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PS3 Price Cut... and Wii still sells more

Zechs Merquise

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The 360 has better driving games, shooters, beat 'em ups, RPGs, sports games, and it's going to have amazing platformers when Rare get their asses in gear too. It also has a FAAAAAAAR better online service, plays DVDs, achievements, has a far better menu than the Wii. God, everything is just so much better on the 360.

...and yet my 360 is gathering dust, whilst my Wii is used regularly. As for Rare, Conker and Kameo had fantastic graphics (for their respective platforms) but were average games at best, and I don't expect their next effort in the platformer genre to be any different, and certainly nothing to challenge Mario Galaxy, or even Ratchet & Clank on the PS3 for that matter.

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The 360 has better driving games, shooters, beat 'em ups, RPGs, sports games, and it's going to have amazing platformers when Rare get their asses in gear too. It also has a FAAAAAAAR better online service, plays DVDs, achievements, has a far better menu than the Wii. God, everything is just so much better on the 360. The only thing the Wii has over the 360 is the new way to play games. I personally love the Wiimote, but that's it.


If you love it so much, why don't you marry it?


Right so

PS3 Sells bad = You laugh at it.

PS3 Sells good = You laugh at it.


I mean yeah it should've sold like that or close to it from the start, but it's been a pretty damn poor start, props for getting some sales for once.


That's pretty much it. It was the same with the GameCube last gen. And anyway, you're on a Nintendo forum. :heh:

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Why is the fact Wiis are selling so greatly such a good thing? Ofcourse, sells are sells and something that sells means profit for Nintendo...Good. But WHY are so many Wiis selling, I think is the question. Then compare Wii sells with Wii software sells and we see a pattern...Wii sales is based on waggle games plus hype. I see absolutely no reason why the Wii should be selling so well now, before the launch of Galaxy. What game can you recommend a non-Wii owner to go and buy a Wii for?


I think the main reason people think it's good is because we'll get more third party support. It's too soon for us to have seen the results of it yet, but I'm not totally convinced we'd be seeing games like Guitar Hero III, Monster Hunter 3, Manhunt 2, King Story etc if the Wii had flopped. I still don't think we've seen the best of it yet either.


As for why the Wii sells? I think it's just got a huge appeal to alot of markets. Lots of casual's and non gamers buy it cause they want Wii Sports and WarioWare, while lots of the more dedicated gamers buy it cause they want to play Zelda or Super Paper Mario. Saying that, I'm sure alot more of them are just buying it in advance so they can play Metroid / SMG / SSBB without having to worry about stock issues.


Also I think Resident Evil 4 has helped alot. It's nearing the 1 million mark worldwide, and I think alot of people just completely missed that game last generation. I had 3 friends think that RE4 was a Wii-exclusive game, heh.


Anywho, it feels much still feels like the calm before the storm for the Wii. Still no price drop, no major exclusive games and only one colour only leave you feeling sales are being held back. I really don't see anything stopping Wii now :/.

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This is why N-E is going down the drain.


You really like to emphasize that. You only post on Nintendo threads to defend Sony or MS, do you realise you're not much different from people who post to defend Nintendo? Not to mention that it's not like this is Sony flame fest here, if anything people are attacking Nintendo more than anything. Get out of your high horse.

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The 360 has better driving games, shooters, beat 'em ups, RPGs, sports games, and it's going to have amazing platformers when Rare get their asses in gear too. It also has a FAAAAAAAR better online service, plays DVDs, achievements, has a far better menu than the Wii. God, everything is just so much better on the 360. The only thing the Wii has over the 360 is the new way to play games. I personally love the Wiimote, but that's it.


Please remind me of these RPGs, unless you mean the lackluster effort that is Blue Dragon, or the multi format Oblivion.

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You really like to emphasize that. You only post on Nintendo threads to defend Sony or MS, do you realise you're not much different from people who post to defend Nintendo? Not to mention that it's not like this is Sony flame fest here, if anything people are attacking Nintendo more than anything. Get out of your high horse.


You see, if you actually read around you would see that i think the graphics in Mario are amazing. Or the fact that i regret selling my Wii and am thinking of buying a new one as Metroid is looking brutal. Mabey even that i sold my PS3 cause i didn't like it. But instead you just like to put me down.

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I hardly touch the wii now. Its popular but it doesnt 'deserve' to be given how horrible the games are. To me its like a step back from the GC and N64 in quality. GC and N64 deserve more credit than what they get. I guess people's standards are just too low now and alot of Nintendo fans focus too much on sales. Thing i liked about at first about Wii was the family appeal and focus on innovation and accessiblity but its done this at the expense of quality. This has left me feeling soured and even as good as Galaxy is going to be its still just one game.


