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Maybe it's just me being mean again, but if she'd like the game more if she didn't have several chins herself.


*puts claws back in her box*


Today going to be really hot apprently...eeh :(, not good, so I'll have to go grab something lunch in a minute and then do my hair dye later.


Gah I hate hot weather, at least I have now more to watch other than cardcaptors woo!


ps. I know I'm being abit too nice to jayseven recently but he's right mirc is actually made of win..


Ahhh mIRC, how many hours i wasted using it, good times.

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Guest Jordan

Next months gunna be expensive. Thanks to my phone bill and tickets to go down south, i'm £140 worse off than i should be. Meaning i have £99 to my name (or -£401 in real terms T_T).


My rent is going up to £130 a week and next month is a 5 week month, so thats £50 more than normal. Fantastic, as if i can afford that. Not to mention its mine and Letty's 2 year anniversary and i have to do something for that.


So, it stacks up like this:

I'll start the month with £1099. Rent is £650. So then i'm down to £449.

I need around £12.50 a week for food at work, times by five is £62.50. So then i'm down to £386.50. Minus £35 for the only thing i can afford next month, Soul Calibur IV comes to £351.50. Take off around £90 for food shopping and essentials, leaves me with £261.50. Phone bill, £30 so i'm down to £231.50.


Then i'll be spending probably alot on mine and Letty's anniversary T_T. Its just impossible to save money. Seriously. Its just fucking impossible.

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Guest Jordan
Is there no way you can have packed lunch instead Jordan? I'm not taking the piss here but you'd be saving yourself 60 quid you could use for something.


Then you'd have nearer 300quid to spend for you and letty rather than 230?


I've tried the pack lunch route. Its actually cheaper for me to buy a sandwich, a packet of crisps and a drink from the local shop/co-op than make it myself, its so fucking daft.


As for where i live? I live in a shared house and its a fucking piss take the amount of money it costs.

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I've tried the pack lunch route. Its actually cheaper for me to buy a sandwich, a packet of crisps and a drink from the local shop/co-op than make it myself, its so fucking daft.


As for where i live? I live in a shared house and its a fucking piss take the amount of money it costs.


For what you pay, I could get a mortgage on my own place and still have enough left for some Max Mosely style fun.

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I've tried the pack lunch route. Its actually cheaper for me to buy a sandwich, a packet of crisps and a drink from the local shop/co-op than make it myself, its so fucking daft.


As for where i live? I live in a shared house and its a fucking piss take the amount of money it costs.


damn that's bad chuck! My sister has a huge flat with her boyfriend for 450. Although it's only one bedroom it's alot bigger than I thought.


I'm sure you can figure out something for letty for the 2 year anniversary, ^_^!


*going shop* foood wheeee

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damn that's bad chuck! My sister has a huge flat with her boyfriend for 450. Although it's only one bedroom it's alot bigger than I thought.


I'm sure you can figure out something for letty for the 2 year anniversary, ^_^!


*going shop* foood wheeee


+ The money Jordan pays includes all bills, tax etc.

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Guest Jordan

When my boss is back on the 30th, i'm asking for a pay rise... Theres no way i can keep going with my costs getting more and more and more.

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+ The money Jordan pays includes all bills, tax etc.

True but even with my sisters bills and taxes she'sprobably not paying more than that even if she wasn't sharing with her boyfriend.. :heh:, asking for a pay rise is good, hopefully you'll get it.


God when I went to the shop it was hot but the wind was nice and cool, walking back I was baking and thats in short shorts and a vest top 0.o GAH! -.-


I bought myself cheesecake to cheer myself up...:heart:

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My mum has just come into my room asking if I'm awake really loudly, well of course I am now. Now shes going through all my stuff >_< Asking lots of stupid questions like where things are etc, but considering they moved everything around to paint my room last week I have no idea >_<



Plans for today:

Call my work in Reading to see if I can transfer.


Get Dressed


Looks like a busy day.

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Some places just cost more wolf, it doesn't matter how nice the place is. I know a few people in abysmal flats in london where they are paying near £800, and that's shared with 3-4 others.


It's hard to find a nice one-bedroom flat here in bournemouth for less than £600 too, £550 sometimes if you're lucky, but you really have to search for the bargains otherwise it's more likely close to £700.


Renting is an absolute rip-off. Me my g/f are thinking of buying a place, just because the mortgage would be far cheaper. How insane is that?! It's just a messed up country.

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Some places just cost more wolf, it doesn't matter how nice the place is. I know a few people in abysmal flats in london where they are paying near £800, and that's shared with 3-4 others.


It's hard to find a nice one-bedroom flat here in bournemouth for less than £600 too, £550 sometimes if you're lucky, but you really have to search for the bargains otherwise it's more likely close to £700.


Renting is an absolute rip-off. Me my g/f are thinking of buying a place, just because the mortgage would be far cheaper. How insane is that?! It's just a messed up country.


I know, which is why I'm quite happy to live in the north. The south is just way too expensive for my liking!


I'm on episode 64 out of 70 *cries*

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Guest Jordan

This little bird flew in through the front door and got up the stairs. I only noticed it a moment ago. Me and a work mate managed to get it in a towel and let it free outside. Thankfully it was a tiny little thing and not one of the cat sized Seagulls we have around here. I'm not joking, the seagulls here are abnormally huge.

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Turns out the Pixar collection that was listed as this one (ie Toy Story - Cars) was actually this one (Toy Story > Ratatouille and Pixar Shorts and Pixar Story documentary). A very pleasant suprise when it turned up :D I know what im doing tomorrow now.


