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been to the pub for a coke or two and had a chat with my friends Laura and Olivia, the latter having been out of touch for a while. Was pretty nice to see them and chuckle over weird kids we knew at school.


oh and gratz Ash.


Thanks :)


Tomorrow I shall phone the last straggler who hasn't replied and finalise details for "Ex-Woolies Staff Summer Meet-Up Year 3" (EWSSMUY3) because I need to socalise...


I am totally up for shotting it, but as I say, I need some visual stimulation. Might try force myself through some streamed x-files/lost, but they always seem to fuck up in the last 5 minutes. Well... Lost season 4 here I come!


Visual stimulation...http://www.drhorrible.com ;)

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RE: DR. Horrible; OMG IT LOADS YAY! Ok I'll totally drink to that.


lols! "Oh! goodness! look at my wrist..." made me spray bogies. Sorry - but true. lots of good script - I could say that most of the characters were vastly two-dimensional, but to be honest it was rather a good little 42 minutes of my life so why bother? Good stuff. Hope it's the first of many similar projects. yeah so three shots per act = I NEED MOAR NOW! Will try for lost s04e02/3 :)


'Bout 4am now. just watched lost s04e04 and OMGWTFWTWFWNITWIF! This season is awesome. Not sure if I'll get any sleep tonight as I'll probably watch the whole thing WTFAOMOEMGOGOGN

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Really, really pissed off, it was such a good day till tonight, and what I thought were good friends treated me like shit for no reason. Really fucked my head up, I don't need these kind of head games with my depression.


That's not fair, babe. What did they do to you?

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That's not fair, babe. What did they do to you?


Pretty much ignored me to start with, then when someone else wanted to talk to me, to be nice, were just being nasty about it, as if I'd done something wrong by people liking me. They know I'm really sensitive and insecure at the moment too and that my depession has taken a turn for the worse, it's like they're deliberately trying to fuck my head up. Unless there's a drastic change in their attitude towards me they can forget about using me as a demonstration model for their bondage classes in a few weeks.

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Pretty much ignored me to start with, then when someone else wanted to talk to me, to be nice, were just being nasty about it, as if I'd done something wrong by people liking me. They know I'm really sensitive and insecure at the moment too and that my depession has taken a turn for the worse, it's like they're deliberately trying to fuck my head up. Unless there's a drastic change in their attitude towards me they can forget about using me as a demonstration model for their bondage classes in a few weeks.


Sods *big hug*


They're bastards, aren't they. Do you know what has made your depression worse? I think we all felt you were really making progress.


Although sometimes it's difficult to put your finger on it at times. Now and then, it's just the right time to be sad.


I think they're jealous of your popularity, if even half of what you have said onm here is true, then I think you're something of a star out there.


And a star here too :)

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I just got back from clubbing last night, unfortunately I smell, am down about £30, I'm uber tired and look like a mess, but who cares? It was an awesome night for my friends' 18th.


Got another one tomorrow, however. I'm meant to be going in fancy dress...and I just don't have any. Fuck :(

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Sods *big hug*


They're bastards, aren't they. Do you know what has made your depression worse? I think we all felt you were really making progress.


Although sometimes it's difficult to put your finger on it at times. Now and then, it's just the right time to be sad.


I think they're jealous of your popularity, if even half of what you have said onm here is true, then I think you're something of a star out there.


And a star here too :)



I know exactly what has made my depresion worse, the doctor decreased my dosage of antidepressants as they were making me sleep for about 16 hours a day, it doesn't help that I'm drinking more either.


Maybe they are jealous, I don't know, they're well established on the scene and make a comfortable living out of it though, I just can't see why they'd be jealous of me. People do seem to really like me though, for the life of me I can't see why, but everyone I've met has had nothing but good things to say about me.


Anyways, I'm going back to the Doctors Tuesday to get something done about my medication, hopefully things will sort themselves out then.

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I know exactly what has made my depresion worse, the doctor decreased my dosage of antidepressants as they were making me sleep for about 16 hours a day, it doesn't help that I'm drinking more either.


Maybe they are jealous, I don't know, they're well established on the scene and make a comfortable living out of it though, I just can't see why they'd be jealous of me. People do seem to really like me though, for the life of me I can't see why, but everyone I've met has had nothing but good things to say about me.


Anyways, I'm going back to the Doctors Tuesday to get something done about my medication, hopefully things will sort themselves out then.


From what I can see it seems as though they could be jealous as you are the new one, the one who will now get the attention rather than the already established ones.


