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First sensible thing I've seen you post.


I've got friends with an eleven year age difference, but they are so obviously suited to each other, that it means fuck all.


Not much of an age difference in my relationship, but the wife looks so young she occasionally gets asked for ID when buying alcohol, and I've been mistaken for her father on more than one occasion, and I'm the younger of the two of us.


I'm not sure what a pretty 24 year old girl can see in a a 65 year old man, who needs around the clock care, has lots of winkly bits and is likely to die in five-ten years. Other than, of course, money.

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I'm not sure what a pretty 24 year old girl can see in a a 65 year old man, who needs around the clock care, has lots of winkly bits and is likely to die in five-ten years. Other than, of course, money.


hey that's what i said. I made a post a while ago and evewryone stole everything that was in it... Well most you ye..grr:)

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Poser!! ha i promise ill make better pics in the future ha. I got it cut like this so it would grow properly this time. Ask me in 2 months.


im getting a hair cut on wednesday!







no one?



ok =( so does anyone find sexuality turning them on? like a gay person would get tured on more by someone who was bi? or ami just talking crap


haha everyones stealing my thing.. but ya i care post a pic of yourself now and then post one 2moro and well tell you whether you ruined it or you didnt:)


lol, soz. Your icon wasn't green so I thought you were offline.


Jesus christ, the movie on E4 at the moment is scary as hell.


what's the movie?


And oh i wasn't getting mad at you babe.:bouncy:

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haha everyones stealing my thing.. but ya i care post a pic of yourself now and then post one 2moro and well tell you whether you ruined it or you didnt:)




no no no, i can't post a picture of my new haircut, i don't have the camera or phone to do so =(


heres one of me as of like a month and a bit ago





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This is not, and I repeat not a random chatter thread for a certain clique. It does not need to boost up five pages every night, it needs to move at a natural flow for discussions around sexuality. The music thread isn't a place where Dan Dare, Paj and The Bard get together every night to ask how things are and to just chat shit, and this shouldn't be either.


The last attempts at LGBT threads were closed because others were too ignorant and causing too much trouble, this one is getting close to being closed because those who are "in" are causing trouble, allbeit a different kind.


I am aware a discussion about aspects of sexuality is only going to result in certain members posting, same way as there are certain members who only post in MPT, or the image gallery or whatever, but if this continues in its current clique chatroom state it will be closed.


*aaaaand breath*

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To answer dom's question, erm I know some people seem to get turned on by people of a different sexuality, like you say, someone gay prefering someone that's bi etc.


To me, it doesn't really make a difference at all, though I know some people will probably disagree.


Don't lot's of gay guys get turned on by the idea of going with a straight guy? At least that's what I've heard lol

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Poser!! ha i promise ill make better pics in the future ha. I got it cut like this so it would grow properly this time. Ask me in 2 months.


It looks good! :grin:


You managed to get it cut with out becoming bald this time. :heh:


Last time i went to some random barbers for a trim he cut of an inch of my hair then charged me 12 pounds (he just made up his own prices!)

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This is not, and I repeat not a random chatter thread for a certain clique. It does not need to boost up five pages every night, it needs to move at a natural flow for discussions around sexuality. The music thread isn't a place where Dan Dare, Paj and The Bard get together every night to ask how things are and to just chat shit, and this shouldn't be either.


The last attempts at LGBT threads were closed because others were too ignorant and causing too much trouble, this one is getting close to being closed because those who are "in" are causing trouble, allbeit a different kind.


I am aware a discussion about aspects of sexuality is only going to result in certain members posting, same way as there are certain members who only post in MPT, or the image gallery or whatever, but if this continues in its current clique chatroom state it will be closed.


*aaaaand breath*


I don't see what the problem is though. I understand that this is a topic and it should stick to it's title But it has got to be the most peaceful thread in general chat. The football thread sticks on topic but that has the WORST arguments I have ever heard. However I agree that one word replies and general spam shouldnot happen.


There has never been any objections by any of the people who have posted. The music thread was closed for a short while because of the arrogance of some members. That isn't happening here.



Youyourself had An argument with uk about grammer in the image gallery thread. That was off-topic. It happens.

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Just leave it guys, you went off topic again and you got told off for it. Get over it. I was enjoying the age gap conversation.


Alright then, erm, do you think any of the 20 year old woman and 65 year old millionaire relationships are actually real? Or is eveyr single one of them just init purely for the money aspect and not the relationship side?

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Well it's obviosuly for the money, what I want to know is what the man is thinking.


Yeah it's obviously about the money. The poor guy though :( The irony is is that he probably knows she's using him for the money but won't say anything because he loves her.

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