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I wouldn't be too sure about that. :heh:

Unless your roommate is really really horrible...


But yeah it was a somewhat weird dream. Strange to have people you've never met show up in your dreams. Wonder if it means something? =P


Anyway, time for bed! I played some more Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland tonight so my not so awesome day ended up being a tiny bit more fun. =D


It means you love me. But don't worry, everyone does :D


My roommate isn't really really horrible. Just a pain, and annoying and a football player (which explains the other two really).


I think I've had a dream about a forum member before, but can't remember which. Its random. But nice to know I have an impact.


(and I hope you weren't playing Tingle's last night before bed :p)

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It means you love me. But don't worry, everyone does :D


My roommate isn't really really horrible. Just a pain, and annoying and a football player (which explains the other two really).


I think I've had a dream about a forum member before, but can't remember which. Its random. But nice to know I have an impact.


(and I hope you weren't playing Tingle's last night before bed :p)


Haha, of course I love you! Can't ignore your charms. =P

And don't worry, I wasn't playing Tingle's last night. I think I'd be dreaming about more disturbing things then. X3

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Haha, of course I love you! Can't ignore your charms. =P

And don't worry, I wasn't playing Tingle's last night. I think I'd be dreaming about more disturbing things then. X3


lol good. Last thing I want is to be associated with Tingle :p


Damn. Just went to go use housemates (another, one I like) printer and had my flashpen in my mouth and was planning on saying "got anywhere I can stick this?" but she was in bed with some guy so I didn't. Instead I just lay with them when waiting for the thing to print. Which in retrospect, was a bit odd. Ah well.


And that is pretty much the end of my day as I'm going to bed. Tomorrow should be better as I get a lie in.

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Damn. Just went to go use housemates (another, one I like) printer and had my flashpen in my mouth and was planning on saying "got anywhere I can stick this?" but she was in bed with some guy so I didn't. Instead I just lay with them when waiting for the thing to print. Which in retrospect, was a bit odd. Ah well.


Lol. All you do is go lie with people. And you have a lieing sig.


You're a lier. :heh:

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Lol. All you do is go lie with people. And you have a lieing sig.


You're a lier. :heh:


I agree, I do lie a lot and I don't see a problem with that but two things.


1) Wrong type of lying :p

2) My signature is the truth. Lilly Kane is a more important cheerleader to save. She once said, "Hello America. You love me, don't you?" Judging by recent episodes Claire would say "Sup America. You like me from like the heart and stuff yeah don't you?"


Anywho. This is the HOW WAS YOUR DAY? thread so shh :p

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I went to some bullshit talk by Alister Mcgrath about "the dawkins delusion," the guy wouldn't stop talking shit. But then again, I've seen Dawkins talk, and he's no better.


I am also pretty fuckin drunk at the moment, and depressed, because I don't have enough self respect to let a good thing last.

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A female friend asked me to tell her all the things a girl who I think likes me has said and done towards me recently. Of course, I can't recall every detail as I don't have a tape recorder rammed up my arse, but from what I told her, she's said that this girl likes me, which has brightened up my day considerably.

Unfortunately, my plan to ask her to the Christmas ball today was scuppered by her going home ill after lesson one.


Oh, and I know that my friend isn't just saying that this girl like me to make me happy as I threatened to (and I quote here) eject her from a room via the window on at least the 6th floor of a building if she bullshitted me.




I went to some bullshit talk by Alister Mcgrath about "the dawkins delusion," the guy wouldn't stop talking shit. But then again, I've seen Dawkins talk, and he's no better.


I should probably point out that one (McGrath) is a creative artist (theology is, after all, a creative art), while the other (Dawkins) is a professor who currently teaches his (scientific) subject at Oxford.


My money is on Dawkins having a better understanding of anything remotely scientific, including psychology (which is what the talk boils down to, if it was of any quality).


Also, when it comes to public speaking, I personally think Dawkins' delivery is very good. I do debating at school, so I like to think I speak with some tiny amount of authority when it comes to public speaking (and yes, I know I sound stuck up my own arse).

