Slaggis Posted June 21, 2007 Author Posted June 21, 2007 Daft said: Well, its not liked I enjoyed having them...I use to wake up in a sweat. I think you need to see a doctor. Seriously though I've never heard of what you're talking about. haha, maybe I should. But I mean my eyes are shut, I mean like for a blink basically and then i'm falling and jerk up before I hit the gound. I'm definitly not asleep because from blinking to realising i'm falling its about 5 seconds.
Daft Posted June 21, 2007 Posted June 21, 2007 Haggis said: haha, maybe I should. But I mean my eyes are shut, I mean like for a blink basically and then i'm falling and jerk up before I hit the gound. I'm definitly not asleep because from blinking to realising i'm falling its about 5 seconds. That is really wierd, I've never heard anything like that. I'm not quite getting when this happens. Its when you blink? So like less than a second? Are you actually falling in real life? Sorry, I'm a bit confused...
MunKy Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 Haggis said: Off the subject of dreams for a second, whats that feeling where you sitting down and suddenly can see yourself falling to the gound then jerking up just before you hit the ground? Is that a daydream or something else? Do you blackout for a split second? I think you're talking about micro sleep. Basically you aren't getting enough normal sleep so your body is trying to squeeze in little morsels of sleep during the day. I had that all through phase one. The amount of times I nearly fell off chairs/fell forward and hit the table in lectures is stupid. If possible, get more sleep and it should go away.
killthenet Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 I think Haggis means that when you're falling asleep, you'll imagine that you fall over or trip or something and your body will spasm. This happens because your waking brain is switching off so the imagined seems more real, but your body has not yet been paralysed as you are not in full REM sleep. This causes your body to react to what you imagine, as it seems so real to your brain, your brain continues sending signals to your limbs.
Fresh Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 I had the most amazing dream last night, was quite personal. I woke up wishing I was still asleep.
Slaggis Posted June 22, 2007 Author Posted June 22, 2007 I had a most diturbingly wierd dream last night, its pretty long too. I was at some party will all these people and I had no idea who they were, I was chatting to them and trying to find alcohol. I eventually bumped into a guy who said he had some and followed him and found out he was drinking out the beer tap when the bar man wasn't looking. Then it changed to me and a mate from college standing really high up in the air and setting up a hot wheels track for us to slide down ourselves and the person who could go the fastest won. I shot down the track full speed and won a little cup and a plaque. I celerbrated to the crowd. The dream switched again to me in HMV in york. I was looking for a special edition paramore album. I found one that said something about me winning something on the front but couldn't read what it was so I spent ages walking around HMV trying to find enough light to read it (it was night). I went to the counter but had no money so carole from big brother was going to lend me some. I declined and said can the store hold it for me. I went outside and my mum and I were being followed by this mugger. We ran to a market and it suddently became day. My mum was looking for some banana's but they weren't any medium sized ones left. I then woke up thinking what the hell was that all about?! Oh and about the whole falling thing, the last time it happened I was on my bed just sitting down and was just sort of staring at the floor and the next thing I can see the ground (not my floor bus as though i'm falling from a building) and just before I hit the ground I my body jerks and I wonder what the hell that was about. I', definitly not asleep though because it all happens so fast.
Roostophe Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 Another dream of mine was that I was playing footie for England and we were playing against Argentina in teh World Cup Final, and I did a Maradona and blatantly handballed the ball into the net, the goal stood and England won the World Cup, I dubbed my handball the "Hand of Justice" and became public enemy number one in Argentina, who then took revenge by invading the Falkland Islands again, but they got thwarted by the Welsh-speaking colony that lives in the Argentine Patagonia. Then it changed to me being called a tw*t by Liam Gallagher because I didn't play for Manchester City. Then I woke up.
MunKy Posted June 23, 2007 Posted June 23, 2007 Wow, I had a dream after drinking, that never happens! Was weird as fuck too. For some reason I was in a dark room that was entirely red lit. It was like a battlefield and the enemy were huge guys dressed in Viking armour I guess with giant sledge hammers. My guys I suppose were behind a shield way to big for anyone on the battlefield, really massive. There was more than a few of them and they were holding it up while one of the big guys was pounding it with his sledgehammer. For some reason, I was protecting a helicopter (wtf?). The guy pounding the shield broke through and kept beating till there was nothing but chunks of wood, bone and flesh in front of him. Then the two big guys saw it was just me left and went for my laptop (which didn't appear till just now). They kept teasing me by faking swings for it, then one did and I moved it in time. Then they just left without saying anything! Then my dream shifted to me at party with a few girl I haven't seen in ages and either ones my brain made up of random ones it stored for no reason.
