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Football Season 2007/2008


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10 minutes too slow :p


Story of my life! :p


Why the fuck did they sack him!? Chelsea lost because Terry slipped because it was raining so heavily. Is that really his fault? Also Chelsea came second in the Premiership!




When it came to key games he bottled them, with exception to the Champions League final which he pretty much nailed and was just unlucky. We were three time ahead against Spurs and lost, we drew with Wigan and Bolton at home when we shouldn't have, that 6 points that were arguably in the bag that he let slip. I think he is a good manager but we need a great one.


If Mourihno came back I'd be over the moon.

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Grant was always going to be leaving at the end of the season and he knew it if you listened to his press conferances in the last 2 months. I felt pretty sorry for him after the champions league final seemed like a nice guy, a bit like Ranieri in that respect.

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Why do I get the impression Deathjam would be the kind of fan that supports the ridiculous 39th fixture.


Because you don't know me i.e. I Don't support that. Only thing that I would consider to be changed at the moment is the replays so referees can actually be useful and get decisions right. Even though most stuff does go man utd's way, the referees are watching other games, especially when it comes to arsenal but meh, thats another discusion.


I said that last page.


Whoops sorry man. So you did.


I'd be interested to see what medieval football looked like, I have to say.


The players who play for your city's football club may have come from further afield but they now live and work in that town, along side the people there. There's an affinity with the people you live with, even if they weren't born near you, is there not? You have people in your local pub who you drink with, play pub football with etc who you count as from the area , as friends and neighbours, who may have moved there for work or whatever, don't you?


No. Don't really know my neighbours (been moving around alot) and I don't think I would be too welcome in the local pub.

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Grant had to go! Roman wants attractive football now and he should get it considering the amount of money he has spent.


Frank Rijkaard is on his way and this has been planned for months. Why did Cheslea appoint Henk ten Cate? That was not Grant's choice, he left the managers position as Ajax to become Grant's assistant. He will stay and be Rijkaard's number two like he was at Barcelona. Chelsea fans should be happy. Rijkaard and Ten Cate had Barcelona playing some of the best football ever seen during those two years together.


If Drogba leaves they should sign Eto'o and Robinho, them two in a dutch 4-3-3 formation will be crazy.

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I hear rumours of Mancini.


Probably end up being Sven. lolz.


Who aren't there rumors of!? :p


Sven has rejected us twice before. :indeed:

I don't think he'd be that bad to be honest, still Laudrup is my second choice...after TSO of course. :heh:


khilafah is right though, all indications point to Rijkaard. I wouldn't mind that either.

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Inter is another poisoned chalice, Mancini has delivered Inter 3 titles in a row after them not winning it for 16 years and it's still not good enough for them.


not good enough in Europe though. Remember it was Mancini who wanted to leave after they lost to liverpool. I think he has took Inter as far as he can.

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all talk is Jose will be confirmed the new Inter manager on monday.




The chances of Mourinho returning as Chelsea manager have increased significantly in recent weeks. Mourinho was astounded when Chelsea director

Eugene Tenenbaum called in February to inform him that Abramovich had purchased a rare Ferrari for the man he had removed from Stamford Bridge five months previously.


Customised specially for Mourinho, the 612 Scaglietti was one of just 60 produced to commemorate Ferrari's 60th anniversary. While still at Chelsea, Mourinho had told Abramovich that if he could have his choice of cars, the four-seat Scaglietti would be it. The list price is around £250,000, but such is its rarity the secondary-market value is as much as eight times that amount.


Abramovich's gift was made at a time at which he had begun to consider replacing Grant as manager, with Mourinho's name raised as a potential appointment. While such a move appears more feasible now that Grant has gone, sources close to the Portuguese coach say that he is too close to taking a position in Italy for it to happen this close season, although they do not rule it out in the future.


It's bizarre. I'd love to see what the headlines would be if he did return. It looks like Mourinho might come back to Chelsea one day, I look forward to it if he does.

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Strangely, although he only lost FIVE GAMES and took them to second in the Premiership and the Champion's League final, I somehow doubt the media will give Chelsea as much shit as we got for sacking Sam after he left us a broken team losing to the likes of Derby and was making decisions that implied he had been smoking crack cocaine.


The new Chelsea manager will have to be aware that it's Abramovich who decides which players come and go and like it or lump it.

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Strangely, although he only lost FIVE GAMES and took them to second in the Premiership and the Champion's League final, I somehow doubt the media will give Chelsea as much shit as we got for sacking Sam after he left us a broken team losing to the likes of Derby and was making decisions that implied he had been smoking crack cocaine.


The new Chelsea manager will have to be aware that it's Abramovich who decides which players come and go and like it or lump it.


I think getting rid of him was a stupid move. Chelsea didn't like him because he didn't have charisma. He was a good manager. Better than Mourinho.

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I don't understand whys Grant has been sacked :S.


He took them close to the Premiership and was unlucky not to win the Champions League.


With that much money spent on the team you really should be winning trophies. Grant didn't have the experience to do it for Chelsea. He should never have been appointed in the first place. He was always really just going to be a filler until thye could find someone better.

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I find it hard to understand why he's been sacked. Coming second in the Premiership isn't easy. It's not like eating cornflakes. You're not just going to be sitting there one morning munching away and a second place in the English Premiership, along with a second in the Champion's League, will jump out at you.


That said, he does look like Boss Nass. :heh:

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Trust I honestly believe Grant would of been sacked even he won Champions League or the league title. Grant was always just suppose to be a stop gap until a big name was available.


I dont think Roman or Kenyon etc expected chelsea to do so well in the league and in Europe. I think Roman doesnt just want trophies, he wants the whole direction of football at chelsea to change. Why was he no longer bothered about watching the games even though they were winning?

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from today's Observer


Asked if Chelsea's campaign had been the good one Grant depicted it


Mourinho said: "'That depends on your philosophy of leadership. In my philosophy it was a very bad one because in football "almost" means defeat and Chelsea almost won the Carling Cup, almost won the Champions League, and almost won the Premier League. Almost is nothing.


'After two titles per season for the last three years there were zero titles this season, which in my philosophy means a really bad season. Maybe in the philosophy of a loser this was a great season, which I respect."'

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