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I got the W810I the other week and up to yet its great (Except the fact its on orange so their software is crap)

But like Jordan i'll be getting a 4gb card soon so i won't have to charge both ipod and this up when in a hurry.

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Guest Jordan

I just downloaded a great theme for my w810i, Halo 3 Starey Night. Really cool, looks nice too compared to the default set.

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I just recently got the Sony Ericsson k810i. It's lovely, the camera function has greatly improved over the last couple of years with the invention of 'cybershot'.


Is that just the k800i in a new shell (the phone specs seem exactly the same)? How are the buttons on it?


I have the k800i with a 2GB memory card.

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As much as I like the SE music phones, I still can't ever imagine me using one over an iPod, suppose I like to carry both items with me. I think im gonna get the new SE K850i, 5 megapixels is sweet and the iPhone doesn't really appeal to me.

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Is that just the k800i in a new shell (the phone specs seem exactly the same)? How are the buttons on it?


I have the k800i with a 2GB memory card.

The buttons are quite unique little silver circles, very easy to use and quite stylish. They've apparently solved some issues with the k800i like the joystick and, according to Jordan, some kind of overheating problem? j7 has a k800i and the first improvement seems to be the little lens cover, which doesn't come open in your pocket like it did on the k800i. All in all though, very little has changed.


One thing I dislike with this SE over my old RAZR is the T9 predictive text. It has a lot of small flaws compared to the RAZR! The RAZR automatically added any new words you 'created' by compiling various predictions to your dictionary, not just through the 'spell word' function. It also put the words you used most often at the top of the list. So if you say 'ur' more than you say 'up', 'ur' would start to appear first. This is sorely lacking.... Also it fails at making smileys like ":heh:" appear just by pressing 1 then 7, instead you have to press 1 then scroll to the colon. Really just these little features made texting with T9 much better on a Motorola phone. I might find myself going back to regular texting at this rate.

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Guest Jordan
The buttons are quite unique little silver circles, very easy to use and quite stylish. They've apparently solved some issues with the k800i like the joystick and, according to Jordan, some kind of overheating problem? j7 has a k800i and the first improvement seems to be the little lens cover, which doesn't come open in your pocket like it did on the k800i. All in all though, very little has changed.


Indeed, i heard the screen got massivly hot when you talked on it for long periods of time.

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As much as I like the SE music phones, I still can't ever imagine me using one over an iPod, suppose I like to carry both items with me. I think im gonna get the new SE K850i, 5 megapixels is sweet and the iPhone doesn't really appeal to me.


tbh i agree with you there. Music phones are no replacement for dedicated MP3/4 players. The interface isn't usually as good and storage capacity is lower, however they make a good compromise where cost + space are a consideration

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tbh i agree with you there. Music phones are no replacement for dedicated MP3/4 players. The interface isn't usually as good and storage capacity is lower, however they make a good compromise where cost + space are a consideration
Yeah, I had to use my k810i as an mp3 player the other day because my iPod broke (I smashed it into pieces). It worked fine except for having a 128MB capacity and thus only storing 21 songs -_-
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I haven't touched my Nano since getting my SE phone. The iPod interface is difficult to use when in your pocket. I hate having to get my mp3 player out every single time I want to skip a song. (or try to fiddle with the lock button, then pressing the skip button without altering the volume). The iPod interface is nice, but it's not for walking around. Plus I'm cheap and don't buy any seperate headphones, so the SE headphones are much better quality than the iPods.

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I haven't touched my Nano since getting my SE phone. The iPod interface is difficult to use when in your pocket. I hate having to get my mp3 player out every single time I want to skip a song. (or try to fiddle with the lock button, then pressing the skip button without altering the volume). The iPod interface is nice, but it's not for walking around. Plus I'm cheap and don't buy any seperate headphones, so the SE headphones are much better quality than the iPods.

Interesting, I never had a problem changing tracks with my iPod in my pocket, and I never had to put it on hold. Why is it easier with your phone? Also what's the capacity of your phone? I really need... well... thousands of songs with me :D

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I'm quite happy with the Nokia N-Series phones. (Particularly my N73) Annoyingly they do seem to have problems with the initial formwares yet the updates are all available now. FINALLY! It was a sham that the operating system (symbian 6) from the N-Gage onwards wouldn't work with the new symbian 9.0 operating systems. Yet many of the old apps are now working with the new N series phones...With better screens, higher resolutions etc this is a great thing. With killer apps like a megadrive emulator and movie viewer (in conjunction with the great screens) 'm more than happy :¬)


I just wish Nokia would convert some of the old N-Gage games to the newer format. Just for Tony Hawk, Tomb Raider and Splinter Cell!:awesome:

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Interesting, I never had a problem changing tracks with my iPod in my pocket, and I never had to put it on hold. Why is it easier with your phone? Also what's the capacity of your phone? I really need... well... thousands of songs with me :D


It was a 1st Gen 1GB iPod Nano, my phone has a 2GB memory card. Also, it means that I just plug my phone into my PC, and put music on it using Windows Explorer, rather than using the awful iTunes. I find the 3 buttons on the edge of the phone useful for skipping and pausing/playing.

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I'd really like the iPhone and hope when my next upgrade comes around that it's out in the UK and maybe an upgraded version is out by then ;)


same as me then, my contract runs out march time i think, so hopefully it'll be out here and maybe be an upgraded version . . .

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iPhone US Price Plans:




total rip-off. Where's the "Pay as you go" option?


Most of america don't do pay as you go-only us europeans are so OTT about pay as you go-i myself think pay as you go is shite-contracts give you much more for less just for being locked in for 12-18 months.


That pricing isn't bad, no where near as bad as what i thought AT&T would force iPhone buyers to do. $36 activation fee, then those prices, unlimited data is very gooood and rollover minutes seems to be a thing of the past in this country.

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iPhone US Price Plans:




total rip-off. Where's the "Pay as you go" option?


There won't be one. Top of the range phones don't go on Pay As You Go because they are too expensive. On contract the Network Operator foots most of the bill for the handset. On Pay As You Go they pay for little to none of the cost because you don't give them enough money to fund it.


You'll still be able to get the iPhone, but it will have to be handset only. You'll be looking at the full retail price of around £500

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I spend around £10 every 6 months in credit on my phone. Probably less, actually.


Thats very odd, i usually go through about 300 mins and 1000 texts in a typical month, been trying to not go over recently so . . .

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