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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed


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It's a port of the PS2 version.


We know this because Krome Studios (who are developing the PS2 version) are developing the Wii version, as opposed to LucasArts themselves who are doing the next-gen versions.


But how do we know that the PS2 version isn't a port of the Wii version? We don't because we have no idea what is going on behind Krome's doors.

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But how do we know that the PS2 version isn't a port of the Wii version? We don't because we have no idea what is going on behind Krome's doors.
Well because the Wii could handle the PS2 version, where as the PS2 wouldn't be able to handle the Wii version unless they downgrade it, which would be more work for them!
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Well because the Wii could handle the PS2 version, where as the PS2 wouldn't be able to handle the Wii version unless they downgrade it, which would be more work for them!


I'd be happy if we got the PS3/360 version with the visual graphics (i.e. models/textures) of the PS2 version.

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Yeah except when a game is a port that means you're not going to get anything close to 1:1, so we'll have the lightsaber equivalent of the sword in Zelda yet again with this.


Surely Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 proves that statement wrong?


And games like Medal of Honour: Heroes 2 never seem short of gaining praise.

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Ugh, I don't like bitching about games we haven't even seen, but even the most optimistic Wii fan must smell a stinker on the way with this one.


The 'main' versions are being handled by Lucas Arts, the rest are being farmed out and the Wii version will be based on the PS2/PSP version.


I may be proved wrong but I don;t think this bodes well for the game everyone wanted. It also will not feature proper lightsaber controls like everyone wants, I think it will just be a gesture to swing.


If it's a port of a PS2 game then they will just map a gesture to a button press. What we need is an exclusive.... SEGA.... Star Wars Arcade.... that was literally made for the Wii.

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Ugh, I don't like bitching about games we haven't even seen, but even the most optimistic Wii fan must smell a stinker on the way with this one.


The 'main' versions are being handled by Lucas Arts, the rest are being farmed out and the Wii version will be based on the PS2/PSP version.


I may be proved wrong but I don;t think this bodes well for the game everyone wanted. It also will not feature proper lightsaber controls like everyone wants, I think it will just be a gesture to swing.


If it's a port of a PS2 game then they will just map a gesture to a button press. What we need is an exclusive.... SEGA.... Star Wars Arcade.... that was literally made for the Wii.

Yeah I agree with you on all of that!

Still gonna keep an eye on this one, as PS2 graphics or not the game does look like a cool one!

But a Wii 'Star Wars Arcade' game would be awesome!

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But how do we know that the PS2 version isn't a port of the Wii version? We don't because we have no idea what is going on behind Krome's doors.

I met some of the guys at LucasArts in July, and they said the PS2 version is built from scratch (hence the outsourcing), and the PSP edition is based on the PS2 build.


And if this was based on the Xbox 360 build (which the Vista/XP and PS3 version is based on), LucasArts themselves would be configuring it. It's not.

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I met some of the guys at LucasArts in July, and they said the PS2 version is built from scratch (hence the outsourcing), and the PSP edition is based on the PS2 build.


And if this was based on the Xbox 360 build (which the Vista/XP and PS3 version is based on), LucasArts themselves would be configuring it. It's not.


Fair do's, so you do know what's going on behind closed doors :)

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Although the Wii is miles more powerful than the PS2, their inner workings seem to be very alike (hence the countless number of ports).


Nope, they are completely different, hence the countless number of shitty games, because most devs work on it under the assumption that they are similar.

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Although the Wii is miles more powerful than the PS2, their inner workings seem to be very alike (hence the countless number of ports).


No the architecture is actually quite different. However if you have a much more powerful system to port to (PS2 to Wii) it's not that hard to make a (more or less) straight port without adding any visual upgrades.

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The reason why we get shitty ports from PS2 and not the other way around is because if people built things from the ground up on the Wii it would be expensive to downgrade and port them to PS2, however if they build it for the PS2, which lets face it has a massive user base so makes economic sense, it can also be ported straight to the Wii which is handy as it's the best selling next gen machine.


The thing is, if we do get a PS2 port fine, but they should at least make it look better as they did with PS2 to XBOX ports last gen. We want complete packages, not simply PS2 games which a few gestures mapped to button presses.

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  • 6 months later...








Duel Mode:


1. Apprentice (Bounty Hunter Disguise)

2. Apprentice (Corellian Flight Suit)

3. Apprentice (Father's Robes)

4. Apprentice (Light Training Gear)

5. Apprentice (Training Gear)

6. Apprentice (Raxus Prime Survival Gear)

7. Apprentice (Sith Robes)

8. Apprentice (Jungle Combat Gear)

9. Apprentice (Industrial Explorer Outfit)

10. Ultimate Good

11. Qui-Gon Jinn

12. Obi-Wan Kenobi

13. Anakin Skywalker

14. Darth Vader

15. Luke Skywalker (from Episode IV)

16. Luke Skywalker (from Episode VI)

17. Mace Windu

18. Ultimate Evil

19. Shaak Ti

20. Darth Maul

21. Count Dooku

22. Asajj Ventress

23. Master Rahm Kota

24. Aayla Secura

25. Mara Jade

26. Darth Phobos

27. Maris Brood








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Not a bad control system, although actually trying it will be the test. I'm still not a fan of devs using the D-pad in these situations and if the AI on the camera is rubbish i can see that im gonna need it all the time.


It's looking nice and atmospheric so far though.

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