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Organ Donation opt-out system : Good or Bad?


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Some campaigners are pushing for an opt-out system for organ donation. Weep!! How crazy, what if some people forget to opt-out. They'll be ripped to pieces and bits taken away regardless of the feelings of anybody. We're a frankenstein state as it is already, no need to do more.


What do you think? A short debate took place in MPT, if you want to read them below:

what so unless you state otherwise, you would be an organ doner?
Yeah... basically opt out system means if you forget to register to KEEP your organs, when you get hit by a car on a road, they'll slice you up and take all organs, stich you up and return you to your family :cry:


So you will have accidentally saved somones life that's a disgusting system we should have the right to choose if we help someone.
so it would basically be the reverse of a donor card? That sucks. I know we need more donors, and I'm willing to be one, but there's many people that aren't and might forgot to register.
What's bad about that though? You're dead when it happens, it's not like you're gonna care.


If this system existed then a lot more lives would be saved.


At the moment in the UK 9/10 people would donate their organs when they die but only 2/10 do so because many don't know how to say they want to donate when they die.

surely its not as high as 9/10? There's so many people I know that would never do it.
I havent got a donor card.....but i said on my drivers licence form that they could take whatever they wanted.


However, it doesnt matter anyway, since i can't donate anything as i've had Hep A.

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Anyone who has said on their driving licence that they are willing to donate all their organs will have the code "115" on the back of the card. This includes me, though the decision was pretty hard to make, so I definitely don't think there should be an opt-out system.

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I say it's a good idea, but that's because I'm already planning on getting a card as soon as possible.

The problem is that people at the moment can't be arsed to go a fill in a form to get one. If people really think that once they're dead they'll be a problem with people being saved by their (otherwise useless) body parts, then they can go to the effort to fill out the form.


It's quite a clever idea, making people carry an "I'm a completely selfish bastard" card with them...

Guilt-tripping = win!

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Guest Stefkov

I was contemplating whether to tick the box on the back of my provisional liscence.

I think in the end I forgot about it and didn't tick it. It was quite a hard to decide whether or not to tick it.

In the end, if I'm dead then my organs will rot away. If I can be of use to someone then I might aswell do..

I don't know how hard that will be in later years, but if it comes down to it, I no doubt will donate my organs.


Only if I'm dead though.

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Guest Stefkov

I don't want none of:

'He's on the brink of death, there's a small chance he'll get better but there's a woman in the next room who will die unless she has a liver in the time it'll take for (me) to probably die'


None of that, I want to be dead.

But wait, don't you have to be partly alive or just dead for it to work. If you are dead then no blood/oxygen has gotten to your organs, which means they've been deprived and might not work properly like the brain wouldn't work properly after a few minutes of no oygxen.



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I don't want none of:

'He's on the brink of death, there's a small chance he'll get better but there's a woman in the next room who will die unless she has a liver in the time it'll take for (me) to probably die'


If I'm definitely going to die very, very soon, or my quality of live, if I were to survive, was to be appallingly low (eg vegetative state), then by all means, help yourself, bitches.


Actually, even if they're wrong, once they take my organs and kill me, I'm in a position to neither give a shit, nor complain that they were wrong.


I'd rather they were pretty much right, though.

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I'm an Epi, I can't even donate blood! Wankers.


that's a strange restriction. surely it matters not if you have epilepsy with regards to blood?



anyway, my theory is that my organs are for the taking should they help save a life. Frankly, I find the notion of refusing that chance an inhumanly callous thing to do. In some cases, you may as well be walking up to some poor kid and putting a bullet in their head.

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We had the choice to opt-in on the health forms at university and I did because everyone else was and they were giving me the evil eye, and also because I am as spiritual as a snotty issue. Of course, when I say everyone else, this is apart from the one CS kid who is holding out on being reconstructed 100, 200 years into the future.

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I think its a pretty good idea. Hundreds of people die from needing organs each year - and this poses a viable solution. Albeit one with interesting ethical issues!


I don't want none of:

'He's on the brink of death, there's a small chance he'll get better but there's a woman in the next room who will die unless she has a liver in the time it'll take for (me) to probably die'


None of that, I want to be dead.

But wait, don't you have to be partly alive or just dead for it to work. If you are dead then no blood/oxygen has gotten to your organs, which means they've been deprived and might not work properly like the brain wouldn't work properly after a few minutes of no oygxen.




That'll never happen. You have to be in a braindead state, or have brainstem death. Your heart will still beat, thus keeping organs with a supply of blood - and you'll be artificially ventilated. Most organ donors have massive head injuries and therefore have no chance or recovery, and are only kept alive via a life support machine. So rest assured, the doctors will make sure you're pretty fucked before cutting you open :heh:


Everyone should try to donate organs though, to not to it just selfish.

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If they wont take my blood I'm not going to let them take me organs, that's my opinion.


but why? what's so precious about them? why should your corpse keep what a dying patient elsewhere desperately needs to survive? what's your rationale behind that?

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but why? what's so precious about them? why should your corpse keep what a dying patient elsewhere desperately needs to survive? what's your rationale behind that?


They can have my organs once they accept my blood, I'm just making a stand in something I believe is morally wrong.

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They can have my organs once they accept my blood, I'm just making a stand in something I believe is morally wrong.


But the person you're punishing, ie some kid on dialysis or some lass on the heart transplant list is not the person who made the decision you couldn't donate blood.


Fuck it, I'm going make organ donation compulsory when I get into power. Remember to vote in November : peace:

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I think an opt-out system is a great idea. I can certainly perceive no logical or moral argument in opposition. Take whatever you want and pass it on. So long as I'm not using it at the time, obviously. Though I suppose I've got a kidney spare if anyone needs one.

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But the person you're punishing, ie some kid on dialysis or some lass on the heart transplant list is not the person who made the decision you couldn't donate blood.


Fuck it, I'm going make organ donation compulsory when I get into power. Remember to vote in November : peace:


If we are coming up with hypothetical situations it could be some drunk who has destroyed his liver.

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They can have my organs once they accept my blood, I'm just making a stand in something I believe is morally wrong.

Is this the anal sex thing? I know another gay guy who complains about that, but frankly, it's just sensible, and is in no way homophobic- people who have had anal sex recently are not allowed to donate blood, whatever their sex and sexuality.

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