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plus ~ moogleviper have you and your girlfriend ever considered the contraceptive injection? afaik it's not effected by antibiotics, you only need 1 shot every 3 months and statistically it's as effective as the pill. oh, and it's awesome.


She probably wouldn't do it. It took me ages to get her on the pill, and she only did that because it will help with her anemia. Her mum thinks that it isn't the proper pill and is only for her anemia. She would go mental if my girlfriend had the injection.

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Guest bluey
well what happened to your face?


....is that one of those really witty and deep comebacks thats only funny if you look at it "sideways"

or one of those really retarded ones that's only funny if you look at it from a different thread....? :hmm:



:smile: I ARE ITCHY!!! HAAAAALP!!!

i spent the whole day watching the L word... ^__^

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....is that one of those really witty and deep comebacks thats only funny if you look at it "sideways"

or one of those really retarded ones that's only funny if you look at it from a different thread....? :hmm:



:smile: I ARE ITCHY!!! HAAAAALP!!!

i spent the whole day watching the L word... ^__^


You can perceive it any way you like, it's just important to realise that DanDare got blazed. boom.

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yesterday I got pished on gin again down the beach with some mates. Went to wossername's house where more folks were, and we scrabbled for a bit, and started on teh rum. Somehow managed to get home - perhaps it was a bus? i really don't remember. Now awake. Playing scrabble against the same people as last night 'cept on facebook.



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Just been invited to a barbeque tomorrow evening. Believe it or not, it will be the first time I've had physical contact with my friends since leaving school. That makes me not want to go, but I'm not that much of a prick, I guess.


You normally have physical contact with your friends?

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I killed my computer with spyware. Which is ironic because I was talking in tech a few weeks ago about how easy it is to avoid malware and how you can survive with the most basic of security settings. The stuff that snuck on my computer was so heavily virulent that no amount of AV or Spybot-type software could get rid of it. Short of a several-hour long battle with the aid of the majorgeeks forum. In the end I decided to format -_- On the plus side, it's lovely having a fresh and clear computer again :D and I had several HDDs on which to back everything up, so all it did was waste my day, not the content of my PC.


My day was... is still being... stressful.

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When I was learning to reverse around the corner, my instructor put little circle stickers on the windows which I was supposed to line the kerb up with, that really helped (although after you start driving on your own those things become second nature pretty quick).

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When I was learning to reverse around the corner, my instructor put little circle stickers on the windows which I was supposed to line the kerb up with, that really helped (although after you start driving on your own those things become second nature pretty quick).


Mine was the same and I got taught little tricks, like one turn in and two turns out for parrallel park, but I still hated doing it, I always got too close to the curb for my liking and I'm very perfectionist when it comes to driving.

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Guest Jordan

I'll find out on Friday if i can get a pay rise... I need one if i'm going to buy my new place.


If i don't get the raise, i can't move out.

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Just found out a lot about my brother's birth. It seems the doctors should be sued for malpractice because they didn't tell my parents he suffered from cerebal palsy until he was 7, and thus it was to late to do so. And its looking like he may be out in October. Hmm.


My dad phoned. Locked himself out of the house again >_< had to go climb over the garage. Always fun.


Going to give this world of warcraft thing a try as everyone goes on about it. Tidy. Watch Akira. Exciting night eh?


Oh and booked a haircut for Friday. Now I just need to figure out what im doing with it.

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Today was kinda meh. Work was boring again and the guy who fancied me kind of annoys me... He got a haircut though, which looks better, but still... -___-;

I felt kind of zombie-ish today, being kinda tired, plus my skin looks really bleh. Anyone know how I can get it to look healthy?


Also, bad news. My sisters took mine and mom's bike to go to the train station last weekend, and they left them there until today. Problem is they didn't take a decent lock (except for the tiny ones already on the bike)... and so now mom's bike has been stolen and they tried stealing mine, breaking off some parts of it. Bah to the people stealing it, and bah to my sisters for not using their own bikes/not using a decent lock. >.<;



Only good news today: a package arrived in the mail today. It contained cookies, and Sigur Rós' Takk! Aimless, you rock! Big time! =D

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