Also rode to Blockbusters to drop a DVD. First time I've been on a bike in years. Was nice that it took me only twenty minutes to get there compared to usual 40ish.


Work later though. Meh.


Oh and uni sent me an email saying "Congratulations" as the title so I was curious but inside it just said "you passed your second year." I had figured that out two weeks ago when I got my results thanks.

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Guest Jordan
I just got told off for e-mailing somebody at work too much. She works on the fourth floor and we were just being friendly. Jesus, fucking Nazi's! You'd think they would want their workers to make friends.


Thats pretty damn retarded...

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.... went to bed at like 5am for no reason whatsoever. Woke up at about 3, and today I need to hoooover a few rooms. That's it. my day. I did find out, however, that my tutor has gotten my uni to email me my FAIELD coursework, and she thinks my work's good, but wasn't appropriate, and that I'll get the extra 2 marks no worries. Still, two whiney marks?! That's all it took? Fuck you.


So yeah. Need to get to a library, borrow middlemarch and... er... another three books from my course that I can't remember, and read them all before august 12th. Fuckity fuck. Hate it. ARGH.




ps. I know I'm being abit too nice to jayseven recently but he's right mirc is actually made of win..

What?! You've been nice to me? :(


Next months gunna be expensive. Thanks to my phone bill and tickets to go down south, i'm £140 worse off than i should be. Meaning i have £99 to my name (or -£401 in real terms T_T).


My rent is going up to £130 a week and next month is a 5 week month, so thats £50 more than normal. Fantastic, as if i can afford that. Not to mention its mine and Letty's 2 year anniversary and i have to do something for that.


So, it stacks up like this:

I'll start the month with £1099. Rent is £650. So then i'm down to £449.

I need around £12.50 a week for food at work, times by five is £62.50. So then i'm down to £386.50. Minus £35 for the only thing i can afford next month, Soul Calibur IV comes to £351.50. Take off around £90 for food shopping and essentials, leaves me with £261.50. Phone bill, £30 so i'm down to £231.50.


Then i'll be spending probably alot on mine and Letty's anniversary T_T. Its just impossible to save money. Seriously. Its just fucking impossible.

... well pre-ordering all those games wasn't a good plan was it :P

I've tried the pack lunch route. Its actually cheaper for me to buy a sandwich, a packet of crisps and a drink from the local shop/co-op than make it myself, its so fucking daft.


As for where i live? I live in a shared house and its a fucking piss take the amount of money it costs.

How?! HOW is it cheaper to pay for a £1+ sandwich when for that £5 a week alone you can but a loaf of bread, butter, ham and cheese and peanut butter? I'm guessing you get some sor tof deal, like £2.50 for sandwich/crisps/drink... well that's still £12.50 a week which is quite often my entire food budget for the week, so sorry mate but there's definitely places to save money!


And besides; £230 is an insane amount of money if you think about it. Far more than I'll be having for the next... forever.


Some places just cost more wolf, it doesn't matter how nice the place is. I know a few people in abysmal flats in london where they are paying near £800, and that's shared with 3-4 others.


It's hard to find a nice one-bedroom flat here in bournemouth for less than £600 too, £550 sometimes if you're lucky, but you really have to search for the bargains otherwise it's more likely close to £700.


Renting is an absolute rip-off. Me my g/f are thinking of buying a place, just because the mortgage would be far cheaper. How insane is that?! It's just a messed up country.

Look farther out - Boscombe is where my sister lives and her rent is way cheaper - £400 upwards rather than the £600 you're looking at. The area's rising financially too, so it's a good area to invest in, if you do decide to mortgage.

This little bird flew in through the front door and got up the stairs. I only noticed it a moment ago. Me and a work mate managed to get it in a towel and let it free outside. Thankfully it was a tiny little thing and not one of the cat sized Seagulls we have around here. I'm not joking, the seagulls here are abnormally huge.


Brighton seaguls are that big by default! It still gets me when I see them up close - which is usually several times a day.

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Guest Jordan


... well pre-ordering all those games wasn't a good plan was it :P


Probably not, but there ya go.


How?! HOW is it cheaper to pay for a £1+ sandwich when for that £5 a week alone you can but a loaf of bread, butter, ham and cheese and peanut butter? I'm guessing you get some sor tof deal, like £2.50 for sandwich/crisps/drink... well that's still £12.50 a week which is quite often my entire food budget for the week, so sorry mate but there's definitely places to save money!


£1.20 for a sandwich, 50-60p for some crisps, 80-90p for a drink. Food is more expensive here than downsouth due to the fact most of it is imported.


And besides; £230 is an insane amount of money if you think about it. Far more than I'll be having for the next... forever.


It soon wittles away very, very fast due to small out goings here and there.


Brighton seaguls are that big by default! It still gets me when I see them up close - which is usually several times a day.


Thus we've proven that birds are bastards.

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But how much is a loaf of bread, a 10-slice pack of ham, a small pack of cheese? jar of peanut butter? A tomato? I suppose the fresher food is more expensive as it's imported.


But then you do spend £90 a week on food/essentials (whatver that covers!) that seems to only cover breakfast and dinner. Wtf!

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Guest Jordan

But then you do spend £90 a week on food/essentials (whatver that covers!) that seems to only cover breakfast and dinner. Wtf!


£90 a week? I thought i said month. I generally only spend that much on food a month... not a week O_o.

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