Nucleus Posted June 23, 2007 Posted June 23, 2007 I've had too many wierd ones to count. These ones are from a few years ago. Once, near the end of a dream, I somehow ended up on the top of an open-topped doubledecker bus with loads of people from school, going through a totally empty, long tunnel sort of like something from Half Life 2. We were all having a laugh and I started looking over the back of the bus. Suddenly everyone pushed me off and I fell onto the ground. As I hit the ground loads of alarms and lights started to go off and the bus continued into the distance around a shallow corner. As soon as I hit the ground I knew that I was "going to die" ! I didn't know what was going to happen so I just rolled into a ball and prepared for the worst. A second or two later, a spike just shot out of the ground and went straight through me... The worst part was when I woke up. I had really felt it happening (the pressure, not pain) during the dream and when I woke, I couldn't move because of the strange, tense feeling left behind in my stomach. :wtf: Another nightmare was the result of a Scooby Doo episode . I wasn't scared of it as such, but the bad guy had obviously stayed in my mind. It had been some guy dressed up like some sort of Glam Rock ghoul with wild hair and makeup. In the dream I was in some sort of room which reminded me of the control room in Facility of Golden Eye on the N64. It was me and a couple of other people when suddenly I knew that something was about to burst through the door at the top of this ledge and frighten the hell out of everyone. I got ready and counted down from 10 to 0 but nothing happened. I began to relax when suddenly the door slammed open and this guy I mentioned earlier was there and gave off this massive blood curdling scream. I screamed and woke up. It was the scariest nightmare I'd ever had - just the shock and noise. I have a messed up imagination...
gaggle64 Posted June 23, 2007 Posted June 23, 2007 Last night I dreamt I went to Tibet and bought a cheap PC from the monks there. They had their own currency, so they must have had their own state. Take from that what you will.
Slaggis Posted June 23, 2007 Author Posted June 23, 2007 Nucleus said: I've had too many wierd ones to count. These ones are from a few years ago. Once, near the end of a dream, I somehow ended up on the top of an open-topped doubledecker bus with loads of people from school, going through a totally empty, long tunnel sort of like something from Half Life 2. We were all having a laugh and I started looking over the back of the bus. Suddenly everyone pushed me off and I fell onto the ground. As I hit the ground loads of alarms and lights started to go off and the bus continued into the distance around a shallow corner. As soon as I hit the ground I knew that I was "going to die" ! I didn't know what was going to happen so I just rolled into a ball and prepared for the worst. A second or two later, a spike just shot out of the ground and went straight through me... The worst part was when I woke up. I had really felt it happening (the pressure, not pain) during the dream and when I woke, I couldn't move because of the strange, tense feeling left behind in my stomach. :wtf: Another nightmare was the result of a Scooby Doo episode . I wasn't scared of it as such, but the bad guy had obviously stayed in my mind. It had been some guy dressed up like some sort of Glam Rock ghoul with wild hair and makeup. In the dream I was in some sort of room which reminded me of the control room in Facility of Golden Eye on the N64. It was me and a couple of other people when suddenly I knew that something was about to burst through the door at the top of this ledge and frighten the hell out of everyone. I got ready and counted down from 10 to 0 but nothing happened. I began to relax when suddenly the door slammed open and this guy I mentioned earlier was there and gave off this massive blood curdling scream. I screamed and woke up. It was the scariest nightmare I'd ever had - just the shock and noise. I have a messed up imagination... That first one is messed up! You actually felt the pressure on your side when you woke up? Jesus thats one hell of a dream. I don't think I've ever been injured in a dream before.
Nucleus Posted June 23, 2007 Posted June 23, 2007 Haggis said: That first one is messed up! You actually felt the pressure on your side when you woke up? Jesus thats one hell of a dream. I don't think I've ever been injured in a dream before. Yeah, and the strange thing is, it isn't the first time i've felt things like that in a dream. When I was about 4, I was having a dream based around my house. I don't remember exactely what happened for most of it, but I do remember occasionally being chased around by a little black box on wheels with an antenna sticking out of it, that I knew I shouldn't let touch me . Eventually I got pissed off at it and tried to hold it back. I pushed part of a thin, netted curtain against it, but I felt something strange and pulled my hand back. When I looked at it, all of the skin on my palm had been shredded and it felt like a cold burn, not painful though, just strange. The feeling of pressure happens to me occasionally though. For example, once I was bitten in the neck by this vampire/monster thing. I felt the teeth go in, and when I woke up, my head was pushed against my shoulder (the side I had been bitten) and as before, I couldn't really move it for a minute or so, almost as if my body didn't want to incase my head being held down was stopping any blood from coming out:blank:. I guess because I was so groggy, tired and confused, I couldn't really force my neck to move.
