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This made me feel so old:


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I also remember buying a most of Buffy on VHS....god I hate VHS...


I remember picking videos to rent when there were two sections in the store, one for VHS and one for Betamax :(


Ha ha! I'm an 80s child so I feel even older.

Most of the stuff in your list, I remember my little sister doing, so now I feel extra old, ta!! lol


Haha, exactly the same. I guess in 7 or eight years 6 formers will be sending around lists saying "OMG, Tellytubbies! Remember Raven? Lol!"

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I felt like an old man after reading that. And I reckon many of you here will as well.


I'm going to be 18 in a few weeks, and I remember the 90's as if it was only yesterday. And I've only just realised that we're now in the late 2000's. Time's flying too fast for me. :weep:


Erm ok... how about those of us who were born in the 80's, like properly 80's or even the 70s for some members?! (Don't think we have any out-of-the-60s members afaik)


Most of that stuff in that list comprises of crap that used to annoy the hell outta me because I was too old for it. It mostly comprises of disturbingly watered down childrens american comedy shows and just lower grade versions of everything we got in the 80s.


The 90s was the era when Saban force fed youngsters some of the most HEINOUS television ever created, not to mention the creation of the visciously pandering childrens shows ever. If only we knew that Teletubbies was only the start! :shakehead

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I was born in the 80's and all that stuff in the list, that's my childhood right there!!


Plus more...

Knightmare, Fun House, Gladiators, Crystal Maze,

Football Stickers (despite not really being into football!), Boglins, Monster in my pocket,

Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles, Thunderbirds, Power Rangers, Ghostbusters etc...

Dub Dub In etc...

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I was born in 1990 and remember most of that stuff. I did hate doug with a passion though.


Live and kickin on a saturday, SMTV live, those alien things that people said when you put in the fridge they have babbies (phhhf). Ahhhh the good old ninties.

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I was born in 1990 and remember most of that stuff. I did hate doug with a passion though.


Live and kickin on a saturday, SMTV live, those alien things that people said when you put in the fridge they have babbies (phhhf). Ahhhh the good old ninties.


Lmfao....Yes Mate you weren't the only one that was fooled..


What about Tamagotchi's and YO-YO's you could mix and Match?


Jesus they really where the days...

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I feel well old too, wow, growing up in the 90s was fucking awesome ^_^


Brought back loads of memories reading that, thank youuuu crazy myspace!


Facebook FTW however :heh:


I'll be 20 in April and looking back at that list makes me feel as old as time... >_>


I'm 20 in feb :cry:



Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! No longer a teen, but a full twenty something on the way to middle age! Noooooooooooooooooo!!!

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I remember when Saturday morning was the best thing.. I'd get up to watch ChuckleVision around 8 in the morning and then look forward to Power Rangers (the original Power Rangers, introduced by Mr. Motivator!), Animaniacs etc..


When I see all the crud they have on TV now, it makes me feel a bit sad yet thankful I grew up when I did! Playing Streets of Rage and Golden Axe all the way through at my friends house almost EVERY day.. playing all my SNES games to death til I found everything.. playing Super Soccer with my brother while we both provided the commentary.. buying packets of wotsits and searching the bag to see if there was a Pog inside..


Those days are never coming back, and I pity the kids today :heh:


Anyway, kudos to anyway who can finish "Hello, it's me again.. the ----" and tell me where it's from(maybe it's still on the programme to this day..).. or can remember exactly the tune associated with Bulk and Skull..


90's were great! I wanna watch Kenan and Kel now.. and how could I forget Games Master!

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Pinky and the Brain did rule, and are still hillariously funny today. Animaniacs should be on that list too, seeing Pinky and the Brain got their big break through them. I have a trunk full of taped cartoons and movies on VHS in the house. Will never get rid of them!


Pogz tho?? Were they quite simillar to Tazo's, or just the same thing with a diffrent title?

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