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Majora's Mask


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YES! I did it (3rd go) but needed two faeries to.

That has to be the hardest boss fight I've ever fought in any Zelda, heck maybe even any game. I can't see many people be able to beat it without using at least one fairy. Gives you a bloody great level of satisfaction when you beat it however. I really hope I can go on and complete MM, especially before TP comes out. Its without doubt the hardest Zelda ever.

Haven't played it much since then, been pretty busy but now I have quite a bit of time to try and complete it. With TP coming up it'll be great to finish it soon. I'm just at the start of Ikana Canyon.

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Ah, this brings back a lot of good memories about the game. Majoras Mask was, and still is one of the darkest thrilling Zelda games i've played. Last played on this game a couple months back, best bit of the game i thought were transforming into Zora's, Goron's and Deku's. This game has so much replay value thanks to the three day time cycle.


Must get back to playing this game, still got a couple of heart pieces to get which are the ones in the mini-games that take three days to get.


I found this out when i was playing the lottery in the game.

Write the winning numbers down as and when they come up along with the day they came up as well. Play these numbers per day, i.e. day 1 numbers on day 1 etc. You will win all the time guarenteed. Reason, the numbers repeat themselves every three days


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm playing through this for the fourth time. Loads of my mates hate it, I think it's immense. I'm trying to get all the heart pieces/itemupgrades etc which I'm finidng much easier than OoT

It has some really touching music, and touching moments to go along with it.

I think it's as good as OoT in a lot of ways, just no where near as popular.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is the most enjoyable game I have ever played I though it was awesome! There was also this fantastic article near the back of an issue of Edge about the darker undertones in the game, including the loss of innocence...I'll see if I can find it!


In light of Twilight Princess...I LOVE THIS GAME!!!

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  • 2 years later...

MASSIVE BUMP! ( Man I miss Stocka :( )


Anyway, I received the Majora's Mask manga the other day and im on reading it now. Reading it has really got me in the mood to slam this little gem on again, so much so that im sitting here watching youtube MM music videos such as this...


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I've started trying to beat this again now. I'm about what I think its halfway through the pirate fortress. Now I understand why some people claim its the best Zelda game.


Good man! Keep at it as it really is a rewarding game to play and finish.


Here's another vid, if you don't feel the need to play MM after watching this then there is something wrong with you :)


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MM is just a lot more fun, I found. Being able to get around as a ball with spikes at lightning speed, or glide through water like a fish are just some of the things that made the game awesome. That, and the fact the story didn't involve Ganondorf or even Zelda (bar a single flashback). It was basically a fairly non-cliche Zelda title ram-packed with fun and sidequests! Easily one of my favourite ever games; possibly number 2 or 3.

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Talk about coincidence! GoNintendo have just linked a snippet from another website regarding Majora's Mask.


I’m sitting in a hotel room with a girl I barely know. She is beautiful, but sad and close to tears. The man she loves has deserted her, and she feels like her world has ended. I know she’s wrong, but don’t seem to have the words to tell her why. Her world hasn’t ended. She is still loved, will still be loved, if only she would save herself. But she won’t. Consumed by the past, bereaved by her loss, she’s paralysed. Oblivious to the fact that a very different horror - concrete, violent, terminal - is threatening to end not just her world, but that of her family, her absent lover and everyone she’s ever cared about. Me too, now I come to think of it. But the words won’t come, and so I stand here, counting down to the end of the world one tear at a time. And then, at the last sad second, time loops backwards and everything begins again.


I’m sitting in a hotel room with a man I barely know. He isn’t beautiful, or sad, or paralysed, but he is oblivious. Not oblivious to the end of the world, however. He’s oblivious to a game called The Legend Of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, and that means he’s also oblivious to the unbearably bittersweet experience of sharing the end of the world with Anju as she sits in her bedroom in Clock Town’s hotel, mourning the disappearance of her fiance. And so I tell him about it, trying to condense dozens of hours of brave, benevolent adventuring into five short minutes. And then, at the last frustrating second, time loops backwards and everything begins again.


I don’t know why he’s oblivious to Majora’s Mask. It’s the sequel to Ocarina Of Time, one of the most enduring lauded videogames ever made (most recently again by Edge). If ever a game was hotly awaited - not least thanks to Ocarina’s arguably unresolved ending and rumours of hidden Temples - it was Majora.


But less than a decade on, the world seems to have collective amnesia. Over the last year I’ve been living out my own Groundhog Day, sat in pitch meeting after pitch meeting for games which propose to break radical new ground by having a looping narrative, or telling stories at a domestic rather than an epic scale, or having a hero who is actually transformed by the events that befall him. Have you looked, I ask hopefully, at Majora’s Mask? and every time watch as brows furrow and rusty memories are accessed. Oh! they say eventually, I never really played that. Was it good?


Was it good? No, it wasn’t good. It is good. It hasn’t expired, it isn’t stale or mouldering or rotten. It, like so many other masterpieces, is sitting waiting for you in retro shops and on rom sites and in friends’ parents’ attics. And it’s more than good. It’s a blueprint of brilliance, an object lesson in how innovative game design and non-linear story telling can combine to create that holy grail of emotionally resonant interaction. Ten years on we’re still asking if such things are possible, having already forgotten that these are already old achievements.


I shouldn’t really wish that more people remembered Majora. It would be harder for me to make a living if they did. But I do. I hate the deep breath I have to take before asking if anyone remembers Jumping Flash or Rescue On Fractalus. I hate being the geeky bore who’s more interested in talking about games from twenty years ago than about BioShock 2 or GTA 5. But even more I hate the waste of modern game development, of watching talented teams burn time and energy reinventing wheels previously perfected by men now in their 60s.


This isn’t about nostalgia. Most old games are shit. Most new games are shit too, of course, but that’s another story. But littered through the last forty-odd years of commercial videogame development are titles which are more effective treatises on design than anything Amazon could sell you. Everything I know about games I learned from games - or, at the furthest remove, I learned from people who’d learned everything they know about games from games.


There are new avenues for games to explore - new technologies, new philosophies, new mechanics - and their potential fills me with excitement. But if all we manage over the next forty years is to do justice to the ideas and innovations of the last forty, we’d still exceed everyone’s wildest ambitions for gaming as medium.


So if you are oblivious to Majora you owe it to yourself to give it a try. I’m begging you now, right now, before time loops again and we get trapped in the same, wasteful cycle, this time please come back with me. There are riches in the past which outweigh the promise of the future.

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I replayed it a month ago and this game really don't age.

Definitely my favourite Zelda and in my top 5 favourite games ever.

I wish people claiming they want a dark Zelda could look at MM more closely. All they seem to want is just a cliché adventure game with no personnailty like the many others available but with Link as a hero.

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The suspense and atmosphere in MM was great since you know Termina would be destroyed. And the music when it counts in the final day/hours is fantastic. Everyone believed they would die and no-one would save them.


You always got that feeling that you couldn't let the moon crash and the pressure rose the closer it got to the end of the final day.

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