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Today, I've felt like excrements freshly spewed from the anus of a goat. Why you may ask? Because I've had a sore throat, a bad neck (I can barely bend the bugger), a cold in general, extreme fatigue for no reason, and general depression.

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can't you prop it up in any way? I had a massive metre by one and a half metre mixed media piece that I did a few years ago and that killed my back teh first couple of days. I propped it up against a couple of massive stereo speakers and put some heavy books in front of it to stop it sliding so i didn't need ot bend over the table anymore.


It was my final piece for my first year of Art at A-level. I did it at home as I'd just had an operation, but the art department never got my doctor's note, and when I turned up with it they (BITCHES) were all "well you could've just found it and brought it in" and failed me :(


Plus they somehow lost the massive piece of chipboard the following week. Fuckers.


I wish I could put it against something, but there's a couple of problems with that. First one being I don't have any stuff that would be suited to put it against. Other problem would be that unless the surface it would be resting against is flat, it would be impossible to decently paint it on an uneven surface. So I'm stuck with this table and a back that's seriously killing me. I might have to take some painkillers if I still want to be able to walk or stand straight.


Anyway, even though the figure isn't even halfway done (farrrr from), I'm in need of a break and some tiramisu. I'll work more in an hour... darned deadlines.

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A whole lot better now, I'm currently using the Ghostbusters theme tune as motivation to write news on N-E.

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my back is sore from my fight with a box of PS3s yesterday... i think i must have slept funny cause when i woke up it was really painful... but it's been easier to inhale today ^_^ i managed to take my dog for a walk in the half hour it WASN'T raining today and that made my head AND my back feel much better (but my shoes MUCH muddier :smile:) i saw a fox running out of it's home and across the field while i was out, too!! i havent seen one so close in ages.

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Pretty alright day.

Got my English coursework sorted out after the disaster I had with it yesterday. Phoned up Animal and they're phoning me to arrange an interview in the next couple of days, so yay :) Hopefully me and my best friend will get jobs there. Did tag rugby in PE today, was fun, but now I have massive bruises and grazes all over me, despite it being a 'non contact' sport.

Been trying to do coursework this eve but have been distracted by a silly little flash paper aeroplane game my mum sent me.

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I had a day off :D

i hopped off to the cinema on very short notice (like 5 minutes) to see stardust...t'was ok i felt, not a patch on the book though. Now to get on with preparing for two hours of lessons tomorrow!

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got me a piece of c/w due tomorrow. Spent far too long (like, last 5 days!) just making sure I knew what all the terms and shit meant... Yesterday I wrote over a thousand words but just random ideas and segments rather than anything for the essay, so when I woke up today (... at three thirty >_<) I sat and made myself a PLAN! Proceeded to have written 'bout 1,300 words now, with roughly 500 more to go on this bit then 500 for the next, self-evaluation-ish bit (should be easy).


Problem is I've been sitting on orange box which arrived this morning. I think I've done fairly well to just.. open it and read the instructions and drool over teh disc, and not play it at all :)


Early lecture/seminar tomorrow, but of course I might not go. EIther I'll stay up all night doing essay, then finish it and play OB til morning, then go to lecture/seminar and hand inwork, OR play OB from 10 'til 3 or whatever, then wake up at about 10, spent a few hours finishing the essay then handing it in - of course, not going to lecture or seminar but getting sleep :)




Oh! And I had a headrush from my cigarette today. First time in flippin' ages. Totally awesome :)

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My housemate and friend have just left for the ritualistic monday night out and was in her room when she was getting ready and drinking and stuff and wondering if I should have gone with. It wont end like it does in my head but I dunno. Im conflicted. I feel as if I should be faithful towards someone I'm not even dating.


(and that probably doesn't make sense)

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My day was good, I wore my yellow trousers, and failed to change a lightbulb. (damn glass thing/spider/woodlouse)


Also my mother bought 3 cases of cherry Iced tea, for seemingly no reason! I am now drinking some.

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My day was good, I wore my yellow trousers, and failed to change a lightbulb. (damn glass thing/spider/woodlouse)


Also my mother bought 3 cases of cherry Iced tea, for seemingly no reason! I am now drinking some.


How nice is the Cherry Ice tea? i have never had that flavour! :D


I'm thirsty now! Time for some Cranberry Juice! :)

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How nice is the Cherry Ice tea? i have never had that flavour! :D


I'm thirsty now! Time for some Cranberry Juice! :)


I didnt like it very much at first, but Its growing on me. Like a tumor


Beggars cant be choosers :(

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I didnt like it very much at first, but Its growing on me. Like a tumor


Beggars cant be choosers :(


Ah ok! I didn't like Cranberry Juice much at first but i kept drinking it until i got used to the weird taste.. :D


Hmm might by some Cherry Ice Tea to see what it's like..I'm all for odd flavoured drinks at the moment!


