shopping. People are late with putting up their Christmas lists (even though I keep pestering them about it), so I have no idea what to buy them yet. And I'm running out of time! =O


Atleast you've had one, Een, I don't believe I've had that many. Maybe I'll have to indulge myself this year.


I can't believe its December already, I'm not in the Christmas spirit at all and not really looking forward to it for the first time ever. Bizarre one there. Snowmen usually thrive at Christmas!

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Atleast you've had one, Een, I don't believe I've had that many. Maybe I'll have to indulge myself this year.


I can't believe its December already, I'm not in the Christmas spirit at all and not really looking forward to it for the first time ever. Bizarre one there. Snowmen usually thrive at Christmas!


Well I say "I think" I've had one, I'm not even sure anymore. =P

If we did have one, we probably had to share it between the three of us. I'm not even sure advent calenders are that common here... but then again I've never looked for any; I don't go to stores much.


Still not in the Christmas spirit either. Won't happen till after December 6 (Sinterklaas), when stores will put up their Christmas lights and other stuff. But the real spirit will come when we put up our tree, which probably won't be for another two weeks or something. Love decorating it. =3

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Well I say "I think" I've had one, I'm not even sure anymore. =P

If we did have one, we probably had to share it between the three of us. I'm not even sure advent calenders are that common here... but then again I've never looked for any; I don't go to stores much.


Still not in the Christmas spirit either. Won't happen till after December 6 (Sinterklaas), when stores will put up their Christmas lights and other stuff. But the real spirit will come when we put up our tree, which probably won't be for another two weeks or something. Love decorating it. =3


Does anything much happen for that Sinterklaas caper? I think other countries have a similar thing but I was in France the other year around Christmas and I never noticed anything outta the ordinary. Just one day the town was undecorated and the next it was, though having said that, there was some class lights up and even outdoor iceskating as well as a mini Christmas market area. Pretty class and nothing like we have here.


Infact, here, the Christmas lights went on November 1st this year- the day after Halloween! Far too early if you ask me- and nearly anyone lol. Its kinda forced some people to get their trees up that extra bit early like, but its just been too early. Luckily ours isn't up yet, and hopefully won't be for atleast another week- around the 10th December is usually good enough.


One other thing Een, you old foreigner you, does Belgium make a big deal outta January 6th? I'm sure some countries still do, even with Chrimbo being commercialised to death.

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Never seen Santa Clause (Dudley Moore version) but I have a DVD of it in my room which I got free with The Sun awaiting to be watched soon. I have seen the Tim Allen version, and still enjoy that very much.


Home Alone 1 and 2 are great Christmas film's too, and I haven't seen the fantastic Muppet Christmas Carol in ages, so I hope it's on TV soon.

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Does anything much happen for that Sinterklaas caper? I think other countries have a similar thing but I was in France the other year around Christmas and I never noticed anything outta the ordinary. Just one day the town was undecorated and the next it was, though having said that, there was some class lights up and even outdoor iceskating as well as a mini Christmas market area. Pretty class and nothing like we have here.


Infact, here, the Christmas lights went on November 1st this year- the day after Halloween! Far too early if you ask me- and nearly anyone lol. Its kinda forced some people to get their trees up that extra bit early like, but its just been too early. Luckily ours isn't up yet, and hopefully won't be for atleast another week- around the 10th December is usually good enough.


One other thing Een, you old foreigner you, does Belgium make a big deal outta January 6th? I'm sure some countries still do, even with Chrimbo being commercialised to death.


Well Sinterklaas is of course our Santa Clause, so kids put their shoes on the table on December 5, with some sugar or carrots for Sinterklaas' horse and something for the old man and his helpers as well (we often left a beer). =P

And then the next morning the kids will find toys and candy everywhere. Was always the best time of the year. =D

Stores will have Sinterklaas decorations and the man will of course be visiting cities and all that stuff. There's even a big tv show where he arrives by boat in Antwerp, with thousands of kids and parents waiting for him and they show all that on tv. And lots of Sinterklaas songs. *loved it all*


Though the last couple of years Christmas decorations have been popping up earlier and earlier, which is annoying. =(

But yeah it shouldn't really start till after December 6; that's when Santa replaces Sinterklaas. =P


And I don't know how it is right now, but when I was a kid we celebrated January 6. As kids we would dress up as the Three Kings (though we were usually with more), put a star on a stick and go sing at doors. In return, we would get candy or money. =3

And with mom's side of the family we would get together around that time and have pancakes, and one of them would have a bean or something similar in them. The person who found that bean, would be "king of the day" and wear a crown. X3


January 6 is also the day we take away our tree. And we used to have a little Christmas stable thingie with figurines and every day till the 6th we would move the Three Kings closer to the stable. For some reason we thought that was fun.



*misses the old times*

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I got my commercialised advent calendar today complete with tasty chocolate that takes me up to the New Year. :D


It's sad that christmas keeps getting earlier and earlier every year! a few years ago i saw some places up with Christmas Trees up in October!!!


Too Eary. :shakehead


I love Christmas but i'm not yet in the Christmas spirit yet either....


When i break up from school and decorate the christmas tree while wearing my santa's hat and listening to christmas songs that's when i'll get into the spirit of christmas. :D


We put out the Nativity scene each year and keep Baby Jesus wrapped up in a cupboard until the big day. :heh:


I went to Belgium in the Half Term to Brugge (wonderful City :grin:) and there were all year christmas shops but they were non intrusive and were absolutely magical to look at through the window, they had some of the most beautiful decorations inside that wipe the floor with a lot of the tacky stuff we get in England. :yay:


The only downside was the decorations cost a huge amount of money! (so we didn't buy or touch anything :heh:)

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Guest Stefkov

My Aunt might be coming round for christmas this year. It's nice that she does, but she does annoy me...annoyed me last year when I said I wanted to learn Japanese..

Apart from that I've lost the whole spirit of Christmas. Parents asking what you want, then go through the process of getting it so that's less hassle for them just takes it all away.

Last year putting the tree up was a chore, shame really.

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Still need to get the advent calendar! Can't go without one of those.


I've got a feeling santa is bringing me what I wanted :D So hyped :yay: , the ex is coming round on xmas day, should be good fun :D family coming round, then to stop me having to spend all day with them, she's gonna keep me company. Awesome!


Whos set up their xmas stuff yet? Show some pictures!

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