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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


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Dumbledore being alive when he was dead? What do you mean? If you're referring to the King's Cross chapter, he wasn't alive there; I just took it to be a dream/vision with Harry deciding whether or not to 'move on'. He didn't 'come back to life' because he never died; the Elder Wand couldn't be used to kill its master (who was Harry at that point), so it knocked him unconscious. And as for the Hogwart battle being ridiculous, I thought it was one of the most exciting scenes of the series, and it was great to have everyone involved in some way. The film will certainly never live up to the book there.




Yeah he could be dreaming alright but that just means he's making up all the stuff the Dumbledore tells him doesnt it? How can a dead person appear in his dreams and tell him what has happened and what he has to do in order to finally kill Voldemort? I was very confused by that chapter - so I might not fully understand it until I re-read it.


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i didn't use the internet or anything for the time i hadn't finished the book.


I liked it all, and looking back now hours i've finished it, i can see it's a really good book.


Dumbledore being alive when he was dead? What do you mean? If you're referring to the King's Cross chapter, he wasn't alive there; I just took it to be a dream/vision with Harry deciding whether or not to 'move on'. He didn't 'come back to life' because he never died; the Elder Wand couldn't be used to kill its master (who was Harry at that point), so it knocked him unconscious. And as for the Hogwart battle being ridiculous, I thought it was one of the most exciting scenes of the series, and it was great to have everyone involved in some way. The film will certainly never live up to the book there.




One of the most touching parts in the book:

'Here lies Dobby - a free elf'


That bit really had me balling to be honest!


Loved it though, that whole 'thing' was well handled and i totally cried. Thats the one thing that had the biggest effect on me all book.

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Guest Stefkov
I find that cover really quite unatractive... lol

Same, I havn't been fond of any of the covers with Harry on them. OOTP looks great because it's just that Phoenix.

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Same, I havn't been fond of any of the covers with Harry on them. OOTP looks great because it's just that Phoenix.


I hated the cover art at first but i like it now, i poured over it for a few mins before i started reading seeing what i could get from the book, and i think its a damn sight more attractive than the american cover.

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Very disappointed with The Deathly Hallows. I found it very hard to read and I though that the 3Deathly Hallows thing was the most stupid thing in the whole HP series. Dumbledore still being alive even though he was dead? Harry dying and then being alive?? The whole of Hogwarts attacked with giants/spiders/centaurs/students/staff vs Death Eaters just seemed ridiculous.


I am sorely disappointed by this read. Although I am not the number 1 fan of the HP series, I have to admit I wasn't entralled, excited, sad or as gripped by this book as the previous volumes.


I hope that this is the end of them for good. God knows she could bring out another one...


1. The Deathly Hallows have been pre-shadowed for ages - how else had Dumbledore got the burnt hand?

2. Dumbledore wasn't alive. He even says so out-right.

3. Harry didn't die and then come alive again. He asks Dumbledore if he is dead, to which the latter dies that Harry's not, and that he can't die while a piece of Voldemort's soul is still inside him.

4. The Battle of Hogwarts was epic. And the spiders were on the Death Eaters side. Along with the Giants, except for Grawp of course.


Maybe if you'd read it more carefully you'd have enjoyed it more? You obviously don't know the series well if you think there might be another, she always planned there would be seven.


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I found Wormtail's death a bit weak. There was much speculation that he would do something big as a life-debt for Harry, but I found his actions rather disapointing.



I love Mrs Weasley a lot more after she shouted "NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH" and killed Bellatrix :)


I thought Wormtail's death was really good. If he didn't do that then the others would never have got free. Repaying the debt cost him his life.


And that part was probably the best line in the book. Along with Ron saying "And that's the second time we've saved your life you two-faced bastard".



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I noticed a couple pages back some people were complaining about the NTSC cover? Whats the PAL one look like? I think the NTSC cover is alright looking...


lol NTSC and PAL. There's different covers for each country. I want to see some french, spanish, german and japanese covers :D

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I found the whole wand-swapping ownership thing very confusing, so sort of gave up understanding it nearer to the end.


I guessed that dumbledore would somehow appear at the end in some form, just because howelse was Rowling going to do all that explaining that happens at the end of every book (normally done by Dumble himself)


I have now wrapped my copy of the book, ready to give to my sister as a bday present.