Either way you seem to have been doing great! :yay:




This morning I've been feeling more positive than I have the past few days, I was walking to the shops (greasy bedhair, no make-up etc etc) and some blonde girl walks past me, face full of make-up and shiny accessories. Now normally I'd think I was ugly as heck against her, but it made me feel more confident that alot of people like that didn't have the guts to walk out as their natural selfs (my natural bedself..).


It made me realise how much I don't need to be a girly girl to be happy ^_^, so smiles all round today.

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Finally finished my CV and sent it to an acquaintance of my mum's at Sheffield Hallam who is, apparently, in dire need of staff. If I get a job I'm going to be so fucking happy. Been a bit down about my situation recently and I need some good news.

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Finally finished my CV and sent it to an acquaintance of my mum's at Sheffield Hallam who is, apparently, in dire need of staff. If I get a job I'm going to be so fucking happy. Been a bit down about my situation recently and I need some good news.


Oh jesus I'll have to put up with you as staff while I'm at uni?


This is not looking good :heh:

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The house work is almost complete, I think. The oven has been removed and replace with a shiny new one, the chimney's been completely removed, the builders fixed various other problems wrong with the house at a low cost and part of the roof is currently being removed and replaced since the guy who originally did it made it so that it poses a risk of collapsing in less than a year and has now gone into hiding.

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I know exactly what has made my depresion worse, the doctor decreased my dosage of antidepressants as they were making me sleep for about 16 hours a day, it doesn't help that I'm drinking more either.


Maybe they are jealous, I don't know, they're well established on the scene and make a comfortable living out of it though, I just can't see why they'd be jealous of me. People do seem to really like me though, for the life of me I can't see why, but everyone I've met has had nothing but good things to say about me.


Anyways, I'm going back to the Doctors Tuesday to get something done about my medication, hopefully things will sort themselves out then.


It's like Nightwolf says, maybe the pros are going to look at you sideways, it's not your fault, they just feel threatened. And the change in medication with what your body chemistry must be doing to you at the moment... that's just not good.


Oh, me and the new missus made love for the first time last night, it was her birthday and it was pretty magical, I have to say :)

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Pity I had to be up early today - went to bed quite late with a head full of horrid cocunut rum. It was a BBQ/Party last night where a "strip" version of spin the bottle was played (I did not participate :blank: ) but I did hit the jackpot with regular spin the bottle. I could feel the hatred oozing from my best friend as it landed on his hot, 20 year old sister on my turn... Topped the night off with the age-old classic: drunken Singstar. Twas very good.

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Pity I had to be up early today - went to bed quite late with a head full of horrid cocunut rum. It was a BBQ/Party last night where a "strip" version of spin the bottle was played (I did not participate :blank: ) but I did hit the jackpot with regular spin the bottle. I could feel the hatred oozing from my best friend as it landed on his hot, 20 year old sister on my turn... Topped the night off with the age-old classic: drunken Singstar. Twas very good.


To right the countless wrongs of our day, We shine this light of pure redemption, That this place may become as paradise.

What a wonderful world such would be...


(PS. TY for the awesome signature idea :P)

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It's like Nightwolf says, maybe the pros are going to look at you sideways, it's not your fault, they just feel threatened. And the change in medication with what your body chemistry must be doing to you at the moment... that's just not good.


Oh, me and the new missus made love for the first time last night, it was her birthday and it was pretty magical, I have to say :)


That's so damned petty if that's the case, anyway I've decided to take some advice they gave me about things and am saying fuck 'em, they're the ones with the problem, not me. If they can't just come out and tell me what's wrong then I'm not going to let it affect me.


Good for you hunni, first times can be so special.

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Good luck with that shit, Jordan. And Rokhed; friends politics is always damn petty and annoying isn't it? It's always astounding how immature people can be.


Lots of plans for August are coming together that ought to make up for the fairly mundane last two months. With any luck I'll be hitting up sheffield, crawley, newport, kent and maybe bournemouth before september starts. it's also Gay Pride this weekend here in brighton (which, Rokhed, you really ought to come down for some year - you'd love it), so there's parades going on, and some free party's that I might go to and feel insecure about not being drugged up :)


A mate's got a gig someplace saturday, then another mate's coming back to brighton on monday, then another mate's got a birthday tuesday, so wahey! Socialite I be.

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Woops...I should keep my paedo jokes to a minimum. Just cracked one and realised I was in ear shot of three mothers. (Who may not appreciate it)


My friend at work is leaving today! :-( To America...scholarship eeevil. Oh well we are going out, which will be amazing.

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