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Oh yeah almost OHKO from Jhen xD I need to do it with some stronger guys :P


Its a great fight, very epic. I would happily give you a hand fighting him. You could have joined Deathjam and me last night ( I was appearing offline ) but the town eventually got filled.


I had a great little session with Deathjam last night ( saucy :D ). He was helping his mate get better armour and level up so I thought I would lend a hand. It was hilarious how fast things were falling due to our high level equipment. At one point Quru called in a Great Jaggi for help which was so pointless it was funny. They were both butchered in minutes.

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Its a great fight, very epic. I would happily give you a hand fighting him. You could have joined Deathjam and me last night ( I was appearing offline ) but the town eventually got filled.


I had a great little session with Deathjam last night ( saucy :D ). He was helping his mate get better armour and level up so I thought I would lend a hand. It was hilarious how fast things were falling due to our high level equipment. At one point Quru called in a Great Jaggi for help which was so pointless it was funny. They were both butchered in minutes.


Lol yeah that was all kind of awesome. Wish we could have kept on going for longer, gave me some good cash. Will be on for a very long time tonight. Will be up for killing barroth a few times and then some rank 2 quests, as I could do with making a few armour sets. Not much better than rathian to deal with fire atm, plus it has that nice hearing bonus to prevent roars affecting you.


AH but I still need to kill Uragaan to upgrade by axe to the Bliztkrieg. Gotta love the name.

It was hilarious how fast things were falling due to our high level equipment


Have to agree with how hilarious it is that things go down so fast with the higher level equipment. I've not done much online staying mostly offline but even my gear isn't that high levelled yet when fighting a Barroth, a Great Jaggi appeared and with my current gear setup and a long sword, about 9 hits, with 2 knock backs, and the Great Jaggi was limping off already. Didn't give chase as it was the Barroth I was after but still, it's funny how these once difficult monsters are swept aside with gear upgrades.


Really should do more online questing but I've heard a lot of stories about elitist pricks claiming noob on just about everyone not at the same hunter ranking as them so trying to join up a random group seems to be out of the question for me. May just solo some of the online quests until I get my ranking up.

Posted (edited)

do you just have to suvive that event quest? annoying last night i played with 3 randoms and he sum1 died 12 seconds to go :s


anyone on tonight ? im yet to get maby games going with you guys and im on every night

Edited by yesteryeargames
do you just have to suvive that event quest? annoying last night i played with 3 randoms and he sum1 died 12 seconds to go :s


anyone on tonight ? im yet to get maby games going with you guys and im on every night


I will be on most of the day, from til late on. I will definetly try to hook up with some of you guys tonight provided theres a space in town and you don't play in the Rookie servers.


As for the quest im not sure if you can kill Jhen. When you get it as your urgent quest you can but people on g-faqs claim that you can only repel him on the event quest. Ive killed him a few times in the normal quest but we failed the + version of him last night. We will have our revenge today though. :D


If you want to kill him you have to have nearly everyone firing ballista shots and someone who knows exactly when to use the gong, dragonator and the special ballista. If you have the speed gathering skill set gemmed to your armour ( VERY easy to make ) it makes the fight much easier. Dont waste time trying to mine off his back either. Its not worth jumping on there if you havent got a + weapon or one that does a decent amount of dragon damage.


Had a good session in single player, captured Qurupeco (a bloody rathos or rathian turned up too, I tried to kill it instead of the quest but ended up fainting) and upgraded my sword and shield, went in moga woods for some resources and choped down 2 great Jaggi fair quick with it, hahaha. Then went after Baroth again, finally killed him with like 5 mins on the clock, didn't manage to chop his tail off though... or desory any anthills.... wtf is an anthill look like in the game?


Will prolly pop online in a min for a bit next



Haha, ended up not going online as I ended up realising after all my new armor & weapon forging/upgrading I didn't keep track of how much money I was spending and ended up with only 35z left, not enough for quest fees :heh: So ended up selling some items and jumping into a few single player quests that I could finish fast and earn some money

You should just stop posting these' date=' those numbers are way out.[/quote']


why? sinse when did VGchartz gets such a bad trackrecord, most of the time they are fairly correct to the NPD data each month. And remember there is no salescharts(with the salesnumbers) to be found for europe, only a ranking style one.