MS have failed with getting broad appeal. They confuse consumers and have a poor satisfaction record much like XP and Vista. There are like 5 different variants of the 360 of which the core sells best. Games are pretty much shooter, shooter, racer, shooter etc. Online has to be paid for. Accessories are gimped and overpriced. Best lineup so far but its pretty much just an xbox over again.


Sony have a big strength in broadness of games. Buy a PS and there is something for everyone. I dont feel like i am being catered to much with the 360 and Wii. On the otherhand everything is delayed to 2008 on PS3 leaving 2007 with not so much high profile stuff. The system is really nice, its very well designed and easily my favourite 'system'(Blu ray is also awesome , Love film rentals for the win). As a format it still has to get more games released but the potential is bigger than the other two consoles. The recent GT5P japanese demo blew me away and after the Wii it confirms for me that the best games are the ones that move forward in all ways. Not just controllers. Its about design, ideas, technical aspects and fun. The 'whole' is better than the one aspect. Just like a movie cant rely only one aspect, its the whole that creates a great movie.

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You see, if you actually read around you would see that i think the graphics in Mario are amazing. Or the fact that i regret selling my Wii and am thinking of buying a new one as Metroid is looking brutal. Mabey even that i sold my PS3 cause i didn't like it. But instead you just like to put me down.


Hard to see those posts when they're rare.

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This is why N-E is going down the drain.


You love to come into postive threads about Nintendo and have a go don't you? If you're so obsessed with Master Chief and the PS3 why don't you go and join a PS3 or 360 board.


It is BIG news that in the wekk of the PS3 price drop the Wii has still outsold it.


The fact that you buy a next gen system and sell it before it's even been out for a year says a lot about you.

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"Japan Sales:


October 8 - 14, 2007

DSL - 78,746

PSP - 59,584

Wii - 20,575

PS3 - 12,365

PS2 - 10,181

X360 - 6,161

GBASP - 127

GameCube - 79

GBM - 60


Lozzles PSP is beating Wii which is suddenly in horrible decline in Japan at the moment."


Just thought I'd do the mature thing.


Oh and the PS2 is still beating the Gamecube. :heh:

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You love to come into postive threads about Nintendo and have a go don't you? If you're so obsessed with Master Chief and the PS3 why don't you go and join a PS3 or 360 board.


It is BIG news that in the wekk of the PS3 price drop the Wii has still outsold it.


The fact that you buy a next gen system and sell it before it's even been out for a year says a lot about you.


At the same time though Zechs you like to put down Sony at every oppertunity even though they are making progress and deserve a pat on the back for bringing the Playstation brand to the public.


If you read my first post in this topic you will see that the PS3 and Sony deserve some praise for finally being able to turn the situation around.


I have to back Caris up with the point that its things like this that are turning the place into a warzone. There are too many people knocking the competition without even playing or owning the machines. Yeah sure this is a Nintendo forum but I really cant think of as many cases of Fanboyism on the forums since I joined way back when it was C-E.


I have said this countless times that ALL 3 of the machines have their strengths and weaknesses and if you do truly love gaming then you will be able to accept all the machines and see what they can bring to the table.


I will be watching this topic closely as it seems a flamewar could be starting. Keep it clean or it will be locked.

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At the same time though Zechs you like to put down Sony at every oppertunity even though they are making progress and deserve a pat on the back for bringing the Playstation brand to the public.


If you read my first post in this topic you will see that the PS3 and Sony deserve some praise for finally being able to turn the situation around.


I have to back Caris up with the point that its things like this that are turning the place into a warzone. There are too many people knocking the competition without even playing or owning the machines. Yeah sure this is a Nintendo forum but I really cant think of as many cases of Fanboyism on the forums since I joined way back when it was C-E.


I have said this countless times that ALL 3 of the machines have their strengths and weaknesses and if you do truly love gaming then you will be able to accept all the machines and see what they can bring to the table.


I will be watching this topic closely as it seems a flamewar could be starting. Keep it clean or it will be locked.


I don't want to act like a dick or anything, but this is A NINTENDO FORUM, you have to expect people to be a little biased and there's nothing wrong in this thread, people are actually bashing Nintendo, yet Caris likes to take the oportunity to come here and say that the forum is going down, luring in guys like Immy. Being a mod, I don't think he should do that. There are always discussions, but the only ones that turn into wars have absolutely nothing to do with games. If you say you don't remember any fanboys, time is pulling a trick there always were fanboys, just as there are sony fanboys in sony forums and etc. We were discussing things normally, no one was attacking any one until this started. To be honest, the ones who are always complaining that "N-E is going downhill" and whatnot are the ones that start most of the flamewars.

