Kurtle Squad Posted March 7, 2008 Posted March 7, 2008 dwarf gourami said: I find the boosting, shortcuts and carnage top everything on CTR. Yep...Definately, the "Skid Steering" tops the rest by far too. Quote If the karts had the mario characters in it i bet everyone here would bum it. I reckon. dwarf gourami said: OK enough of this. I think that from the videos on IGN that 150cc is fast enough. It looks just as speedy as the rest to be honest. I reckon there should be an unlockable f-zero mode on this tbh. Like the Moomoo Farm & Bowser Castle 64 VC glitches?
dwarf Posted March 7, 2008 Posted March 7, 2008 Kurtle said: Yep...Definately, the "Skid Steering" tops the rest by far too. I reckon. Like the Moomoo Farm & Bowser Castle 64 VC glitches? yeah but better
Rummy Posted March 7, 2008 Posted March 7, 2008 Jamba said: What is it that everyone is so excited about with this title in particular? Are people really that excited about online multiplayer or is the motion controls that everyone is dying for? Or is it that other dark matter... the stunts?! *hides* The fact that it's a staple part of a multiplayer gaming sesh! +Online, equals=moar multi gamage! I might go so far as to say Mario Kart is one of the original multiplayer classics, from the SNES to the N64(many hours) and through to the DS. It's been overtaken by other titles now such as the Smash series, FPSes and such, but it's still got its place, and I think I'm after it mostly for a fresh bit of snake free life in the MK series. I am firmly of the opinion that snaking is certainly NOT in the spirit of mario kart's air.
Dante Posted March 7, 2008 Posted March 7, 2008 People putting Mario Kart 64 before Super Mario Kart.
Frank Posted March 7, 2008 Posted March 7, 2008 Rummy said: While I wouldn't call it the best, it definitely had its merits, which is what we need to see. I liked the new battle modes it brought, such as shine battle and the bob-omb thing(making a nice return in MKDS), but namely, one brilliant feature was the two player tag team thing! It's probably a bit overlooked, but I think back now to having four of us in a room split screening and sorting out the karts between ourselves! The friendly rivalries it caused(normally within the team lol) gave it that slight edge, competition is nice, but so is sharing, and it combined both pretty well imo! YOU SIR! Are brilliant!
Jamba Posted March 8, 2008 Posted March 8, 2008 Rummy said: Mario Kart is one of the original multiplayer classics, from the SNES to the N64(many hours) and through to the DS. Well you are kinda proving the point (in my eyes) of why people shouldn't get it. I have played 5 iterations of this series now, own 4 of them, and tbh not enough seems to have changed to really warrant a new game. I see this as a new game for the new Nintendo owners who don't really know MarioKart yet. I'm just really surprised to see you guys ready to throw away your money for a game that will just be an online version of MK-DD with motion controls. Pretty sheep like logic to me. I find it worrying also that MK-DS is probably going to be better than it still. It's fine for you people who have the money and are ready to pour it into Nintendo's pockets but I wanna spend my cash on a game I haven't played yet.
MATtheHAT Posted March 8, 2008 Posted March 8, 2008 Jamba said: Well you are kinda proving the point (in my eyes) of why people shouldn't get it. I have played 5 iterations of this series now, own 4 of them, and tbh not enough seems to have changed to really warrant a new game. I see this as a new game for the new Nintendo owners who don't really know MarioKart yet. I'm just really surprised to see you guys ready to throw away your money for a game that will just be an online version of MK-DD with motion controls. Pretty sheep like logic to me. I find it worrying also that MK-DS is probably going to be better than it still. It's fine for you people who have the money and are ready to pour it into Nintendo's pockets but I wanna spend my cash on a game I haven't played yet. You do have a point and I can see it from your perspective, however, I feel Nintendo have added enough content to this over DD and DS to warrant a purchase. Shit, I would buy it just for the extensive online racing/battle mode. We play games for fun, and I believe twelve people racing online will be truly awesome. Fair enough there is some gimmicky additions like the bikes and stunts, but as we know this is probably aimed at the more casual gamer. I suppose the same could be said for all Nintendo's major franchise's - Smash, Zelda, Metroid etc.. But although they are all in the same vein as the previous game in the series, they all seem to push the envelope far enough for me to part with my cash, the same goes for MKWii.
