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Where do I begin!?!?


Ok, I went to work yesterday at 3PM. It turns out only me and this other guy were working (due to illnesses in other colleagues...), where normally there's at least 5 people working at any one time. Ergo, I had to run around doing everything - selling popcorn, cleaning screens, opening screens - FOR 6 HOURS. And then the guy rushed off at 9, and I was left to cash up and clean up ON MY OWN. I've never cashed up before, and the manager was a fat lot of help because he was "organising something really important". It took me about 20 minutes to work out how to do the float, and how to print off the receipt for the till. And I finally finished at ten to ten - 50 minutes later than I was supposed to end! Luckily, I was bang on. Not a penny under/over. The manager shook my hand, because apparently the last time that happened was over a year ago...


Anyway, I rushed out when I realised my mum had come to pick me up, and was angrily sitting in the car. We rushed home, I had a 36 second shower, and I got changed, and rushed out again to Jenn and Chris' Mexican dinner party. I arrived after everyone had finished eating - really annoying since I was looking forward to fajitas! Then we played guitar hero, and I decided to go with my sister to her boyfriend's flat (in town) to pick up my bike.


We got there, and they were liek "Why not just stay the night here!?!" Literally TOO insistent. So I agree, and set up a bed on the sofa (its a really comfy sofa), and then decided to go out.


I started walking, and within 2 minutes I bumped into this girl, Saimone, who I first met about 2 weeks ago, and she's the biggest fag hag I've ever met. She's going out with Steve Fletcher (?), a premiership football player - so essentially shes a WAG with too much make-up on (almost black-brown with fake tan) and everyone calls her "Fab", and she's a model (a glamour model, no doubt). Despite only having met her once before, she flung her arms around me and said "Come with us!" and I was like "OK!".


She was with the lovliest girl I have ever met, called Fiona, who had Amy Winehouse's hair, but a more stunning version of it. So reminiscent of Stevie Taylor, its ridiculous. (Throughout the night we became besties - she's so nice!). She was 22 or soemthing, but looked about 19.


We went into Cafe Habana, which is sorta a gay bar, but not really, and we were bombarded with free drinks from Saimone. I had about 2 Vodka Cokes, and 3 shots (that tasted like Ice Cream), then 2 WKD blues. Then I was drunk. And some creepy old guy kept following me, so I ran away from him. Then I got a photo with a Ladyboy of Bangkok.


Then we trekked to the Tron, which is miles away, sat around because a guy we were with (a friend of Saimone's - she seemed to know everyone) wasn't 18, so we tried to smuggle out wine for him. Then I asked the barman for his number because apparently he kept looking at me, and I was majorly KBed, but I loved it nontheless. Then Fiona told me all about her fashion stuff she does - she's been asked to do an exhibition of her work in an art gallery (she sounds really good).


Then we got a taxi to CeCe Bloom's, and I pointed out that the driver was going the wrong way, and everyone got really angry at him (that was really funny), and wouldn't pay the £6, when it should have been a £4 journey.


Then we danced in CeCe's for about 2 hours, until it closed (I LOVE the festival closing time of 5AM!!!), and




So, we emerged from CeCe's - Greg, Saimone's bestie, had picked up this really hot guy (I was really jealous), and we went to Prescilla's, which is a pub which is open all-day from 5AM. This creepy guy kept following Fiona, and asking her questions, so we pretended to go the other way, then ran around the 3 sides of the square to get to the pub and lost him.


Then at half 6, I decided to call it a day, and got a bus to my sister's boyrfriend's. The normal day buses were running. I laughed.


Then I conked out on the sofa.


I awoke at half 11 to find my sister watching Mermaids on Sky. Literally a stunning film. An all-star cast. Cher? Yes. Danny De-Vito? Yes. Christina Ricci? Yes. The Ever-stunning Winona Ryder? YES.


Then got an impromptu text from Calum saying he was in town, so I went to meet him, totally grimey and tired as fuck. We went shopping, he bought clothes - I watched him wear clothes. I bought a FLApes vinyl single. We went for lunch at Bella Italia. Lovely.


We then decided to go to see Inglorious Basterds. We met up with Hannah, and saw. A great movie! (See Rate The Last Film).


