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Fragile Dreams


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when you have to sneak up behind him (k that sounded wrong)



In light of the events at the park, it doesn't sound as wrong as it could have :p.



Completed* it a couple of days ago, and whilst I felt the story tailed off a little towards the end, I completely enjoyed the game. Even the control issues didn't annoy me as much as they did initially.


One of the more memorable and emotional games in quite a while.


* Just in time to make room for Rune Factory Frontier, which RSG have finally listed as having an April 1st release, unless it gets put back YET again.

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In light of the events at the park, it doesn't sound as wrong as it could have :p.




Ok at first I thought you were refering to the bit of dialogue when Crow says "I've seen your special thing now I'll show you mine" and just thought, haha, that sounds so wrong. But then WTF... ok even in a spoiler tag I won't say just to ensure I don't spoil it for any curious people, but that was unexpected, haha



Up to the hotel now and just meet Sai.... anyone else think the guy who designed her must have a thing for large breasts:wink:

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I bought this game last friday, and although my gaming has focused mostly on HeartGold, Fragile Dreams easily rose to the top of my list of favourite games. It's just... so incredible.


I just finished the Amusement Park, by the way.

And yeah, I was seriously fansqueeling at the end there.

This game sure has something for everybody. And I love it all~


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Think I'm nearing the end of the game, just did the dam section... what was up with that, going all the way down, all those bloody ladders just to end up back at the top, WTF... the 7 bells memory things are weirding me out also, haha. :D

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i dont understand some reviews say its not-so-[original adjective] , llike gamecetral but i cant keep my eye off this game and the forums make me want it , any trustworthy reviews about


It was always going to be one of those games that divided reviewers so it really depends on what you're looking for or expecting.


If you want something a little more action packed or combat focused then steer clear but if you want something that has a story that will enthrall and make you think, providing it grabs you, all wrapped up in a truly wonderful (albeit quite depressing) atmosphere, great characters and a beautiful soundtrack then I say go for it.


It isn't perfect as some of my previous posts have indicated, but despite some faults the experience was truly memorable and I would probably place this amongst my top 5 Wii games , or thereabouts.


I could be biased though, which undermines your request for a trustworthy review, as I am quite partial to most things that RSG bring over.

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I felt like taking a break from HeartGold again, so I booted up my favourite game and continued playing.

Seeing as I found nothing more to do in the Park, I continued and went to the hotel, where I battled the scariest monsters yet (those grieving ladies with eyes in their back are scary, yes), and met Sai. I then proceeded to get a Star and the Moon, before beating the creepy tree.


...And I loved every second of it.

(I just hope I found all the Mystery Items...)


This game never ceases to amaze me. Now, let's find this silver-haired girl~


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Trying to fit some game time in between Pokemon SS and Rune Factory (struggling to keep away from those two!), only a few hours into Fragile but it's already had an impact on me. It's incredibly beautiful, and very atmospheric. Probably too much so as I find myself nearly shitting myself every time I come across an enemy (seriously how scary are those bloody dogs!!), using the wii remote to alert you of upcoming enemies was a stroke of genius! I haven't found the combat to be so much of an issue, yes it's lacking depth and could really do with some kind of lock-on but it's no game breaker for me.


Looking forward to many wonderful hours with this title!

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ahh rune factory too, i want to support these games but you know they will be in the sales pritty soon


I dunno, Rune Factory is already pretty hard to find. Might be one you need to snap up before it's gone! It's gone down to about the £25 mark on some sites (I think amazon and shopto have it) and is well worth the money.

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I keep forgetting to post this but i finished the game a few days ago. Loved it, the ending was great though still not sure if it was a happy ending or not, haha. Think I missed on a few memories in the game though, like the torn picture one I seem to be missing the 3rd one. And I think one or 2 of the bell ones (those ones freaked me out somewhat too)


Also WTF is up with the masks... unless I missed something there was no explanation for what they were and the mask voice at the end indicates that they/he/it is something different from Shin



Started a new file and gonna play with the english voices on this time. Just played up to finding PF and saving, but the voices are pretty decent.

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Complete this last night, gotta say it is one of the most beautiful and emotive games I've ever played! It had me close to tears several times (but I stayed strong, like the trooper I am!), there were some really sad moments especially the scene with the chicken man. The gameplay elements like combat and camera control didn't bother me much as I just got wrapped up in the story. By the end I felt this is less a game, more a journey that needs to be experienced. I'd recommend it to anyone here.


I need to play through this again as I missed quite a few memories along the way.


Oh and I just read Seto and Sai are voiced by the peeps that did Emil & Marta in TOS: DotNW - thought I recognised the voices!!

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Oh and I just read Seto and Sai are voiced by the peeps that did Emil & Marta in TOS: DotNW - thought I recognised the voices!!


Haha, when I first tried the english voices I was thinking the in-game Seto sounded whinney like Emil... the narator bits sound alright though

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  • 2 weeks later...
Also WTF is up with the masks... unless I missed something there was no explanation for what they were and the mask voice at the end indicates that they/he/it is something different from Shin


Maybe a bit late but this should at least explain, or try to, what was up with that:


The masks and the voice of the masks, different from Shin, were part of the machine which was the Glass Cage Project. The crystal that Shin drops at the end was the crystalised mainframe or something meaning that the machine should never be able to be used again because it's not complete. I believe that is what it all was indicating, albeit rather vaguely.



Finished the game a few weeks ago and absolutely loved it. Writing a review for it was a nightmare because it's such a personal experience and you either get what the game is doing with the story and the characters or you don't.

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Decided to pick this up again because of reading about everyone completing and thought I should do so myself. This never really grabbed me at all but I certainly didn't think it was bad.


Best part of finishing it now is being able to watch all the cutscenes again. Yet for some reason there is no 'Play All' function and yet they have one for the trailers... :\

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Like Crystal Bearers I didn't know this game was out and picked it up while randomly searching the shelves at Game. It's nice to be able to pick up interesting games from the shelf and not wandering around in circles in the boys room while waiting for the frakking postman to arrive.

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Hope you like it! Fragile Dreams really struck a chord with me (I know the gameplay issues might put some gamers off), there were some beautiful moments and so much emotion in the scripting, performaces and cut-scenes. One of my all-time fave games :o)

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Played one hour. So far so good. Just one question, near the storage area with the little hide and seek girl, there is spot that makes the wiimote go to hypermodus, like when you point at an item or something other interesting. When I press A at the spot Seto says there are lot of fireflies yet there aren't any. What is that spot for?


Also, do cat and cat toys have a purpose?

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Played one hour. So far so good. Just one question, near the storage area with the little hide and seek girl, there is spot that makes the wiimote go to hypermodus, like when you point at an item or something other interesting. When I press A at the spot Seto says there are lot of fireflies yet there aren't any. What is that spot for?


Also, do cat and cat toys have a purpose?


I also played for a bit over an hour, to get a feel for the game, but I'll start over properly.


About the fireflies, I think it's just to get you accustomed to look for those soundsources / added flavour. There's another one near it with some frogs, that also doesn't do anything. I was wondering about those cattoys as well, didn't get a cat to do anything too, but the manual says that you have to be patient and / or time it right I think, so I'll try again.

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