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Halo 3 is awsum


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I have some vids. I think I have one of me lasering a freindly banshee by mistake, one of me sticking myself and one of me approaching a flag that was guarded by someone with an energy sword where I picked up the flag and killed him with it.

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I will add you mate, I am probably equally as bad.

Cheers =]

I have a screenshot of when I double killed from the grave. It was awesome :D

I have a screen shot of a purpose double head shot =]

Quite well inititated for me.

EDIT: By screen shot i mean video.

When i got it i thought i got a medal called sniped dorota, that was the players name =/

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I saw that the other day Dan Dare. Was looking back through this thread to find out when I got a ranked...something or other. I think it was a Perfection.


'tis a good game. I need to play more of the Legendary maps to get some of the achievements and finally get 1000+ achievement points on one game! Can't believe I've had my xbox a year and not gotten every achievement on a retail game yet..

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Anyone up for some team deathmatch? (I only do team deathmatch. :heh: )


Just started playing this again and well....I suck again. :heh:


I haven't got the newest maps. When did they come out and how much are they?


always a pleasure man! I'll make room on the VIP shit I got, yeah? Hit yo ass up with a FR :heh:


oh and the newest maps clock in at 600 points I think. They're absoloutely ace too.

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I totally suck at sticking to organised times but I'll try and be on then.


We should get a forum game going.


always a pleasure man! I'll make room on the VIP shit I got, yeah? Hit yo ass up with a FR :heh:


oh and the newest maps clock in at 600 points I think. They're absoloutely ace too.




I'll buy the maps then. I've got spare points floating around.

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Yeah, I kept pressing X by mistake which kept deploying my bloody bubble shield. How the mighty have fallen. (I say mighty, I mean decent. :heh: )


I'm downloading the new maps now.

My friend ALWAYS presses x and hes still amazing.

He just says "Fucking call of duty", so im assuming x is reload on cod?


Where would i make the thread? Im a veteran of GT with mass thread creation.

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