I came out of the cinema, switched on my phone, and was bombarded with about 17 missed call texts. It turns out I was supposed to be working (I had totally forgotten!!), and they had phoned my mum, and she had phoned Paj, and Paj had phoned other people, and soon it had gotten round I was missing, all the while I was having the time in my life in a cinema (ironic, considering I work in a cinema too).


And now I've just got home.

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Just got back from seeing Ricky Gervais prep his new stand up show. I take back everything I said about him. His rape and paedophile jokes are hilarious.


Started my new job this week. T'is awesome and I am awesome at it. Publishing is pretty cool but I doubt I'll go into it.

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Just got back from seeing Ricky Gervais prep his new stand up show. I take back everything I said about him. His rape and paedophile jokes are hilarious.


Started my new job this week. T'is awesome and I am awesome at it. Publishing is pretty cool but I doubt I'll go into it.


Haha, same boat buds. :D

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I swear my parents don't like me or are just trying to get rid of me or something. I have this thing about that i don't like dogs after being bitten by a few when i was younger. I think you can guess where this is going now, they are planning on purchasing one. I swear the parents don't like me.

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Work was semi-normal. I do the most of the work whilst my coworker stands around with his limp dick in his hands talking to his former flatmate [who every week says he's going to ignore because he annoys him immensely, but then the ties of friendship and suspected bumlove appear once more.]


But the fun came right at the end. Whilst asking people for their glasses as some enjoy taking the piss, I ask one group of women who came near the end so have nigh on full glasses. One of them took off her glasses and tried giving them to me. Another asked for five minutes so I said yeah. Came back five minutes later and they had nearly done:


Me: *As lady was drinking* You've had five minutes, do eet naaow [said just like that]

*Lady gives pr0 Me the glass and I put it on the bar and returns for the rest*

Older Lady: *Points to landlord and friend with glasses* There are still people with glasses and you need a personality+

Me: That's the boss.

Older Lady: Don't worry I will.

Me: You will what madam?

Older Lady: Don't worry about it. Forget it.

Me: Ok *Walks off to get more glasses*





+ Awesome remark.

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KBed = Knockbacked?

Yeah, me and Ell found the truth on the Dictionary that is Urban.



Also, the chef at work has suddenly quit I heard last night, and came into work mega twatted, the boss had to "direct" him outside twice. HOWEVER! THE NEW DEVELOPMENT IS! Daddy phoned me up earlier saying that ex-chef was at Dad's pub last night [Dad wasn't working] and threatened to kill him. So Dad phones me up asking when he works so he can have a... a chat :blank:


I had to deliver the bad news he wasn't working anymore, and after some contact with my coworker and a phonecall from the boss I learned he's been acting a drunken prat elsewhere and the police have been involved. Which is a shame because although he looks a bit "chavvy" he seemed a nice guy.

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All I can say is...




My birthday party has a venue. An amazingly cool venue. Just booked it. I need to think of a theme. Some kind of fancy dress that doesn't require too much effort but works. No rush, it's in two months.

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All I can say is...




My birthday party has a venue. An amazingly cool venue. Just booked it. I need to think of a theme. Some kind of fancy dress that doesn't require too much effort but works. No rush, it's in two months.

My mate had a "theme" where basically we had to pick something with the first letter of his name, which was S. So maybe something similar, which doesn't mean you have to pidgeon hole a costume set.

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I just finished watching Stargate Continuum. At the end it said;


The events, characters, firms depicted in this motion picture are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or actual firms is purely coincidental.


Which is strange because something incredibly similar happened to me the other week.

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My mate had a "theme" where basically we had to pick something with the first letter of his name, which was S. So maybe something similar, which doesn't mean you have to pidgeon hole a costume set.

I've been to two ''P'' parties. One I dressed as a Pea and the other as a Piano (dressed all in black and stuck keys down one side of my body). Both parties were awesome. Definitely a good idea Daft!



My day, meant to be in London for art and coffee; have rearranged for tomorrow cos I'm not too well, probably the diet, I'll get over it.

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I seem to remember a picture of Molly with a green face being a "pea" appearing at some point in the User Image Gallery :p


I'm trying to teach myself guitar. To save myself from the monotony of just perfecting chord progressions I'm trying to actually learn songs. I can do the first 6 notes of Karma Police before getting bamboozled by the G :(

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