They're normally fairly unreliable when it comes to sales. When NPD sales data gets released, they go and adjust the sales they entered so it reflects the NPD, completely changing what they had before.


I wonder where they even get their sales records for Europe and Australia anyway.


As far as I know they get rough sales data from a few independent retailers and then extrapolate that out for whichever territory.


It's hard enough putting together decent sales numbers with a huge budget for it, I respect what they try to do but theres no way they will ever be a reliable source for data.


The mission where you have to capture the lagiacrus is stupidly difficult. Let's put a 10m lenght aquatic monster who spam attacks and constantly stun you in a narrow river with crappy camera issues. Oh! And you don't have your little helper to distract the monster sometimes and there's another roaming monster who wants to eat you in the area.... it's just cheap. -_-

The mission where you have to capture the lagiacrus is stupidly difficult. Let's put a 10m lenght aquatic monster who spam attacks and constantly stun you in a narrow river with crappy camera issues. Oh! And you don't have your little helper to distract the monster sometimes and there's another roaming monster who wants to eat you in the area.... it's just cheap. -_-


All i can say is you should play online more :wink:

Posted (edited)

I also play online. A lot easier than playing alone. ;) But I wanna finish offline mode too (and I prefer discovering monsters and their attacks patterns alone... I hate being a boulder).

I learned Cha-cha will also be back if I do the "bring mega-hot stones" mission. So I'll do that, unlock the following missions so I'll be able to upgrade my stuff and come back later to catch the legendary pokemon.

Edited by Deathborn

Just took down Gobul (offline) on my 2nd try. 1st time he made mince out of me win about 20mins. 2nd time I fully stocked on every healing item I had. Was 40mins before I fainted for the first time (and had used all my healling items). Went right down to the wire too, got the 10mins warning thought would be ok he seemed to be limping. Then got the 5 mins warning and started to panic, it was well into the final minute when I finally killed him, wish there was a digital timer to see how close I was, haha.


I think I need to spend more time online now, haven't even unlocked level 2 quests on it yet and my HR is only 4 :heh:


The new Event Quests were up yesterday. The first one is just hunting Gobul but the second one is far more enjoyable. You have to fight both Uragaan and Diablos at the same time in the arena! Myself, one of my mates and 2 randoms beat it yesterday and it was such a great mission. Its absolute chaos as there is very little room and with both beasts being big, yet fast, we were getting smacked all over the place. :D


I reached HR 50 yesterday and unlocked the Alatreon mission. Im just waiting for my mates to level up so they can give me a hand with it and then we can attempt to take on this beast. I started the quest up by myself just so I could have a look at the thing, its pretty big and fearsome looking. It looks like a meaner version of Kushala from the PSP MH games. I look forward to taking this sucker down...


Had an awesome time playing online with some random guys tonight. Did a few hunts, then did a lot of those rank 2 egg missions, for the great rewards. Coupled with the Great Jaggi Mask, it sure helped my wallet and now I have a lot of charms and more armor spheres and armor sphere+.


It was hilarious to keep spouting philosoraptor quotes with the mask on while carrying eggs and then a freaking rathian appeared! Good times.


Gonna go home for a few days until sunday and while I wanted to play this while I'm back home, it's not very practical to take the Wii, so see ya guys next week :P


^ Head out into the Moga Woods and just hunt Aptanoth (thing that's what they're called. The herbivore things that go about in family groups). At some point you'll come across a giant one and killing that and turning in your resources when you get back to town will result in the chief's son rewarding you a super dung.


Just got this game the other day, got up to trapping the great jaggi offline. had a quick bash online too but only did one quest. helped some randoms trap some velocraptor looking thing even though my blade went dull after about 3 hits and i had no whetstones :P learning fast that i need to not rely on the quest items! dont have much time for anything else anymore now, i have this AND raiding on WOW to keep me busy :P


Folks, I'm sorry if this question has already been answered before but is the split-screen multiplayer mode identical to the online mode in terms of game modes/what's available. I'm tempted to pick this up soon and I think the local coop function would be schweet with friends. I imagine the main issue would be that, if they don't own the game, a friend has to use a basic/starting character with no power ups n' stuff?


Any clarification would be good! Also, is it two player split-screen or four?


^ The local multiplayer is two player split screen but unfortunately it's not like the online mode. It's an arena style mode where you take on monsters which you've captured in the single player.

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