Slaggis Posted June 24, 2007 Author Posted June 24, 2007 Nucleus said: Yeah, and the strange thing is, it isn't the first time i've felt things like that in a dream. When I was about 4, I was having a dream based around my house. I don't remember exactely what happened for most of it, but I do remember occasionally being chased around by a little black box on wheels with an antenna sticking out of it, that I knew I shouldn't let touch me . Eventually I got pissed off at it and tried to hold it back. I pushed part of a thin, netted curtain against it, but I felt something strange and pulled my hand back. When I looked at it, all of the skin on my palm had been shredded and it felt like a cold burn, not painful though, just strange. The feeling of pressure happens to me occasionally though. For example, once I was bitten in the neck by this vampire/monster thing. I felt the teeth go in, and when I woke up, my head was pushed against my shoulder (the side I had been bitten) and as before, I couldn't really move it for a minute or so, almost as if my body didn't want to incase my head being held down was stopping any blood from coming out:blank:. I guess because I was so groggy, tired and confused, I couldn't really force my neck to move. Your dreams are intense! You must get into a very deep sleep for things like that to happen. I hope I never feel something like that fter a dream becuse personally it would freak me out immensely
martinist Posted June 24, 2007 Posted June 24, 2007 hobbzinio said: Wait a second, I'm Lying like the majority of everybody else i remember a time when you used to be cool i drempt i saw a movie trailer for Rush Hour 3 saying it would be in cinemas tomorrow and thinking, hey, i might go and see that. Then at dinner i was thinking about going to see it and then realising it was all a dream, I was annoyed to say the least.
Letty Posted June 24, 2007 Posted June 24, 2007 My dream last night: I was on this tour bus with other people I didnt know, but the inside of it was like a house, with all different rooms. Some things happened that I cant remember, then all these people started giving birth in the bath :s Like, guys too. Anyway, we were driving around with these people giving birth, and I was covered in paint for some reason. I realised it at 00:00am and suddenly went mental at the bus driver, 'STOP STOP WE'RE LATE FOR THE CONCERT, GO TO THE CONCERT!! OMG OMG!!!' ( I was referring to the dir en grey concert.) Then I went to the bathroom and frantically tried to wash the paint off, but it wasnt coming off so I left it. Then I remember getting off the bus into this crowd of people, and trying to find Goron_3 because I was supposed to meet him. I didnt have his mobile number either, so I failed.
Slaggis Posted June 24, 2007 Author Posted June 24, 2007 hobbzinio said: I once dreamt that I ate myself and then flew to the moon and smoked a blunt with Mr. Blobby, then we met up with Ringo Starr on the yellow submarine and Jessica Alba proposed to me, I said no in favour of a 30 stone prostitute called Allie, she was great. As I went home for a supper of bread and goose fat, a fox told me that life is all about taking chances, so I played chicken with a helicopter and died a horrific death, after being crushed by the Green Giant, due to throwing his sweetcorn at an old mans garden. I woke up like WHOAH! Wait a second, I'm Lying like the majority of everybody else Jesus christ. Stop ruining everything. Just because you say people are lying doesn't mean they are. Most people, unlike yourself, aren't that sad and do have a life where the don't have to come on here just to make up random lies. I had a wierd dream last night. After talking to coolness bears/buttons are magic about friends (the show) and sexism. I was sitting in my ICT class talking with a couple of people and rachel drom friends about how I lost my P.E shorts and trainers. Ross, chandler and I then went outside with a bit off string and blocked off the way out because we wanted to make all the teachers pay money, and grapes to people in africa. We stopped that and I went on a walk with rahel/monica and pheobe. Chandler ran past us and pushed me so i grabbed a random tennis ball and tried to throw it at him. I missed so I told him to run past me again. I did that about 3 times. Then for some reason we were in my college car park and a woman protester was their protesting about some crap. Pheobe dived on her and then I woke up. Its great when you can remember dreams becasue there just so wierd. I really want to have dream where i'm in na movie I like, that would be incredibly awesome.
