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WWE Superstar Chris Benoit and family found dead


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No chance unless it means rest in pieces. someone who does that deserves to rot in hell.


what a ****.


fuck you!!! show some fucking respect...prick




r.i.p benoit you will be missed :(


man this sucks been a fan of benoits since the old ecw days somewhat 12 years or so ago

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The fact that at this moment it's believed that he killed his family


Thought as much, besides I don't care HOW Benoit died, I care more about that he HAS died. He was such a fantastic wrestler. He'll be missed.


Now for the heaven phrases: He is up in the great wrestling ring in the sky, meeting up with Eddie Guerrero and Owen Hart.

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Thought as much, besides I don't care HOW Benoit died, I care more about that he HAS died. He was such a fantastic wrestler. He'll be missed.


Now for the heaven phrases: He is up in the great wrestling ring in the sky, meeting up with Eddie Guerrero and Owen Hart.


No Offence mate, but if what has been said by the Police is true, then Benoit is a Killer, of his own family I might add.


It is a tradgedy yes, but I have a feeling alot more will come out of this.


It's sad that we may not know what drove Beniot to take the lives of his family, and himself. If Double Murder Suicide is the case then I feel sorry for the whole Benoit family, especially the side of the Wife. Innocent Family members caught up in what seems a troubled mind of a Wrestling Legend...

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I still can't believe it. Benoit was one of my favourite wrestlers, ever since I started watching since the WCW glory days of ten years ago (I've stopped watching wrestling when I grew old enough to realise its fakeness, and when WCW got worse). If it does turn out to be true then damn... I'm in shock, and if it turns out to be murder suicide then I'm even more shocked.

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fuck you!!! show some fucking respect...prick


Judging by recent reports, zim was right to have said that. Since when do we pay our respects to men who take innocent lives, and even worse, the lives of their family?


How do they know this? It's not like they have CCTV footage or witnesses. So, are they just going on logic?


I expect they'll come to a conclusion in a few weeks when they have DNA and fingerprints sorted out. Once they find out the cause of death it should be easy to pinpoint whether or not Benoit was the murderer. Don't hold your breath though, it's looking a bit too suspicious right now.

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