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Apple Press Conference (New iPods, iPhone price drop)

Guest bluey

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What don't you like about it? Personally I think it looks better than the iPhone.


I think you misunderstood me. I like the look of the Touch, i just think it's feature set and storgage capacity sucks. IMO its way overpriced for what it is/does

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Classic has video yes?


I got careless with looking after my iPod so its a bit scratched so maybe at the start of the next year I'll fork out for a new one and leave me current at work seeing as its always used for music and lunchtime videos.

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Classic has video yes?


I got careless with looking after my iPod so its a bit scratched so maybe at the start of the next year I'll fork out for a new one and leave me current at work seeing as its always used for music and lunchtime videos.


Yes it does, same format etc as the old one.

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I think you misunderstood me. I like the look of the Touch, i just think it's feature set and storgage capacity sucks. IMO its way overpriced for what it is/does


K, yeah I kind of agree with you. I like the fact its basically a music player with a proper web browser and full on Wi-Fi. I definitely think the price sucks. I'm fine with the 16GB because like I said somewhere else, I only really put my favorite music on my iPod. I'm not going to buy it until the next iteration where it should be cheaper, but I'm still happy the option is there so apple get user feedback and hopefully push the price down a little bit more on those flash drives. : peace:


I would also definitely sacrifice some of the size to put the battery up because as good as 22hrs is you can NEVER have enough battery imo. What is it 8mm thick or something? Couldn't they add another mm or 2 even and raise the battery life?

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Heard rumbles about it, i should think it'll be out spring/summer next year. Maybe even autumn knowing how much Microsoft love delaying products.


Also on engadget today a M$ woman was saying how they deserve a B- overall for the way they've handled the zune. I couldn't agree more, they had a decent product, they just didn't know what they wanted to do with it.


I love that M$ should and could of made buying songs on the zune over wifi a major feature, but they fumbled and now the iPhone and iPod Touch can do it. Another chance M$ had to capitalise but weren't thinking logically enough. Defo be a feature in the new zune though.


Just leaves me wondering what other half baked ideas they'll try and push in the little brown plastic box this time round.


I think the Wi-Fi is something that definately wasn't up to scratch. Apart from that I think it's a fine product. But I don't buy digital music full stop so I guess that niggle doesn't bother me to much.

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So....how long until an iPod Touch with decent storage comes out? How often do these changes happen? Twice a year? (questions galore!)


Next year and the flash size will probably double to 32 ish, maybe higher.


Apple likes bringing out new iPods in september, in time for Christmas etc.

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really depends on how soon flash storage drops in price :)


Do Apple not realise that a larger capacity iPod touch would have cleared up?


guess I'm upgrading my 3rd gen to a 160Gb classic for now and I'll wait for the 2nd or 3rd gen Touch or iPhone

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Ignored any information about the ipods and have just watched the keynote presentation in full in quicktime. Steve still spouts a hell of a lot of B$ but he gets the point accross and this was far better than that awful iMac iLife keynote not long ago where the products were crap and he just looked and sounded bored. Anyway, my thoughts...


ipod shuffle: Awesome new colours, not sure whether I want a green or red one. Lovely lovely colours, though they could have at least upgraded to 2GB.


ipod nano: very very nice looking, lovely stuff and the screen res should be pretty amazing. Black for me, the other colours apart from red aren't that great looking on it. only 5 hours of video though? Lame. Only 4 and 8gigs? Lame.


ipod classic: fantastic move to add the 'classic' bit. Nice and beefed up capacity. Pretty good value for money. Pretty meh on the whole though. New OS looks cool though.


ipod touch: VERY meh. Far too expensive, no where near enough storage. The menu is horribly unbalanced and not really that exciting at all really. And no god damn remote controled earphones!!!! Only good thing about it is it's very thin, but when you only pack 16GB what do you expect??


So yeah, hardly groundbreaking announcements but I'm reasonably satisfied and think Apple are on the money with their ipods. iPod touch is shite though. And price drop of iPhone... just how many people who already have one is THAT going to piss off!


Annoyed that they're not ready for us tomorrow.


Games on nano look great.


Apple have done pretty badly.


I bet you wouldn't be saying that if you hadn't JUST got a last gen ipod ;)


Oh and finally, Takeo continues to make me smile.

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