Rummy Posted March 8, 2008 Posted March 8, 2008 nintendo-master said: YOU SIR! Are brilliant! lol thanks? I'm not entirely sure why? Jamba said: Well you are kinda proving the point (in my eyes) of why people shouldn't get it. I have played 5 iterations of this series now, own 4 of them, and tbh not enough seems to have changed to really warrant a new game. I see this as a new game for the new Nintendo owners who don't really know MarioKart yet. I'm just really surprised to see you guys ready to throw away your money for a game that will just be an online version of MK-DD with motion controls. Pretty sheep like logic to me. I find it worrying also that MK-DS is probably going to be better than it still. It's fine for you people who have the money and are ready to pour it into Nintendo's pockets but I wanna spend my cash on a game I haven't played yet. Well hey, you asked the question and I answered! I want it because I thoroughly enjoy MK multiplayer! I'll be honest, I was a bit dissappointed with double dash overall, but I was quite impressed with it in places. You say not enough has changed, which is a fair point, but I could say the same about the sidescroller Marios, or between SM64, Sunshine and Galaxy, or between the Paper Marios, or between Yoshi's Island 1 and Yoshi's Island 2. I could say the same about enhanced remakes, that not enough has changed, but really, it's just a matter of opinion. Hell, I had the original LttP as my first Zelda game, and despite that, I bought the GBA remake, which wasn't even enhanced! I could say the same about virtual console and old games/titles too! I know people who have bought VC stuff when they own actual originals! For you, not enough has changed, for me...well, time will tell. I'm not gonna buy it before I play it and see it, check it all out first. It's a bit half and half for me, but I'll probably get it if players 2, 3 and 4 get it, or if it's really good. I want it for multiplayer, and so I'll likely get it if they get it. Hell, I only got MKDS cos it was the first online DS title, and my mates were getting it. You can say that makes me a sheep, and in part it does, but I don't regret it much(maybe a little, I don't rate MKDS all too highly), because I had fun playing it. One major aspect that I didn't like about it? Snaking. Sure, people say snaking exists in near all the previous MK titles, but MKDS exploded the exposure, and I'd never encountered it before. The fact that MKWii has been made to eliminate it, is one big plus point for me. I absolutely hate it as, like I said, I feel it is very against the spirit of Mario Kart. Also in line with my view on multiplayer, MATtheHAT hit on something else that excites me about this...the upper cap of 12 players in online. I think that's gonna be so megacool, one thing I always wanted to do in the older MKs was 3-4 player Grand Prix mode, but they couldn't handle it. This however, will take me one step closer to it. I'm getting more and more hyped about this game now, which is a bit strange, because I knew absolutely nothing about it before I posted in this thread, and have in fact gotten most of my info from this very thread. I think this game will be better than MKDS for me, and for £30 or so, I don't see my going too wrong with it given what I've gotten from previous MKs. For me, Super Mario Kart was a really cool game I wished I had, cos at the time it was pretty unique, and my mate had it and therefore I only played it very rarely and wanted the forbidden fruit! MK64 I got with SM64 at Xmas with the N64 itself, and it was like me finally realising that desire of getting Mario Kart. It's single player was good and sustained me in the higher levels, and the multiplayer was truly brilliant, cos there wasn't much to have back then(Goldeneye, bit of MK, SmashBros when it came along, can't think of much else really). Super Circuit was good too, cos it had a hard but doable single player, probably helped by its numerous unlockables(it was also closer to the SMK original, and had alot of the tracks, so that played a part for me). Admittedly, my sister bought it and not me, I wouldn't have otherwise, but I enjoyed playing it until she lost it, I didn't have the resolve to buy another and do it all again, and I never used it for multiplayer so it wasn't all that for me. DD was to fill the void left by MK64, and whilst it didn't so as well as I hoped, it did do a fairly good job, and brought some new stuff to the table that I really liked, as I said earlier. MKDS was nice, I got bored and fed up with snakers though, and didn't bother perservering for the ** in everything(I had a few cups to go in the higher levels I think). But yeah, I feel this has enough to offer me for a good price, I'm not fed up with the series as yet, or maybe I'm just holding out hope it'll do for me what DD failed in some respects to do. I'll be honest, and say I'm not entirely sure. I feel Nintendo are losing some of their momentum as I've said in a few other threads, but this isn't the place for tha discussion. Basically, I think I buy every game in a series expecting it to be as good as the last, and I'm holding out a slim bit of hope this'll manage that or better, DD won't be too hard to beat In addition, I'm really hoping we might be able to recreate Moria's wifikarts on these here forums too, the idea was so awesome to me the first time round, but was ruined for me by snaking EDIT: Goddamn, I'm practically writting essays all over this forum, apologies for my long posts, such as this hefty one.
dwarf Posted March 8, 2008 Posted March 8, 2008 I find there's usually no point in writing long posts on a forum because usually nobody can be bothered to comment/read them like me. Sorry. And at Jamba: I think its an OK point(s) but you'd be missing out on a lot if you didnt buy this. Yeah if there were other fun games I might wait longer for this but this seems like the only fun title out for a good while. More content on MK = me buy. New battle mode, online and new courses is enough.
Mike Posted March 8, 2008 Posted March 8, 2008 IGN have got a preview of the Mushroom and Flower Cups today, though they don't seem hugely impressed by most of the tracks. Hopefully the Star and Special Cups wil have the better tracks (as is usually the case).
