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Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World

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Im not made of money! Plus I am trying to get something else that is pretty rare at the moment, and may have to break the bank for that, but it should sell preeeety well in the future if I do get it.


Anyways, I am a bargain hunter. I am sure I can find it cheaper elsewhere *remembers all the times he saw this game in stores for cheaper than is on ebay* damnit. I judged the book by its cover :(


My gamestation are selling them preowned for about 17 quid.

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Supposed to be September in the US and it's not been confirmed for Europe yet has it? Just that they're aware how popular it was here?

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Supposed to be September in the US and it's not been confirmed for Europe yet has it? Just that they're aware how popular it was here?
When X360 is getting the next main entry they most likely aren't aware of many many things; including their country market and console sales, so Europe is the least of their mind problems if they were to get a psychological check up.


New images:













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Mmmm... 7290 damage... *homer drool*


Without bothering to look it up, will the game feature local multiplayer?


By the way, aren't you the early bird Pedro!

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Without bothering to look it up, will the game feature local multiplayer?
I don't recall anything announced towards that end, but that's a Tales of staple and they sure didn't build this engine from ground so it should be there from the start.
By the way, aren't you the early bird Pedro!
Or rather the late bird, I was still up, and now I lack sleep :p

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"Once you engage an enemy the game transitions to a combat scenario (after a lengthy load time) that takes place in real-time. Players can move freely about the battlefield by holding the Z button and maneuvering with the analog stick. If you happen to have a few friends lying around they can join you for four-player co-op, but only during battle. If you're going at it solo you can set shortcut commands for your party members to the different D-pad directions."


from ign .




.the controls sound confusing to me??!

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Sweetness guys, thanks a lot!


Or rather the late bird, I was still up, and now I lack sleep


Ah, so we are akin! Long live insomnia!

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New screen shots leaked (I think they're new anyway)

only one of interest in my opinion is of this new rather evil looking guy.




I believe this lovely chap's name is Brute. And I'd say he's this games Mithos.


With the technological achievements of online translators it appears this man is the leader of the Sylvarant liberation vanguard group. After the joining of the two worlds. The church of martel of Tethe'alla continued with its unjustified discrimination and persecution of half elves. The people of Sylvarant in order to protect their human rights formed Vanguard.


The rest is pretty much jibberish. And please take this with half a pound of salt.

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New screen shots leaked (I think they're new anyway)
I've seen them before in scans, but yes


only one of interest in my opinion is of this new rather evil looking guy.






remarkably similar.

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I personally felt he reminded me of this chap:




Minus the big burn around the eye.

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"Once you engage an enemy the game transitions to a combat scenario (after a lengthy load time) that takes place in real-time. Players can move freely about the battlefield by holding the Z button and maneuvering with the analog stick. If you happen to have a few friends lying around they can join you for four-player co-op, but only during battle. If you're going at it solo you can set shortcut commands for your party members to the different D-pad directions."


from ign .




.the controls sound confusing to me??!


They aren't. Series newbies start out just using the basic stuff but once you get farther and farther into the game you will start to try out some of the more advanced stuff, so its not that hard when you actually play it.

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This game could be more like the original than we thought looking at those last screens.


Well, maybe not that much.

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OK guys, i've been away from a month, what (non-spoiler) news did i miss?


Also...just to make you guys a little jealous, I did get some new custom t-shirts made up again while i was in the Philippines and got one of Sheena to match my Lloyd that i got made last year. here's the pics


The Front



The Back



And all for just 15 euro, hahahahaha

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Damn you Franklin. Ace T-Shirt. I hope you keep the Lloyd and Sheena top close to each other.


Looking forward to the videos aswell.

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Damn you Franklin. Ace T-Shirt. I hope you keep the Lloyd and Sheena top close to each other.


Looking forward to the videos aswell.


New vid on my youtube tomorrow or Friday (first will be like a video diary of my day travelling over, like i did last year)


Also...check out the No More Heroes thread for my other t-shirt ;)


(and working on posting some holiday pics in Gen Chit Chat, give me a few mins)

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Cool. It looks like the whole gang is back. Including Presea right at the end.

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Cool. It looks like the whole gang is back. Including Presea right at the end.


Except for Kratos... T_T

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Except for Kratos... T_T


Hold me :blank:


I'm still meh on this. I want the overworld and loads of side quests dammit :cry:

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However: Now that I saw the new trailer I think that the graphic itself look really good. I mean the screenshots only didn't look that great on some parts...


I still don't like it that there is nothing known regarding European release date...

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