Coolness Bears Posted June 24, 2007 Posted June 24, 2007 Haggis said: Jesus christ. Stop ruining everything. Just because you say people are lying doesn't mean they are. Most people, unlike yourself, aren't that sad and do have a life where the don't have to come on here just to make up random lies. I had a wierd dream last night. After talking to coolness bears/buttons are magic about friends (the show) and sexism. I was sitting in my ICT class talking with a couple of people and rachel drom friends about how I lost my P.E shorts and trainers. Ross, chandler and I then went outside with a bit off string and blocked off the way out because we wanted to make all the teachers pay money, and grapes to people in africa. We stopped that and I went on a walk with rahel/monica and pheobe. Chandler ran past us and pushed me so i grabbed a random tennis ball and tried to throw it at him. I missed so I told him to run past me again. I did that about 3 times. Then for some reason we were in my college car park and a woman protester was their protesting about some crap. Pheobe dived on her and then I woke up. Its great when you can remember dreams becasue there just so wierd. I really want to have dream where i'm in na movie I like, that would be incredibly awesome. That is a pretty random dream. I love dreams that are influenced by what has happened to me that day or converstions i have had. I had a dream last night. I can't remember it but when i woke up i was really happy. So it must of been a good dream.
Slaggis Posted June 24, 2007 Author Posted June 24, 2007 Coolness Bears said: That is a pretty random dream. I love dreams that are influenced by what has happened to me that day or converstions i have had. I had a dream last night. I can't remember it but when i woke up i was really happy. So it must of been a good dream. Yeh, that is pretty good just waking up happy, knowing you've had a good dream. But as you say, dreams infuenced by things going on the day before or conversations you've had are usually great because your usally talking about things you like so the dream is always something good. If people never had dreams, I don't think I would ever want to sleep.
Nucleus Posted June 24, 2007 Posted June 24, 2007 Haggis said: Your dreams are intense! You must get into a very deep sleep for things like that to happen. I hope I never feel something like that fter a dream becuse personally it would freak me out immensely It is strange, but I guess I'm slightly used to it. I agree with you about the deep sleep thing...I just wish I could lucid dream. It's happened once or twice before, as in I have realised i'm dreaming, but I havn't been able to control things perfectly. For example, never in my life have I had a dream where i've been able to fly. I realise that i'm dreaming; try and jump but it never really works. I used to be able to jump and glide down hills but never actually fly. The same type of thing happened another time where I remember having a dream about me hanging out with everyone from Dragon Ball Z , and at the beginning, I knew that I had super powers, but I could never get anything to work. It was very disapointing... Last night was immensly strange though. I dreamt that me and my family were at this old dock/resort place. There was a guy selling underwater tours. We all wore scuba kit and then got into one of those rollercoaster carriages where your legs hang down. It was attached to a boat on the water which managed to drag us along. When I woke up, I had the strangest sense of deja-vu and was wandering if it was a memory of real life...then I woke up and realised it wasn't possible. Maybe I've dreamt about it before. Has anyone ever had a dream where you try to punch someone but its really akward for you to do so, as if your punches are REALLY weak? I've never actually been able to have a real in-dream fight thanks to this.
Slaggis Posted June 24, 2007 Author Posted June 24, 2007 Nucleus said: It is strange, but I guess I'm slightly used to it. I agree with you about the deep sleep thing...I just wish I could lucid dream. It's happened once or twice before, as in I have realised i'm dreaming, but I havn't been able to control things perfectly. For example, never in my life have I had a dream where i've been able to fly. I realise that i'm dreaming; try and jump but it never really works. I used to be able to jump and glide down hills but never actually fly. The same type of thing happened another time where I remember having a dream about me hanging out with everyone from Dragon Ball Z , and at the beginning, I knew that I had super powers, but I could never get anything to work. It was very disapointing... Last night was immensly strange though. I dreamt that me and my family were at this old dock/resort place. There was a guy selling underwater tours. We all wore scuba kit and then got into one of those rollercoaster carriages where your legs hang down. It was attached to a boat on the water which managed to drag us along. When I woke up, I had the strangest sense of deja-vu and was wandering if it was a memory of real life...then I woke up and realised it wasn't possible. Maybe I've dreamt about it before. Has anyone ever had a dream where you try to punch someone but its really akward for you to do so, as if your punches are REALLY weak? I've never actually been able to have a real in-dream fight thanks to this. I've only ever realised I was dreaming once, and that was during a nightmare. It was truly horrible. I knew I was in a dream yet I wouldn't wake up. It was about the guy from halloween, who freaks me out so much. He was just doing his whole walking slowly while the victim runs thing, the victim being me. I knew I wsn't going to die as such because it was a dream but I also couldn't wake up and just seeing that guy was terrifying.