Jamba Posted March 8, 2008 Posted March 8, 2008 dwarf gourami said: More content on MK = me buy. New battle mode, online and new courses is enough. You see I never really had a chance to any of the online gaming as such. Still not enough people play games enough for me to warrant spending some serious time on an online game (most of them are plugged into WoW). I really wanted to play my friends over wifi as I have no real interest in playing against randoms but the only opportunity I would have really got would be to play people on these boards and I just don't feel like I know anyone well enough to do that. Maybe battle would be better against randoms but I don't really have that much time to game. Guess I am just in a particular situation that many other people don't share. @Rummy - MarioKart has stayed essentially the same from MK64 in my eyes and MKDD and MKDS were very similar with different content. I'm starting to think that a game can stay fresh if you play a great original and then a smiliar sequel based off that. Any games after this must be quite different or the franchise feels tired. You brought up Zelda, which I think is a perfect example of a tired franchise as TP is the 4th game which is, gameplay wise essentially the same. Sure visual styles may give it some life but a reinvention is required for me to buy another one of those games. Why should I buy a game that I basically already own, 4 times over?
Kurtle Squad Posted March 8, 2008 Posted March 8, 2008 More tracks and different physics/rules etc means it's different enough to warrent a purchase. Playing DD/64 even more wouldn't be nearly as good as playing a new iteration.
Rummy Posted March 8, 2008 Posted March 8, 2008 As I said, it's a matter of opinion. I'm not here to try and sell the game to you, there's gonna be people who don't fancy it and people who do, but I've got my reasons for wanting it as I explained. I do agree with you though, because despite those reasons, I'm not likely to buy the game off the bat without giving a bit of a test run first. I didn't like TP much tbh, it was a nice game and all with good gameplay, but it didn't feel like it had the Zelda charm, but I think PH shook things up well, despite it's short lived ease. I agree though, alot of Nintendo's franchises are getting tired, the jump between SNES-N64 was pretty much 2D-3D so it gave lots of oppurtunity for reinvention, but there's no 4D to go to next, so they're after the motion control angle, or trying to conquer the 'casual' market. It's a tradeoff between sticking with the tried and tested that everyone loves(Zelda top downs, I love them) or trying to do something that'll bring a new edge, but it risks the chance of failure. Eventually, the first will get worn out, and the second needs some ingenious minds with great ideas to keep up, which doesn't seem easy to find.
dwarf Posted March 8, 2008 Posted March 8, 2008 I think there are lots of things that developers could do with mario-kart, but the developers probably don't feel like they need doing to get more sales.
Frank Posted March 8, 2008 Posted March 8, 2008 Rummy said: lol thanks? I'm not entirely sure why? Well I suppose its because your one of the first people on this thread to praise MK:DD! So, conclusion! Go you!
dazzybee Posted March 8, 2008 Posted March 8, 2008 Jamba, that's a pretty ridiculous point there - how isn't the first home console version of a game going online a big change? How about upping from 8 to 12 a fairy big change? How is motion control not a big change? How is 16 brand new courses and 16 more retro tracks not worthy? You may slag off the retro tracks saying they're not new, but I hadn't played the SNES tracks in years and love playing them in DS. Anyways, really excited about this game, but IGN's lukewarm respsonee is worrying!!! Though they seem to have never really rated mario Kart!
Kurtle Squad Posted March 8, 2008 Posted March 8, 2008 I hope this turns out really good. Then it'll be another awesome "party" game ^_^
DCK Posted March 8, 2008 Posted March 8, 2008 MATtheHAT said: IGN - Bunch of 360 fan boys.Stupid fanboy argument again. IGN is one of the most objective news sites out there. They're not always properly informed, but they never take side unjustified. To be honest, I don't think this game'll be that great, Mario Kart has never been a very spectacular franchise. The motion controls and party value will warrant my play though.
dwarf Posted March 9, 2008 Posted March 9, 2008 Mario Kart is basically a series that guarentees fun even if it isnt the most technical game. The characters are the best in a kart game too.
Kurtle Squad Posted March 9, 2008 Posted March 9, 2008 dwarf gourami said: Mario Kart is basically a series that guarentees fun even if it isnt the most technical game. The characters are the best in a kart game too. I dunno....Cortex, Dingodile & N. Gin came close back in the day.....Conker too:heh:
dwarf Posted March 9, 2008 Posted March 9, 2008 Kurtle said: I dunno....Cortex, Dingodile & N. Gin came close back in the day.....Conker too:heh: Cortex and Dingodile I agree with. N.Gin meh. dont see the appeal for Conker, sorry. Boo is better than all of them, all though I have fond memories of the dingodile flamethrower boss fight from Bandicoot 2 (?)
darksnowman Posted March 9, 2008 Posted March 9, 2008 Apparently Mario Kart Wii got a review score of 91% in Gamesmaster. I'm not a huge fan of Gamesmaster cos from what I've read they seem to be a bit anti-Nintendo, but I'm by no means a longtime reader of theirs so things could be different now.
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