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The Simpsons Movie


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I actually thought Transformers was WAAAY funnier than this piece of rubbish. Far, far more laughter from the audience in Transformers that's for sure.


lol. Its the total randomness of it. The random haircuts homer gave it. The randomness of him walking the pig on the ceiling and singing "spider pig". The moment when spiderpig knocks the plank of the window.


Nah still don't see what's funny. Sorry mate.


Yeah, the classical spider pig music was pure genius.


Oh dear lol

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i had super low expectations for this, so i was suprised that it wasnt actually that bad.


I couldnt have asked for a better opening with the Itchy and Scratchy newspaper subtitles, the neighbors slamming the door in Lisa's face, Nelson beating up Milhouse, etc.



They did alot of things right in the movie, keeping focus on the central characters and not introducing a bunch of new ones.


And i totally agree with whoever said Mr. Burns should be the villian or at least a 3rd party villian with his own agenda. Hell i dont even remember the actual villian's name 2 hours later. Not good.

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I'm amazed at the reactions in your cinema Haggis, I really am.

There was six or seven people in my screening, the collective laughter was loud enough to be a full house.


The people in your cinema fail. Maybe you spoilt the mood.:smile:

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My biggest problem with the Simpsons these days is what Homer has become. The reason he became such an iconic character is that he was, despite his flaws, a relatively harmless, loveable guy. He was someone we could all relate to, the average guy if you will. Lazy, incompetent, but well meaning. Now, he is the worst kind of ****, the sort of person you'd want to give a good smack if you ever met them. Selfish, nasty, vulgar.


I think it is immensely sad that one of the greatest fictional creations of all time has been ruined in this way. :(

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I thought it was a great film.


No, seriously.


I've heard a lot of people go on about how it wasn't blockbuster material, how it was little more than a feature length episode...and they're right, of course.


But it was a consistently funny, thoroughly enjoyable feature length episode - and that's all I wanted from The Simpsons Movie. As far as I'm concerned, it delivered.


I find the more recent episodes of The Simpsons tedious and uninspired, just like most other people, and there were elements of that rearing their ugly hides in the film - but there are certain things that, while unforgiveable in a television episode, are perfectly suited to film (celebrity cameos, for example, which surprisingly were not overdone in the film). It was the little touches that I loved - the clever, inspired moments of observational comedy that made the early episodes so brilliant. Comic Book Guy using his camera phone to video Grandpa in the church, for example, was genius, as was President Scwartzenegger (but why not just call him McBain?), and a high Otto not realising what was happening when Springfield was in crisis made me laugh as well. These were clever, despite what the above poster claims. Not everything in the film was clever, but it's a cartoon. It doesn't have to be. The Simpsons Movie shone because, like the early television episodes, it balanced intelligent humour with near-slapstick (it may have leant slightly more towards the physical humour, like unfortunate recent episodes, but that wasn't to the film's detriment).


And there were plenty of other fantastic gags - the chainsaw, Ralph's comment on seeing Bart skate past, "Clap for Alaska", Homer calling the Inuit woman "boob lady", and much more. I also liked Homer's opening rant in the film - a tad predictable, but a great opener nonetheless, and it still made me smile. There were a couple of jokes I didn't like, but overall, I thought it did what it set out to do, and anyone claiming Matt Groening has raped their childhood or whatever should take a step back, look at it again, and see that it's only a film.


And as far as I'm concerned, it was a good film.

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How people found it 'laugh out loud' funny, and I mean... hilarious... is beyond me. It was exactly the same as current Simpsons on telly, ie. crap compared to classic Simpsons.


Homer I wanted to punch throughout.


Bart really really bugged me with his attitudes towards Homer/Flanders.


Lisa's relationship with Liam.... ummmm, why? What was the point?


Marge was ok. Maggie was brilliant as always.


The funniest bit was during the scene where Bart redrew the Wanted poster. Apart from that I'm struggling.

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I think that sums it up pretty nicely. It was almost embarrasing to watch :(


Whatever happened to "If this post isn't in the football thread then you can ban me?"


I didn't expect you to like it, to be honest...


The funniest bit was during the scene where Bart redrew the Wanted poster. Apart from that I'm struggling.


How odd, I thought that was a massive cliche, personally.

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How people found it 'laugh out loud' funny, and I mean... hilarious... is beyond me. It was exactly the same as current Simpsons on telly, ie. crap compared to classic Simpsons.


Homer I wanted to punch throughout.


Bart really really bugged me with his attitudes towards Homer/Flanders.


Lisa's relationship with Liam.... ummmm, why? What was the point?


Marge was ok. Maggie was brilliant as always.

I agree with stranger 100%


But the releastionshop bit, didin't you laugh when lisa could hardly speak etc or when she punched Bart? I think she was pretty good in the movie.


Maggie was great as you say, I hope they never make her start to talk.


I don't think I can name my favourite scene, I've got many.

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Best of a bad bunch of 'jokes' that were designed to insult our intelligence.


Bart/Lisa clapping on the moutainside. Chuckle.

What a great mistake you turned out to be. (+Maggie's wink). Chuckle.

The jumping of the gorge. Chuckle.




But the releastionshop bit, didin't you laugh when lisa could hardly speak etc or when she punched Bart?


The Lisa could hardly speak scene has been done ten billion times before on every show ever made, so no.


Her punching Bart made me chuckle.

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Best of a bad bunch of 'jokes' that were designed to insult our intelligence.


Bart/Lisa clapping on the moutainside. Chuckle.

What a great mistake you turned out to be. (+Maggie's wink). Chuckle.

The jumping of the gorge. Chuckle.






When Lisa could hardly speak has been done ten billion times before on every show ever made, so no.


Her punching Bart made me chuckle.



That was (thanks for reminding me) one of the best moments. When Homer told lisa to clap. Also when he hitched a lift on that car and he sort of slid to the front door.

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Gahhhh, have you ever watched Simpsons from season 1-8?


Yup, I've got all the seasons on DVD. I love the early seasons, But I also loved the movie. (Does that make me wierd?)


Season 18 was also a huge improvement of the program, so I cannot wait for 19..well that and the fact spider pigs in the first episode. :yay:


Personally, its being been on for 19 seasons, I think the fact they still managed to make a movie thats even vaguely funny (though I think its great) is a big feat.

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All of these posts are validating the points I made mine above. Everyone seems to be naming different highlights.


Spiderpig. The gorge. Maggie. Homer throwing his line back into Marge's face when she tries to convince him to return. The fishing flashback. The cat lady. Flanders with the cocoa. "Worst day of your life so far!"


All of these, and more, were brilliant.


People should stop looking for things to criticise; stop hating for hating's sake, and just enjoy what was a very entertaining film.


Incidentally - the environmental messages were handled well, without the preachy heavy-handedness of other films these days, and allowing the comedy to take the fore.


Oh, and having Mr Burns as the villain would have been like repeating the first half of the "Who Shot Mr Burns?" episode all over again. As someone else said (I believe it was Ash?), they had to make the threat bigger, and more real. I applaud the Simpsons writers for not resorting to obvious cliche (as, ironically, everyone else seems to be accusing them of doing).

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stop hating for hating's sake



How about stop loving, just because it's the Simpsons? I'm not looking to criticise, I was looking to laugh. And the film was not funny.


It had moments that made you giggle, but it was not a funny film. TRANSFORMERS was funnier for christ sake.


All those scenes you mentioned, yes they made the audience chuckle every now and then, but none of them were genius moments. I and it seemed like the other 300 people in the screen, left groaning and saying how crap that was. With the odd teenager loving it.

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