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Eww eww eww. D:


I was like, asleep and in my dream I kept hearing a scratchy noise. My mind made me think it could be my sparkling water standing close to le, but I felt around my head and there was no bottle there. Then I thought I was just hearing things... but the noise was still there.

Turned on the lights but at first glance I couldn't spot anything... until I looked at the wood of the ceiling right next to me (the ceiling is about 50 cm above my bed on that side and stuff....). There's this big black beetle crawling around behind the wood, often showing its ugly head or body. D:


I just keeps crawling back and forth and seems to be looking for a way to get to me. Now I don't know what to do because I don't want to sleep here with the possibility of a big insect falling/crawling on my face at night. >.<;

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Guest bluey

i just wanna <3 you!!



i had a fairly interesting day today ~ well actually no that's a lie... all i did was roll out of bed, tidy my room, walk into town to pay my rent and buy water and fruit tea, then come home and put my laundry on and my bedding out to air.... but all of the above feels completely EPIC 'cause it's ridiculously hot here and even typing this is taking effort >__<!!


there was what i assume to be a blood drive van outside the train station today... so after being handed a packet of "nurse hello kitty" tissues i wandered up to the bus to see if i could actually give blood (i AM part of the national health programme here....?) but i was apologetically shoo'd away ~ maybe they dont want my gaijin blood ~ or thought i was a tourist just after the free stickers and biscuits donators got afterwards... or maybe they sensed that i was too stupid to understand the form :indeed:


...at least i tried eh?

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Arrghh! I always seem to forget something when the parents go away, I was supposed to put the wheelybin out so the men could collect it this morning, 8:05 they had just left and I had woken up...and I was supposed to put it out yesterday so the bin is basically full (because I whacked my tv's box and stuff in it) and my parents are back in a few hours..


nightwolf = fail.


I was supposed to go college too today but I have no money! So I'm stuck and wondering what work I'm supposed to do considering everything has to be in this friday...bah.


Not good, but woo the parents being home.

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Guest Jordan

I've had two days of technical suckyness.


On Sunday, i got my new homeplug system, which promptly destroyed my network in one sweep. I had to buy a new switch and i'll be borrowing a wireless access point ethernet adapter from a work mate for a while.


Yesterday, I managed to stupidly unmod my modded PSP, meaning i have to now buy a modded battery to attempt to remod my PSP. I say attempt, since i don't even know if its possible to downgrade one from 4.00.

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That was an interesting dream. In short, gangsters robbed my house, then me and my dad pursued them in a high speed car chase. I had a shoot out with the leader and eventually had a gun to his head, but he slowly came at me with a knife, so I shot that out of his hand, then I got two bullets in my chest and stomach. After finishing him off, the Milky Bar kid (who can apparently fly now) swept in and went on a gravity-defying adventure to take me to the very top of a magical tower for healing. I got sucked into a vortex, then woke up... and here I am. Hello! :D

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That was an interesting dream. In short, gangsters robbed my house, then me and my dad pursued them in a high speed car chase. I had a shoot out with the leader and eventually had a gun to his head, but he slowly came at me with a knife, so I shot that out of his hand, then I got two bullets in my chest and stomach. After finishing him off, the Milky Bar kid (who can apparently fly now) swept in and went on a gravity-defying adventure to take me to the very top of a magical tower for healing. I got sucked into a vortex, then woke up... and here I am. Hello! :D


George Lucas basically just wrote your dream: good, action-packed fun, but it gets a bit too silly towards the end.

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Guest bluey

...i keep having ghibli movie themed dreams about coming home to the UK... only i'm on a bus or train (rather than the more obvious PLANE) with chihiro and sometimes no-face or granny :hmm:


i am the ultimate fangirl.

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George Lucas basically just wrote your dream: good, action-packed fun, but it gets a bit too silly towards the end.


Yeah, Flying Milky Bar Kid seemed very unnecessary, I don't know where the hell he came from.

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I had a horrid dream that me and my better half were with my eldest kid in a forest looking for chicken eggs, all of a sudden my kid had dissapeared.


I woke up sweating, terrified. I looked across and he had got into bed with us, we had a nice cuddle and i went back to sleep.

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Not too bad all things considered. Although i am glad i survived my hours spent working at the performance of High School Musical Live, but now i have to do it all over again tonight. . .


Somehow i'll be surprised if i'm not wanted for murder by the end of next week . . .

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Blehhh, just found the beetle from last night crawling over my beddddd. Picked it up on a piece of paper and threw it outside. I hope it hadn't been crawling there during the night. >.>;


Really didn't sleep well thanks to the bug (was past 4) and my throat was hurting. It's still massively sore right now.

Went shopping for about an hour with my sister, only found some pants (40 euro, booooh). Was looking for Okami or Mario Kart for Wii as well but no store had them in. =(

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Eww eww eww. D:


I was like, asleep and in my dream I kept hearing a scratchy noise. My mind made me think it could be my sparkling water standing close to le, but I felt around my head and there was no bottle there. Then I thought I was just hearing things... but the noise was still there.

Turned on the lights but at first glance I couldn't spot anything... until I looked at the wood of the ceiling right next to me (the ceiling is about 50 cm above my bed on that side and stuff....). There's this big black beetle crawling around behind the wood, often showing its ugly head or body. D:


I just keeps crawling back and forth and seems to be looking for a way to get to me. Now I don't know what to do because I don't want to sleep here with the possibility of a big insect falling/crawling on my face at night. >.<;


I bet watching the X-files didn't help! ;)

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I bet watching the X-files didn't help! ;)


Hahaha I ended up not watching it. Put in the DVD, but then I saw the menu picture of someone sitting in a bath filled with blood (or something that looked like it)... and I decided I didn't want to have nightmares from watching that. XD

I'll be watching it right now though, to make up for it. =P

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My parents just got back from belgium/germany/switzerland etc and they haven't shouted at me for breaking the dishwasher nor forgetting to put the bin out.


parents = win.


...anddddddddddd they may take me out for a meal at my favourite restaurant because it was my birthday ^_^


win win!

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Another boringly pointless day.


Went to school at 9, didn't have a lesson until 12:50 but only me and my mate would be the ones in that lesson so we both just decided to go home. So here i am :)


Bricking it even more about the driving test tomorrow now that it's only one day away :S

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Bricking it even more about the driving test tomorrow now that it's only one day away :S


Just remember to do exactly as your told and if you make a mistake follow through on it. On my test the instructor said to go straight on at the roundabout. I took the first exit which was left, but as i indicated to go left and was in the correct lane he couldnt fail me.

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Just remember to do exactly as your told and if you make a mistake follow through on it. On my test the instructor said to go straight on at the roundabout. I took the first exit which was left, but as i indicated to go left and was in the correct lane he couldnt fail me.


+2! My instructor said exactly the same thing. Though apprently an examiner has been making students do some nasty sharp reverse a round a corners, they are sooo horrible. God forbid if I get him as my examiner, mines the 16th july. Good luck! :yay:

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Let's see I flunked Algebra (again) by one question that I didn't get right because I was in fucking pain due to my stomach problems so I couldn't concentrate and mixed up a thing and I still have physicals and another fucking hard exame to go. Great day.

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My day consisted of watching films. :) That is all.


As fun as that is I could be doing the same thing at home. (but watching better Movies!)


My parents are paying for me to watch movies. :shakehead


It's been a good day though. As I got to go home earlier than usual as there is nothing after games. :D


Oh and it's lovely and sunny, which always puts me in a GREAT mood! :grin:

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