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Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World


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Maybe but it would seem that Nintendo's relationship with developers like Sega and Capcom have grown and with Namco its deminished. On the cube Capcom got hurt by the flopping of the capcom 5. Sega did a few Arcade things and F-zero but nothing Major, while Namco did the Caliburs, the tales, the starfox, pacman vs, r- racing I could go on. But Namco seems to be giving more attention to the HD consoles, while Sega is drawing nearer with things like Mario and Sonic + sonic in brawl, and their arcade hits. Namco have just complained and done nothing.


One more note. If you can't bring the people to the arcade, bring the arcade to the people. (Like sega)

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Should have improved, given that Nintendo did what they wanted when they traded a bucketload of Bandai shares for Monolith (leaving Bandai Namco with a small share of 4% that is still stake in there nonetheless). And considering DS is now according to them the main Tales platform, the fact that Soul Calibur 2 sold best at GC (yet they didn't release SC3 for us) and the fact Tales of Symphonia (and to a lesser extent the crappy ToP GBA port) sold better than any other tales in US and Europe.

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I bet training will be done like in the DS game Lunar: Dragon Song (awful game don't buy it). To travel between towns you will need to go through some kink of over world dungeon like a forest or cave or something.


The one thing I was really hoping for when I finished TOS was the ability to explore the "New World" it would have been easy for them to do, they could have just put together the continents from both worlds onto one map and then we could continue after the credits and finish the side-quests. It sucked not being able to play on the file any more after you finished the game and doing this. Anyway, when the sequel was announced this was one of the few things I was really hoping to be able to do (that and find out what really happened next). It was annoying to hear that "team half assed symphonia sequel" had decided to not include this feature.

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I bet training will be done like in the DS game Lunar: Dragon Song (awful game don't buy it). To travel between towns you will need to go through some kink of over world dungeon like a forest or cave or something.
At least use a good game that used that concept, like Grandia 2 on the Dreamcast. :heh:


Yeah, that wouldn't be so bad, but the recycled towns aready are.

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I've seen nothing in that game that can't be done on the Wii, the town geometry is low-polygon like hell.


The Cel shading is quite a bit beyond what we've seen in previous Tales games, it's just hard to tell as Cel shading is a style where it's already essentially reached a "limit" since it isn't about detail.


It's probably the same with battle animations too, I expect there's a lot of complex and frantic action which runs perfectly without a single hitch in framerate on next gen.


Overall it seems like a game where though it's not immediately noticible on the surface, I think there's a ton of power put behind polishing the style to perfection. Like most next gen games that do APPEAR to be "do-able" on Wii on surface, it just wont because I don't think most of these companies seem to really want to spend the effort to downgrade their biggest projects just for the sake of having them on Wii when they can just have a lower team working on something Wii centric.


Most developers want their biggest projects to be stunning graphically and dont think the Wii's controls can enhance their biggest franchises more than an immersive HD experience can, it's pretty much as simple as that.

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The Cel shading is quite a bit beyond what we've seen in previous Tales games, it's just hard to tell as Cel shading is a style where it's already essentially reached a "limit" since it isn't about detail.
Indeed it is, but "quite a bit" for tales is just that; just like DotNW is just a little beyond ToS (16:9 and all) and still, no one doubts it could be done on GC (quite the contrary)


Tales of Vesperia would look good as a Wii game, though. (this said it's looking kinda empty and the towns are kinda low poly, most detail goes to characters)


But it would be a good improvement over ToS nonetheless, improvement DotNW fails at.

It's probably the same with battle animations too, I expect there's a lot of complex and frantic action which runs perfectly without a single hitch in framerate on next gen.
I dunno about that, but with the amount of detail they're pushing, yes, only if the game is really badly optimized. (this said, ToS on PS2 was a slideshow, and TotA has some slowdowns while not being the ultimate PS2 pusher or anything)
Overall it seems like a game where though it's not immediately noticible on the surface, I think there's a ton of power put behind polishing the style to perfection. Like most next gen games that do APPEAR to be "do-able" on Wii on surface, it just wont because I don't think most of these companies seem to really want to spend the effort to downgrade their biggest projects just for the sake of having them on Wii when they can just have a lower team working on something Wii centric.
Then they should; Eternal Sonata and Blue Dragon didn't even sell that good in US, let alone Japan that it's still their "standard" demographic


It's a no brainer that a Wii version would do better, hell even a PS3 version (that will probably happen later on) would make more sense than X360

Most developers want their biggest projects to be stunning graphically and dont think the Wii's controls can enhance their biggest franchises more than an immersive HD experience can, it's pretty much as simple as that.
taken like that most developers would also prefer GC or Xbox to PS2; but they didn't due to money issues.


Tales is not even a graphics driven franchise; given that they even made main installments for DS.

X360 taking the main series one, when Wii takes a spin-off makes no sense whatsoever. Let alone the excuses they did in the interview not to say directly that the title never really ad priority and only had a bigger effort towards the end (imagine how it would be if it hadn't) because the Wii is selling.

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I still think not including a proper world map (i.e one that you can explore was a mistake, unless they have like hidden sections that you can click on that only appear at certain points in the game, that would make up for it... slightly...


Either that or the main environments need to be massive or at least contain loads of hidden secrets to keep players coming back even after they've beaten the game...


*sigh* I love the original Tos and I can't help but feel that somehow this is going to become a vastly inferior sequel, prove me wrong Namco! :(

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Tbh I'm not very bummed because there's no overworld. I like an overworld when it's done well and I feel like exploring it like in DQVIII, ToS overworld was pretty bland. And since this is just the leftovers from the Symphonia team I rather they make the rest of the game good. Still, I doubt this will be as good as ToS.

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There's not even a 1% chance it'll be as good as ToS, it's a "sequel" that's being made simply for the sake of having a low budget Tales game on the system while the other systems get the big new entry. In the best case scenario it'll be of decent quality and the story wont feel like it "spoils" ToS.


I have a feeling we'll be looking at under 20 hours of playtime on a normal run through too, especially considering going between areas with the map will now be consideribly faster. There wont be as huge a cast of characters to "flesh out" either since many will be returning so the story will probably progress quite quickly.

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There wont be as huge a cast of characters to "flesh out" either since many will be returning so the story will probably progress quite quickly.


well from the screens, it looks like there's at least 4 -5 new characters, so add that to the old crew and you got a fair few.


Plus the old crew should still have a bit of fleshing out to do *imagines Sheena "fleshing out"**droooooollllll* *snaps back* in terms of what they've done since the end of the first game and why they've been doing what their doing (if anything), like why is Lloyd leading an army instead of destroying the exspheres like he said he'd do?

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Nintendo power, who have had a demo of the game, said it looks like it will turn into a great game, and will be the first epic RPG on the wii. They wrote quite a few pages about it in the last issue.


Also, I'm planing on having The original TOS running on my game-cube and every-time time I travel in the sequel, I'll switch video lines to the game-cube and travel in that. Well maybe. I'll probably end up using the reheirds and then eventually I'll give up on it though.

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