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Dawkins is has a habit of making the pathological seem ordinary, he's a manipulative bastard, and almost all of his arguments are flawed to the core. There are many reasons why one would loathe the idea of god, but he seems oblivious to all of them. McGrath, on the other hand, is the opposite, but equally as bad, he kept talking about "empirical fit" the idea that the thing that is easiest to believe is right...the guy is a christian....and in a funny twist of irony, I felt compelled to tell him that the simplest possible solution usually relies on the fewest possible presumptions...


I'm way to drunk to argue, but I also did debating. I stand undefeated :heh:


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Dawkins is has a habit of making the pathological seem ordinary, he's a manipulative bastard, and almost all of his arguments are flawed to the core. There are many reasons why one would loathe the idea of god, but he seems oblivious to all of them. McGrath, on the other hand, is the opposite, but equally as bad, he kept talking about "empirical fit" the idea that the thing that is easiest to believe is right...the guy is a christian....and in a funny twist of irony, I felt compelled to tell him that the simplest possible solution usually relies on the fewest possible presumptions...


I'm way to drunk to argue, but I also did debating. I stand undefeated :heh:



Dawkins tend to avoid such arguments as doing so gives religious types the (entirely undeserved, IMO) right to say "you're offending my beliefs".

I can't personally see how most, if not hardly any, of his arguments are flawed to the core, but each to his own.


Oh, and you're lucky you're not in my school - we've come in the top 5 in every competition we've entered, and all of us have lose debates regularly.

Still, it's a nice record, none the less.


Anyway, we've kind of gone off topic here.

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It's his unflinching reliance on his objectivity, and his insistence that belief in god is a "meme" as he so calls it. Well, by that standard, atheism could be the same, and he is just as bad for being so vehement in his insistence towards being right. Beliefs are a personal thing, they are not to be dictated by someone else. Of all your "beliefs" or morals, that you believe to be "right" can you truly prove any of them to be so?


As such, I believe that Hawkins should fuck right off and rethink his argument, and perhaps appeal to the subjective side of the people he is aiming to convert. People can never rely on bland rationality alone, and anyone who does is too dull to care about.


As for debating, my old school, Manchester Grammar, we're actually 2nd in the country the year that I left :heh:. Bah


Also, I hate god, the sadistic bastard.

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oops! Sorry anyone on my msn list or those who it spread out to. I got linked to a site that shows u whose blocked u and thought it would be fun to see but I didnt realise it would mass spam EVERYONE on my msn list so apologies for that. Posting here as people read here oh and dantes worried u will all hate him as he did it to after i sent it to him.


Anyway apart from this good day for me but need to do some work now me am sad :(

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1) Wrong type of lying :p


Carp, Lol.


Well my days been meh so far. Dunno what time it was, but once again woken up by my fantastic neighbourhood (This happens practically bi-weekly now)




Ensue, a fainter voice I cant make out in between party A screaming the above line over and over.


He must of said it about 40 times. Idiot neanderthals. (sp?)

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What's happened Haden. You use to type so beautifully, now it seems like you just can't be bothered. :(


Well old chap my eloquence has seemed to depart from me in a rather unfortunate set of events. I may label myself a mere nincompoop but I feel I would be undoing my previous ornate style of writing and legitimising this repulsive slang filled compression ridden style that I have now undertaken.


Um yeh I dont know lol. Did I ever type good? Ive had to type loads of essays maybe my brain relaxes to much when I get here if you ask bluey she still thinks im a posh bastard who speaks well so fear not!


Oh anyway my day so far not good I keep waking up early... Ive ltierally no idea why and then my body wants to collapse at 2pm. Which is when I have a lecture today great just great...

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Well i've been at work for an hour.. and i still haven't seen anyone.


The usual people who are on the ground floor are either A) in the US B) On Holiday or C) Upstairs for some reason.

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It was sort of my fault, I was doing knife defense with a mate at martial arts, I screwed up and almost got stabbed, scratched me literally millimeters from my eye. As for the arm, I managed to block too many kicks in exactly the same place. So basically, if I don't block, I get hurt, and if I do, well, I get hurt anyway. Don't know what I did to my toe, but I seem to be missing a bit of skin.

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