I had Blueberry Juice the other day, which tasted like i was eating sweets. :)

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Ah ok! I didn't like Cranberry Juice much at first but i kept drinking it until i got used to the weird taste.. :D


Hmm might by some Cherry Ice Tea to see what it's like..I'm all for odd flavoured drinks at the moment!


I had Blueberry Juice the other day, which tasted like i was eating sweets. :)


least you didn't eat death




and my neck has hurt all weekend, a result from saturday nights partying and then awkward sleepyness on girlfriends bed, its still sore, any way to make it not sore? (that avoids a bath, don't like em, showers are waaaaay better)

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Today, I've felt like excrements freshly spewed from the anus of a goat. Why you may ask? Because I've had a sore throat, a bad neck (I can barely bend the bugger), a cold in general, extreme fatigue for no reason, and general depression.

...you might want to check with a doctor that you don't have meningitis.

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...you might want to check with a doctor that you don't have meningitis.
Nah, it's not that. I had my meningitis jab back a few years ago. Plus, my throat's starting to clear up, although my cold is getting worse ¬¬

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Nah, it's not that. I had my meningitis jab back a few years ago. Plus, my throat's starting to clear up, although my cold is getting worse ¬¬

The tiredness and the neck are the main things, and the meningitis jab only protects you from one form of the disease.

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The tiredness and the neck are the main things, and the meningitis jab only protects you from one form of the disease.

...Ah feck, I'm shatting meself now :(

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...Ah feck, I'm shatting meself now :(

Sorry, it's best to be safe though, it's common in students so I'm always getting warnings about it. I hope you're okay...


Anyway, finally finished my chemistry... that took several hours.

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Turns out i got a package last night... at like half 5. So gotta go pick it up before the post starts at 1pm.


I am also seriously tired. I went to bed at 2am again... :(

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Nooooos! My case of Heroclix (new set) is delayed! Boooo!


Great nothing to look forward to till Friday now. :(

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Turns out i got a package last night... at like half 5. So gotta go pick it up before the post starts at 1pm.


I am also seriously tired. I went to bed at 2am again... :(


And the package was my awesome "the cake is a lie" t shirt! :)

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well despite having had an essay to complete this morning, I was up 'til 5am playing Portal :S Got up about 12-ish and wrote teh last 700 words of the essay within an hour. Now just waiting for Shorty to return so I can get a reference, then off I go to hand it in! I'm thinking there's definitely 25% I've gotten wrong...


And then it'll be time for me to play some more portal! or another orange box game! Whatever I do, I bed I don't do any work for thursday 'til wednesday :)

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I ordered the Donnie Darko Directorss cut 2 disk DVD from amazon at 8pm last night, and it said it would arrive friday. It arrived this morning! Woo! I didn't even pay for express delivery.


Also, I missed college again. I got attacked on college grounds this morning and threatened with a knife again. The college are FINALLY going to tell other pupils whats going on because now it's on school grounds they have to by law.


I got chased for 20 mins all the way home by these 2 guys. I got thrown onto the gorund and got covered in mud (it was pouring down and this was on the back fields) and got kicked a few times. I eventually made it back home and the polive took 2 hours to get round on a 999 call!

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Ahhh ffs. Sorry Haggis man, this stuff that is happening to you is sooo lame, and you so dont deserve it...although you know all this. Those fuckers better sort it out soon.


How do they find you anyway. Christ its mad. Seriously you seem to be coping well. Id be...totally bad.

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Ahhh ffs. Sorry Haggis man, this stuff that is happening to you is sooo lame, and you so dont deserve it...although you know all this. Those fuckers better sort it out soon.


How do they find you anyway. Christ its mad. Seriously you seem to be coping well. Id be...totally bad.



I don't know know really, there's no point in letting them win by having a breakdown or whatever, I mean, thats what they want. The police told me it's my fault for staying at the school and that calling them isn't doing any good!


I got taxi into college, and I got dropped off just outside, as I walked in I got grabbed and threatened with a knife by one of them. Before they did anything I just dopped my bag and ran. Went over the nearest fence through a feild and ran back to my house, but before I got there they caught up with me and kicked me a few times on the floor and ran off. I don't mind really, I mean, now people will actually know whats going on they can watch out for these pricks and the police might finally catch them :)


The school think I'm going to have a breakdown lol. They've arranged a counciller for ,me and I have to go a see a pyschiatrist (sp) aswell. I mean, I don't see why I need to! I'm fine. Surely it should be up to me whether I want to talk to someone or not?


edit: apologies for any speling mistakes, my laptop keyboard is messing up, I can spell, really. :)

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