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rok i really didnt think it was possible for me to lose any more respect for you since yesterday's oh-so mature and productive debacle but seriously ~ that's a really shitty thing to do and if you actually believe in karma then


i hope whoever lost it has the good sense to block it... i'd be devastated if some wanker found my phone and ran up a huge bill - what a cock.

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If the sim card was found on its own it was probably thrown away.

yeah but if he's running up a bill on it then it's not been disconnected so it was thrown away by mistake or something - he's still putting someone out of pocket and hoping it's ok 'cause the phone belongs to some mass-murdering, kitten eating nazi and not one of the nicer people around.


but well all just have to hope that it DOES belong to haden. *nods*


i know stuff O_O

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Pretty good day. Finished work at 1pm (just started playing Brothers In Arms) and decided to do some food shopping. It's been ages since i've been to Iceland but i got some awesome bargains! I then had a KFC for lunch and have just got home. I'm going to experiment with the PS3 PlayTV i got from work now, see how good it is, and then tonight i'll most likely be watching more Heroes with the g/f.


Best of all though, i'm in a good mood :)


Oh and Rokhed should hand in that sim card, and should try talking with this friend of his before he does something stupid (but he probably already has, so i just hope it doesn't blow up his face).

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Rokheds always said stuff like this. I remember something about games being delivered to his address by mistake and hed keep it cause the chavs on his street didnt deserve it or something.


To be fair i'd have done the same lol

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Too fucking right they do, the amount of shit I've had to put up with I'm due a truck load of positive karma.


Just an idea, but maybe all the shit you've had is due to bad karma from stuff like this? If you're into the whole karma thing.

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To be fair, that doesn't affect anyone!

I'm sure the chap who made that jar was gutted to hear how it was used. :|


Just an idea, but maybe all the shit you've had is due to bad karma from stuff like this? If you're into the whole karma thing.

So he got bad karma in the past for this bad deed he's doing now?


In theory the bad karma from before was the prelude to this good karma of having a few free texts. The balance is complete.

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yeah but if he's running up a bill on it then it's not been disconnected so it was thrown away by mistake or something - he's still putting someone out of pocket and hoping it's ok 'cause the phone belongs to some mass-murdering, kitten eating nazi and not one of the nicer people around.


but well all just have to hope that it DOES belong to haden. *nods*


i know stuff O_O


Thanks! :heh:


As Gizmo said if your believe in Karma rokhed all the shit you are doing now is gonna come back and get you. I dont believe in karma but well if it does exist surely thats how it works out.

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Thanks! :heh:


As Gizmo said if your believe in Karma rokhed all the shit you are doing now is gonna come back and get you. I dont believe in karma but well if it does exist surely thats how it works out.


If you'd lived my life you'd know i'm due something.

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I'm sure the chap who made that jar was gutted to hear how it was used. :|


I reckon he doesn't know. But basically you're thinking:


1) Jordan finds out what company made the glass jar (Knorr's Chicken tonight? Nutella? Doritos Salsa?)

2) Finds the factory that the company uses to make jars.

3) Finds the time that this particular batch of jars was made.

4) Finds who was working on the line for that particular shift.

5) Finds this guy/gal's address.

6) Goes to house, knocks on door.

7) "Hi, I'm Jordan, no that's right, you don't know me and I don't know you, but I have a jar that you made 3 years ago. I've cum in it. Not just once, but loads, and one time I was washing it out with hot water and my cum turned to white tar and got real sticky, and that made me feel all hot again so I had to use the jar, lol, nearly a never-ending circle. But anyways ... Oh, hi kids. I didn't see you there! About 3 years ago your dad made a jar and I do stuff with it, but now I've got a girlfriend so I don't use it as much, but don't think it's because your dad is a shoddy jar maker. It was a good jar in its day. Just that day is gone. Yeah anyway, so see ya later Bill, Thanks for the good times."



Not that plausible really.

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I reckon he doesn't know. But basically you're thinking:


1) Jordan finds out what company made the glass jar (Knorr's Chicken tonight? Nutella? Doritos Salsa?)

2) Finds the factory that the company uses to make jars.

3) Finds the time that this particular batch of jars was made.

4) Finds who was working on the line for that particular shift.

5) Finds this guy/gal's address.

6) Goes to house, knocks on door.

7) "Hi, I'm Jordan, no that's right, you don't know me and I don't know you, but I have a jar that you made 3 years ago. I've cum in it. Not just once, but loads, and one time I was washing it out with hot water and my cum turned to white tar and got real sticky, and that made me feel all hot again so I had to use the jar, lol, nearly a never-ending circle. But anyways ... Oh, hi kids. I didn't see you there! About 3 years ago your dad made a jar and I do stuff with it, but now I've got a girlfriend so I don't use it as much, but don't think it's because your dad is a shoddy jar maker. It was a good jar in its day. Just that day is gone. Yeah anyway, so see ya later Bill, Thanks for the good times."



Not that plausible really.


it's sounds to me like we need to see how much money we can raise between us to get jordan to do the above. i think it would be very funny.

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haha whoops sorry evil no it's not true, I'm very confused as to why I put that! Although I prefer the one in manchester to sit down and read it's awesome.


I'd never use a sim card if it wasn't mine, my ex nicked a phone from a bus stop, saw nothing wrong with it, balantly a school girls as he even saw a truck load of them getting on the bus, I thought it was disgusting.


