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Everything that ONM said is fake.


“The details printed in Official Nintendo Magazine 21 regarding Mario Kart Wii were healthy speculation on our part and are in no way an official announcement from Nintendo. We are sorry if we have mislead anyone. We do not set out to mislead our readers. ONM apologises profusely for any misunderstandings that this has caused.” - ONM


Why do this? They didn't say it was speculation or anything and made it sound like a fact.


Rubbish it was, they were blatently talking as though they have the details in front of them!


It's all true, i reckon.


Other then that, they have no-idea what to write next.

Rubbish it was, they were blatently talking as though they have the details in front of them!


The article sounds like the only info they had was the video we saw.

I think they must of read this article on CVG and thought it was fact or something along those lines.


Yea, NGamer did say that all they did was inspect the video frame-by-frame.

Everything that ONM said is fake.




Why do this? They didn't say it was speculation or anything and made it sound like a fact.


Well if they want to see aerial stunts in a Mario Kart game they are bigger idiots than I originally thought.


ONM's constant bull shit is a little annoying. I wish they'de stop jumping the gun on so many things.


LOL, my prediction was right. Seriously, has anyone ever seen any exclusive information in ONM? I do feel sorry for them, though - you'd think that they should be allowed to print the occasional exclusive, seeing as they're the official magazine.


At least we know Nintendo has confirmed some silly stunt mode. I thought the biggest give away was actaully the inclusion of all the DS tracks. I personally think the only thing they got right was the multi-player bit.


I think the more people turn away from printed material and to the internet the further these mags have to go to get readers. I remember back in the day when mags were big thick things that were full of the latest info and didn't really on silly stuff like this or numerous 'free gifts' to get sales.

You know I still haven't seen the trailer for this.Do you see the stunts in the trailer?


Yes. Wario does a mid-air spin in it.

ONM FAILS AGAIN. Does this look like speculation? no.. It looks like fact. People should stop buying ONM.


Thats what i meant, they did write that article as though they had the facts in front of them!

I was thinking... mabe Wario's jump is the return of the much loved Feather? That legendary SNES item that allowed you to do the short cuts on certain courses.


You could well be right! Never thought of that. It seems like a stupid place to be used (whilst zooming off the top of a ramp) but I was doing some research there and closely monitoring the video. As Wario approaches the jump, I watched the item box and thought I saw what looks to be a feather before it very quickly disappears.


However, I kept replaying it and every time tried to Print Screen exactly where I thought the feather was..




What item is that? Watch it again during the video and you may see it a bit better there..

You could well be right! Never thought of that. It seems like a stupid place to be used (whilst zooming off the top of a ramp) but I was doing some research there and closely monitoring the video. As Wario approaches the jump, I watched the item box and thought I saw what looks to be a feather before it very quickly disappears.
I'd love it if the feather returned! :hehe:


Don't think that's what it is in the video though, if you look at the item box before Wario does that spin it's actually empty. Looks more like they've just added an Excite Truck style spin, as long as you can't protect yourself from shells with it I'm not that fussed really, be seriously cack if you can though. :angry:

I'd love it if the feather returned! :hehe:


Don't think that's what it is in the video though, if you look at the item box before Wario does that spin it's actually empty. Looks more like they've just added an Excite Truck style spin, as long as you can't protect yourself from shells with it I'm not that fussed really, be seriously cack if you can though. :angry:


I think the video could of been edited by nintendo to not give away the power ups. Because Wario picks up a power up and then it disapears without him using anything. And then he picks up another power up.


EDIT:- On second thought, it's two consecutive shots.


I realise that he doesn't have a weapon when he makes it off the jump and I do actually believe there is a spin in there for defensive purposes or to barge into other drivers.


However, the item in the box, to me, does look like it could be the feather so I wouldn't rule it out being in there.. have a close look and see what you think.

However, the item in the box, to me, does look like it could be the feather so I wouldn't rule it out being in there.. have a close look and see what you think.
It could be a Ghost item, not quite in the centre of the box yet...



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