Look at the Twilight Princess thread. We were always arguing with motion, but we never had any problem with that (for most of the time lol). The Other Consoles boards also have heavy participations and if you notice, most members here actually seem to dislike Nintedo rather than being fanboys. But the moment people try to turn healthy discussions into forum problems, poop starts flying.

I think everyone agrees that each console has its strongs points and everyone has its own taste and can like or dislike what they want, why do you guys fight so hard against that?


"Japan Sales:


October 8 - 14, 2007

DSL - 78,746

PSP - 59,584

Wii - 20,575

PS3 - 12,365

PS2 - 10,181

X360 - 6,161

GBASP - 127

GameCube - 79

GBM - 60


Lozzles PSP is beating Wii which is suddenly in horrible decline in Japan at the moment."


Just thought I'd do the mature thing.


Oh and the PS2 is still beating the Gamecube. :heh:

Wow, did the Wii drop a lot of did PSP sell more? OR both?

ALso, PS2 is freaking immortal!

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Well you cant expect (after 2 generations of defending nintendo) people now bragging at how well Nintendo are now doing, give us a break man, all those saying the GC was shit and only had kiddy games, now its time for us to fight back.


What can u expect from Nintendo, we already have a shitloads of classic games out for the Wii and more to come, the console is still new, heck look at PS3 im pretty sure they havent had as many big games come out for it yet and they have been out for around the same time.


You scream about Xbox having alot more classics than Wii, because it has been out for a year longer

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Well you cant expect (after 2 generations of defending nintendo) people now bragging at how well Nintendo are now doing, give us a break man, all those saying the GC was shit and only had kiddy games, now its time for us to fight back.


What can u expect from Nintendo, we already have a shitloads of classic games out for the Wii and more to come, the console is still new, heck look at PS3 im pretty sure they havent had as many big games come out for it yet and they have been out for around the same time.


You scream about Xbox having alot more classics than Wii, because it has been out for a year longer


SHitloads of classics is a bit exaggerated. There are more than 10 games that I like that's for sure, but I wouldn't say they're all classics. At least it wouldn't be fair putting some games up there with some other classics :P

However, I don't give a rats ass anymore about that, just as long as I like the games and they're fun.

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Could you name 10 please?


Can I say VC games? :heh:


I dunno... from what games I have for the Wii, Twilight Princess is classic... and maybe Excitetruck. Wii Play and Wii Sports are classic in their own right, but the true classics like Mario, Zach and Wiki, Fire Emblem are still ahead of us.

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I don't want to act like a dick or anything, but this is A NINTENDO FORUM, you have to expect people to be a little biased and there's nothing wrong in this thread, people are actually bashing Nintendo, yet Caris likes to take the oportunity to come here and say that the forum is going down, luring in guys like Immy. Being a mod, I don't think he should do that. There are always discussions, but the only ones that turn into wars have absolutely nothing to do with games. If you say you don't remember any fanboys, time is pulling a trick there always were fanboys, just as there are sony fanboys in sony forums and etc. We were discussing things normally, no one was attacking any one until this started. To be honest, the ones who are always complaining that "N-E is going downhill" and whatnot are the ones that start most of the flamewars.

Look at the Twilight Princess thread. We were always arguing with motion, but we never had any problem with that (for most of the time lol). The Other Consoles boards also have heavy participations and if you notice, most members here actually seem to dislike Nintedo rather than being fanboys. But the moment people try to turn healthy discussions into forum problems, poop starts flying.

I think everyone agrees that each console has its strongs points and everyone has its own taste and can like or dislike what they want, why do you guys fight so hard against that?



Wow, did the Wii drop a lot of did PSP sell more? OR both?

ALso, PS2 is freaking immortal!


Wii has been dropping for weeks now. it is because in Japan software has been pretty weak for few months now. Sales will pick up when Mario Galaxy is released.


Difference with the Wii and DS is that the DS sells 50,000+ even without any big software releases. The DS is king and will stay number 1.

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I don't understand why everyone has to be divided on it. Am I the only one? It seems like the whole forum is split into those who post in the Wii and DS boards and those who post in the other console boards. If you go between the two areas you see two completly different sets of people. They could be two completly different forums. Then when there's a thread like this the two groups collide. Am I the only one that notices this?

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I don't understand why everyone has to be divided on it. Am I the only one? It seems like the whole forum is split into those who post in the Wii and DS boards and those who post in the other console boards. If you go between the two areas you see two completly different sets of people. They could be two completly different forums. Then when there's a thread like this the two groups collide. Am I the only one that notices this?


Nope, it's pretty much like you say. Which makes sense, not everyone has the money to afford all the consoles :P WHen I get my hands on a 360 I'll start posting on the other consoles board more eheh

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