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To anyone who thinks this is the best book of the series...HAH! no way in hell does this beat prisoner of askaban or goblet of fire. I think people just think it's amazing because it's new, the same thing happened the bost 0oTP and THBP.


Here's what i felt was crap about it.


  • We were promised resolvement of the veil & sirius in the ministry of magic, neville longbottoms involvement we got none of this.
  • Most of the deaths were half baked and lacked emotion (apart from dobby's) I mean, we get 4 lines about the death of fred and then never hear of it again? Lame.
  • Unlike prior books, i just didn't feel like i was there, i felt like i was was watching someone else be there, and that we were told was going on rather than feeling it (i mean like the deaths, the battle of hogwarts and the wasted time spent oodling about in woods)
  • The deathly Hallows were waaay to deux ex machina for my liking, just created to justify harry coming back to life.
  • Because over half the book wasn't set in Hogwarts, it really lacked the 'magic' of quiddich and classes and side stories, something that made the last books so involving and pleasing to read.
  • The ending absolutely sucked, voldemort dies, nothing happens afterwards ( there should've been atleast one more chapter where harry finds out more revelations, and about the veil and death etc) and then the cheesiest, most unrevieling epilogue i have ever read!.



It really felt like rowling was just finishing the story, not writing a new book, there were no surprises or twists apart from uneeded deaths, and the whole thing just felt so..linear. to me. If it wasn't for her ability to make certain chapters feel magical i wouldn't have enjoyed this book atall.


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To anyone who thinks this is the best book of the series...HAH! no way in hell does this beat prisoner of askaban or goblet of fire. I think people just think it's amazing because it's new, the same thing happened the bost 0oTP and THBP.


Imo the Prisoner of Azkabam was easliy the worst book of the 7. Just a bunch of jabbering back and forth, quite boring really. The movie was alright, but the booked sucked. Theres a lot of jabbering in this book too, but theres lots of action which makes up for it.


Anyone else find it real creepy when Voldomort's snake came out of that dead witch's body and attacked Harry?


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I found the snake bit where it killed Snape was weirder than the old lady tbh. Snape should have been able to do something :S but I guess it needed to happen so that the story could continue and make sense.


I really liked it in Godric Hollows.. possibly one of the best parts (except maybe the battle at then end, the movie will be awesome for that =]).


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I found the snake bit where it killed Snape was weirder than the old lady tbh. Snape should have been able to do something :S but I guess it needed to happen so that the story could continue and make sense.


I really liked it in Godric Hollows.. possibly one of the best parts (except maybe the battle at then end, the movie will be awesome for that =]).


If he did fight off the snake Voldemort would have just killed him then and there anyway. Least if the snake bit him and Voldy left him to die, he was able to give harry the memory.


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I loved the book, probably the best in the series, even with a few flaws. The most emotional moment had to be the death of Dobby, because I wasn't expecting it at all, not after he'd just saved them. Kreacher leading the house elves to war with kitchen cutlery was brilliant. Many of the deaths were unnecessary because we only heard about them or saw mourners, it just felt as if they'd been shoved aside. Neville had an excellent part in defying the Carrows and Voldemort and eventually finishing off the final Horcrux.


"And that's the second time we've saved your life you two-faced bastard!"


Best. Quote. Ever.


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I think if they had spent more time going on about all the deaths, the book would have ended up being too stodgy and soppy. I realise that people wanted all the deaths to have the same amount of book time as


, but it would have dragged the book down. She had to put in alot of deaths, other-wise it would have been a bit weird that they had a 'war' against the death eaters, and no good people died at all.

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All was well.


I presume you mean that last sentence?

Yeah that too :p.


She could have had a bit on what Harry's life was like straight after it happened...that would have been cool.


Oh and the whole Snape/Lilly potter thing was just crazy. You kinda end up liking Snape though.



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She could have had a bit on what Harry's life was like straight after it happened...that would have been cool.


Oh and the whole Snape/Lilly potter thing was just crazy. You kinda end up liking Snape though.



We all knew that snape adored lily but hated james anyway (at least Im pretty sure we did!), she just used that as a way of making snape good. I thought it was really good actually.


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