Why complain about being people arseholes and then be an arsehole yourself, isn't that a balant hypocritical reaction? I can't say I'd keep somebodys games either, unfortunetly even if I had and do have shite neighbours because I think of myself abit more than that..



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Guest Jordan
I reckon he doesn't know. But basically you're thinking:


1) Jordan finds out what company made the glass jar (Knorr's Chicken tonight? Nutella? Doritos Salsa?)

2) Finds the factory that the company uses to make jars.

3) Finds the time that this particular batch of jars was made.

4) Finds who was working on the line for that particular shift.

5) Finds this guy/gal's address.

6) Goes to house, knocks on door.

7) "Hi, I'm Jordan, no that's right, you don't know me and I don't know you, but I have a jar that you made 3 years ago. I've cum in it. Not just once, but loads, and one time I was washing it out with hot water and my cum turned to white tar and got real sticky, and that made me feel all hot again so I had to use the jar, lol, nearly a never-ending circle. But anyways ... Oh, hi kids. I didn't see you there! About 3 years ago your dad made a jar and I do stuff with it, but now I've got a girlfriend so I don't use it as much, but don't think it's because your dad is a shoddy jar maker. It was a good jar in its day. Just that day is gone. Yeah anyway, so see ya later Bill, Thanks for the good times."



Not that plausible really.



You have no idea how much i wish there were true... :D Just for the record, I think it was Asda Strawberry Jam. Or something like that.

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I had my phone nicked at school once, some shithead chav broke into the changing rooms through a vent and raided my bag. I know who it was, no way of proving it since he probably swapped it for drugs or something.


So he got bad karma in the past for this bad deed he's doing now?





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ahh god make it stop!!!!!


right now there's a thunderstorm so big going on right above my head that every time it thunders, my house shakes O_O!!!


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I reckon he doesn't know. But basically you're thinking:


1) Jordan finds out what company made the glass jar (Knorr's Chicken tonight? Nutella? Doritos Salsa?)

2) Finds the factory that the company uses to make jars.

3) Finds the time that this particular batch of jars was made.

4) Finds who was working on the line for that particular shift.

5) Finds this guy/gal's address.

6) Goes to house, knocks on door.

7) "Hi, I'm Jordan, no that's right, you don't know me and I don't know you, but I have a jar that you made 3 years ago. I've cum in it. Not just once, but loads, and one time I was washing it out with hot water and my cum turned to white tar and got real sticky, and that made me feel all hot again so I had to use the jar, lol, nearly a never-ending circle. But anyways ... Oh, hi kids. I didn't see you there! About 3 years ago your dad made a jar and I do stuff with it, but now I've got a girlfriend so I don't use it as much, but don't think it's because your dad is a shoddy jar maker. It was a good jar in its day. Just that day is gone. Yeah anyway, so see ya later Bill, Thanks for the good times."



Not that plausible really.


haha ah god thankyou that just made me choke on my coffee

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Agreed, Pash. Tracey Emins work is thought provoking.



Provoked my mind into thinking "Wow. This is shit."


Well I think I posted elsewhere (or maybe I just was talking to someone), that I think, were she not famously controversial, and even if you take the title or "artist" and her celebrity out of it, the exhibition is a stirring self-portrait of a woman, unstrung. (Or at least she has been at multiple times in her life)


It's seeing honesty and thoughts displayed, showing who you are, really, no matter how ":shakehead " it can actually be, once shown to the world.


I'm not saying she's Da Vinci, I'm saying that I like the fact that I find seeing inside a person's mind.

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I reckon he doesn't know. But basically you're thinking:


1) Jordan finds out what company made the glass jar (Knorr's Chicken tonight? Nutella? Doritos Salsa?)

2) Finds the factory that the company uses to make jars.

3) Finds the time that this particular batch of jars was made.

4) Finds who was working on the line for that particular shift.

5) Finds this guy/gal's address.

6) Goes to house, knocks on door.

7) "Hi, I'm Jordan, no that's right, you don't know me and I don't know you, but I have a jar that you made 3 years ago. I've cum in it. Not just once, but loads, and one time I was washing it out with hot water and my cum turned to white tar and got real sticky, and that made me feel all hot again so I had to use the jar, lol, nearly a never-ending circle. But anyways ... Oh, hi kids. I didn't see you there! About 3 years ago your dad made a jar and I do stuff with it, but now I've got a girlfriend so I don't use it as much, but don't think it's because your dad is a shoddy jar maker. It was a good jar in its day. Just that day is gone. Yeah anyway, so see ya later Bill, Thanks for the good times."



Not that plausible really.

Of course it isn't fucking plausible. He'd sing it and dance while doing so.

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Is this uni-maintained residence, like halls? What do you mean "a fortnight from..." -- does this mean you will actually have the money to pay the rent in time? Anyway, if it's uni-managed/maintained then they usually don't fuck people over like that, and actually can be very flexible. if you were rich enough you could arrange to pay the entire year's rent in one go.



I mean, I have a fortnight from those dates to pay the accom. fee.


But I get given the money by the Loan ocmpany at the second lot of dates, which apart from the first, are all after 2 weeks.


Meaning I'll either have to apply for the larger free overdraft, and hope the Loan company won't fuck me over by delaying payment. Or ask my parents to front over a grand :/

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