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Monster Hunter Tri


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I have played many online games including Counter Strike on my PC and my latency is completely independent of wire or wireless. It's dependent of my ISP.

I say it again: me, or anyone with a properly configured network has a 0ms latency between devices. And there's nothing faster than a zero.




Are you sure this will be how they will implement it? This could be good or bad depending on who you are playing with.

In my case I would be playing with someone very close by with fast connection speeds, so sending all the info to Capcom servers wherever they are would slow me down. But maybe it's better that way. More consistent connections perhaps?


Ugh, I really don't care anymore. Wired has always worked better for me. Simple as.


I wonder if the servers will be european only as it would be a bit weird playing with the asians who would have gear way ahead of us, but seeing as a co-op game, it would be pretty helpful to have a veritable tank helping out on some missions.


EDIT: ignore what I said about the servers. Just saw H-O-T's post.


Bit disappointed at that as I wanted to play with an american buddy. Can we decide which servers we play on? I doubt it but it does not hurt to ask.

Edited by Deathjam
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Internet says MH3 is a bombed in the sales!


But is it a bombed in sales?

Game week 1 week 2 LTD (incl. Best, etc.)


Monster Hunter 120,000 54,000 (- 55%) 289,000

Monster Hunter G 128,000 30,000 (- 77%) 237,000

Monster Hunter Freedom 118,000 53,000 (- 55%) 1,117,000

Monster Hunter 2 368,000 95,000 (- 74%) 698,000

Monster Hunter Freedom 2 746,000 156,000 (- 79%) 1,723,000

Monster Hunter Portable 2G 823,000 552,000 (- 33%) 3,323,000

Monster Hunter G Wii 142,000 34,000 (- 76%) 225,000

Monster Hunter Tri 583,000 138,000 (- 76%) 721,000


- The best selling 3rd party game in Japan this generation on any console


- The best selling console Monster Hunter game on a Wii userbase less than half the size of the PS2 one when MH2 came out.


- The best selling selling 3rd party game on a Nintendo platform in about 13 years.

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If they use the same system as they did in the PS2 game then I dont see any problems. I played with people all over Europe ( seperate US/Euro servers ) and I didn't have any lag at all.


But Sony didn't have an unified internet service at the time. Nintendo has the WFC. But I'm sure they will be continent separated anyway.


Ugh, I really don't care anymore.


Bit disappointed at that as I wanted to play with an american buddy. Can we decide which servers we play on? I doubt it but it does not hurt to ask.




Hmm, as with happens with many regional restricted games on WFC, I'm sure you'll be able to override that if you're playing through friend codes.

I think there isn't a game that doesn't allow you to play with anyone from around the world if you're using friend codes.

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But Sony didn't have an unified internet service at the time. Nintendo has the WFC. But I'm sure they will be continent separated anyway.






Hmm, as with happens with many regional restricted games on WFC, I'm sure you'll be able to override that if you're playing through friend codes.

I think there isn't a game that doesn't allow you to play with anyone from around the world if you're using friend codes.


That's a good point. Will friend codes affect online play? I mean, is there any news on this? If it's server based, then surely it would be like an mmo where you meet people online and group with them? If you were in the cities/lobbies, wouldn't they be empty apart from the NPCs? Really have no idea how this game is online on the wii!

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NowI'm just theorizing, but I suspect it may be similar to Guild Wars or Phantasy Star Online/Universe. The cities acting as lobbies to gather a group of players, once the group leaves they become a lone group.


I don't really know, although truthfully a littler research out to tell us how the Japanese version is set up, or if anyone imported it they should be able to give info.

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A few more details about Monster Hunter 3, coming from producer Tsujimoto Ryozo...


- "We love the idea of voice chat (WiiSpeak) and we know that it is a minimum for western players"

- online payment system not decided yet

- "Although connection ratio is lower in this console, in 20 days it has grown, and the amount of people playing online is growing every day."

- "Actually, we knew that the visual aspect is very important, so we set the graphics as our main goal. That's where we spent a lot of time. I think we have the best graphics on Wii".


Capcom = Gaming Gods

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Capcom = Gaming Gods


Feel these nipples:


ues bien, durante la presentación a la que asistimos, preguntamos directamente a los responsables de Capcom en Europa cuál sería la política de precios que seguirían en nuestro continente, siendo la respuesta que aquí, será totalmente gratuito. La explicación de esta decisión la achacaron a que el componente online tiene una importancia mucho mayor en occidente que en Japón, por lo que no han querido lacrar al juego en ese sentido. Recordad que Monster Hunter 3 tri- llegará a Europa a principios de 2010.




Edit for the linguistically daft: IT'S FREE.

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If we get the online service free over here & Wii Speak, bye bye Conduit & Mario Kart! (big statement coming from me).


I spent hundreds of hours on PSO on the DC during my college days, if we can get regular N-E groups this will be the ultimate Wii online game.

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Guest Captain Falcon

Wii Speak and free online?


Well this just gets better and better - I hope there aren't any catches though. Still waiting on Western reviews before trying to draw any real conclusions though but so far, so good.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Not even North America has a solid release. I believe they're still sitting on a nice, vague, "March 2010".


Ah right, June 2010 for Pal release then... I might buy it on/for my birthday if that's the case, still either way we have a rather long wait.

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A few quotes from Gonintendo.


(removing fees is) something that we're looking into at the moment and there are a few factors to consider. Firstly, Monster Hunter isn't as popular in the West, so it might put people off. Secondly, Japan doesn't have Friend Codes, so Capcom run all the servers and the monthly fee is essentially to pay for those costs. - Chris Kramer, Capcom USA Senior Director of Communications and Community


We're looking into a bunch a different things and one of the things is definitely like, a lot of users have asked for voice chat. We're looking into right now whether it's technically possible or not. And so if it is, maybe we'll make an announcement. If it isn't, you know, if it realistically can't be done, then I'm sorry we may have to leave it out. But we're looking into it. - Capcom Producer Ryozo Tsjmoto

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