Nucleus Posted June 24, 2007 Posted June 24, 2007 Haggis said: I've only ever realised I was dreaming once, and that was during a nightmare. It was truly horrible. I knew I was in a dream yet I wouldn't wake up. It was about the guy from halloween, who freaks me out so much. He was just doing his whole walking slowly while the victim runs thing, the victim being me. I knew I wsn't going to die as such because it was a dream but I also couldn't wake up and just seeing that guy was terrifying. I hate it when that happens. I can never wake up either. Its horrible. I remember walking down a corridor in this haunted house and seeing two stone dogs either side of a door at the end or it. Being my dream-self, I knew that when I walked close, they were going to spring to life and give me a shock. I really wanted to get out at this point so I tried getting slowly closer and lurching out with my hand and shouting to try and get them to come to life, forcing me out of the dream. It ended up that my dream suddenly changed and I was somewhere else. Of course I didn't realise this until I had woken up. There was also a time where I was in another haunted house with loads of friends and I tripped into a huge pit. I was holding on to the edge and said to my friends, "Don't worry. It's just a dream. I'm going to fall down and when I hit the bottom I'll wake up." I let go and everything went all 3rd person on me. I saw myself fall and hit the bottom, but when I landed it looked like a weak spotlight was on me and I was being held down by an invisible force - ghosts or something. Then, like before, I had a scene change and somehow ended up skateboarding with Bart Simpson.
jayseven Posted June 24, 2007 Posted June 24, 2007 killthenet said: Realising you're in a dream is called Lucid Dreaming. Apparently with some practice you can control what happens - do whatever you want. I've never had one, i'm rubbish at discounting the reality of my dreams. You (and everyone) should watch the 'film' Waking Life, it's all about Lucid Dreams. The weirdest thing about dreams for me is that for as long as I can remember, I've had the same freaky dream the night before I get really ill. It's a really sensual dream, where I can taste and smell the world around me - which seems to defy the laws of physics. I always wake up from it completely freaked out, and unable to stop counting inside my head; finding everything i look at, think about and everything I do to have some sort of numerical value and realising that I would never be able to stop counting because there is no end to numbers... Seriously insane. Seriously.
Nucleus Posted June 24, 2007 Posted June 24, 2007 Emo said: You (and everyone) should watch the 'film' Waking Life, it's all about Lucid Dreams. The weirdest thing about dreams for me is that for as long as I can remember, I've had the same freaky dream the night before I get really ill. It's a really sensual dream, where I can taste and smell the world around me - which seems to defy the laws of physics. I always wake up from it completely freaked out, and unable to stop counting inside my head; finding everything i look at, think about and everything I do to have some sort of numerical value and realising that I would never be able to stop counting because there is no end to numbers... Seriously insane. Seriously. Creepy...I thought my dreams were strange.
Paj! Posted June 24, 2007 Posted June 24, 2007 hobbzinio said: ROFL im being told I have no life from a 15 year old teeny bopper like yourself? Priceless. Chill out and stop trying to get involved in insult battles with me, because your only come off worst. My point was the majority of these dreams just seem too fuckin out there to be true, either that or you guys have some fucked up dream waves. I think the most out there dream I had was that I was involved in a terrorist attack and jumped out the top floor of a skyscraper and landed on an inflated Burger king promotion and survived. That or me and my ex girlfriend never split up and she turned into a psycho and kepted me locked in her basement. There. Why do you say "ROFL" when someone criticises you, since you obviously aren't rolling on the floor laughing? --- My most memorable dream was yonks ago. I was in the Early Learning Centre, and they had a rectangle ball pit right in the shop window for all the street to see as they walked by. There was room for people tt stand on the squaishy edges of the pit. The Power Rangers (might morphing) were on one side, with some of the enemies from the show on the other, and they were I think throwing things at each other, and then the kinda metal pig enemy fell into the pit and was electrocuted. Then I woke up.
Slaggis Posted June 24, 2007 Author Posted June 24, 2007 hobbzinio said: Trust me, I was laughing. Haggis, a 15 year old who is signed in whenever i look at the browser saying "you have no life" to somebody is freakin hilarious man. What the hell is your problem with me, seriously? Half the time my dad is on the PC working so don't jump to conclusions. Don't call be a "teeny bopper" just becasue I'm 15 either. I'm sick of you constantly insulting me and expecting me not to say something back, and then when I do you coming up with a crappy insult thats usually something to do with the fact I'm 15. I do apologise for coming on the forum, and I'll make sure to sign out next time my dad comes on the PC, master. Anything else I can do for you sir?
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