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Little King's Story


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  • 4 weeks later...

So, I know nothing about this game yet I've got this really sudden urge to buy it, mainly because Fused has and keeps mentioning its name. Could someone please tell me about it, and also if possible tell me the cheapest place to purchase it, if they may?

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Do you not look at thread titles...? :p


I do! But that was like...a while ago! Plus their site says different! Plus I've not found it in the sainsburys near me, and haven't yet made it to the other sainsburys not quite near me! It's a nice day though, so I might go walk there...


I can in fact now confirm that in that sainsburys not so far from me but also not so close, that it is NOT £10, but rather £29.97. Gays.

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God DAMN! This game is hard, I've invested hours and hours into it and I still only defeated the 1st boss.

Some sidequests really take some skill....


Best game on my Wii so far. Next to Super Mario Galaxy and Twilight Princess and Brawl of course:laughing:


You are missing a game methinks.

Say it with me Mario ka......

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God DAMN! This game is hard, I've invested hours and hours into it and I still only defeated the 1st boss.

Some sidequests really take some skill....


Best game on my Wii so far. Next to Super Mario Galaxy and Twilight Princess and Brawl of course:laughing:


You know what Fused, this fills me with confidence! Bought it off ebay earlier for like £13 used but apparently in excellent condition, should have it by monday, hoping I'll love this little thing, though judging by our convos it's gonna be pretty frickin good! Exciteddd!

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Now that I'm in a period of relative uneventfullness in my life, I have fallen back in love with this game. I sunk over 3 hours into it today in just 2 playthroughs. With a total playthrough time of 20 hours so far, I feel now is a good time to give the game a more informed appraisal.


Little King's Story epitomises depth. Not just in the fact that there's a hell of a hefty main quest, but in the way the game conceals so many layers in its seemingly cutesy appearance. I've lost hours to exploring all the nuances that are offered to the player. Incidentally, I've only actually defeated 3 of the 7 kings in the main game, and it must have been around half-a-dozen hours since I fought the last one. I've spent all my recent time taking on the plethora of side-quests, going out treasure hunting, tinkering with my citizens to form the most balanced squads and generally exploring the massive land.


I absolutely love how far you can expand your kingdom; it seemingly never ends. I'm genuinely surprised at how wide-spreading your rule can reach. Again, I've been neglecting going out to fight rival kings because I've been so engrossed with the enormous task of building up my kingdom. My population has sailed past 100, and when one considers that all of these people can have potential roles out of about a dozen classes, I often wonder how they fit it all on the disc.


If I'm to give one constructive criticism of the game, it is to do with money. Now in a way, it is gratifyingly tough to build up a hearty cash reserve: I don't think the game would be quite so engrossing if I always had a surplus of money to spend. However, I am also fairly impatient to build up the kingdom. My kingly instincts mean I want it to grow massive fast, but that is a very expensive venture. Occassionally, one does get lucky when they go out for a day's treasure hunting, but sometimes it can prove to be a little fruitless for a while. While expanding the kingdom is rewarding as far as pride is concerned, I would have liked to see an organised financial return that grows as your kingdom does. Now, I know that in a way, this is the case, as you can send citizens into buildings to collect taxes. Larger kingdom = more buildings = more citizens = more taxes = larger kingdom... on paper. The reality is that tax collection doesn't give much of a financial incentive at all, so I'm left to try and make big bucks by other means. Just one thought on a largely well-thought out package.


Thankfully, Little King's Story did receive some excellent critical acclaim when it came out, but I do feel the game deserves so much more lasting praise. It's kept me consistently hooked so much more so than any other game I've played in a long, long time. The last time I got so excited about the quality of a game was probably with The World Ends With You last summer. And like that game sailed away with my 2008 love, I can easily see Little King's Story being my game of 2009 by a longshot.

Edited by D_prOdigy
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D prodigy, them be true words, true words.....I myself have only defeated 2 bosses and have sunken literally hours and hours of playtime into it.

It's just so much fun!!!!


I'm very glad to hear that it's possible to expand your kingdom over nearly the whole world. I never thought that would be possible, but I keep getting letters about guardians so I guess WORLD DOMINATION is the way to go. I like the way they cultivated the land:awesome:

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I obviously bought this last week, it arrived wednesday but I couldn't play til thursday. Since then, I've managed to plunge an apparent 20 hours(probably more like 16-18) into it, with two days dedicated/stolen from me by it. I absolutely love it. Now, prodigy does mention the thing about money, and I WAS of similar opinion(I for the record, have yet to conquer any rival kingdoms, but I am in a position where that is basically all I can do next anyhow). I hit a real rough spot for a while, I essentially just kept side questing really, and now I've currently got about 40,000.000 amassed from whoring them out, and it feels good. I think possibly much better than I otherwise would have, had I managed to make it much easier. I haven't got to prodigy's level yet though, and it will become somewhat tedious if the kingdom's cost grows, but the potential income does not sufficiently, I hope it isn't a wall I'm going to hit soon...


The game is awesome, I'd explain how and why, but the fact I've played it so much in just 5 days, I think it's pretty self evident that it's a great game, I can't understand how this wasn't a much bigger hit than it is!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Yeah, the offer is still on. And I second what is being said in this thread; Fantastic, fantastic game. :D


I just wish I had picked this up at full price originally so the developers would have got some cash for it, they sure as heck deserve it. :hmm:


I brought it for full price and its that exact thought that sustains me while everyone else grabs it for a 1/4 of the price. Just about sustains me anyway! lol


Bottom line grab it guys its awesome.

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It's art, it should have a museum of its own :D

Depsite the fact that it didn't sell very well, a sequel is already in the making. I believe there was a small article about that here on N-Europe:D:D:D


I'm hoping it will release with the succesor of the wii. Endless possibilities right there:idea:


Just defeated King Long Sauvage, Them cut-scenes be brilliant!!!!!!!

Edited by Fused King
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