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I'm appalled by a homosexual kiss before the watershed.


I'm appalled by an interracial kiss before the watershed.


I'm appalled by how these foreginers are taking over OUR jobs!


I'm appalled...




What's the difference? They're all counter-progressive, or whatever the term is.


I'm appalled by the effing narrowmindedness of some people. Seriously, you'd think they would've accepted homosexuality etc. by now. But unfortunately there are still exceptionally many who don't.

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Rokhed (or anyone else) watching/watched Transvestite Wives on sky1?


No, I don't get Sky.

I'm quite interested in the series Virgin 1 are doing on hermaphrodites though 'which sex am I?', I've known a few, and they've all become transexuals because of the choice forced on them by their parents.

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All of them? SO it doesn't matter what their parents picked, they ended up all going the other way? That's a little curious!


Well, that's a small cross section, but the child gets no say in the matter, it's all down to what the parents want. Say a couple had had 4 children, 3 girls and the last a hermaphrodite, maybe they'd want a boy by that point, maybe they wouldn't care that they are genetically predisposed to creating females.

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Indeed. But the psychological research into the whole area is very interesting. Many individuals find that they do not accept who they 'are' (be it determined by their parents, who, despite what I seem to read in-between your words, aren't doing anything maliciously. How can you tell whether a day-old baby is more gendered one way or the other?) and desire to be the opposite sex, regardless of how right/wrong parents are.


I don't think I can get my point across properly to be honest. I just find it curious that, as you say, the majority of hermaphradites end up changing their gender when they get old enough to take take responsibility of their own life. etc.

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Indeed. But the psychological research into the whole area is very interesting. Many individuals find that they do not accept who they 'are' (be it determined by their parents, who, despite what I seem to read in-between your words, aren't doing anything maliciously. How can you tell whether a day-old baby is more gendered one way or the other?) and desire to be the opposite sex, regardless of how right/wrong parents are.


I don't think I can get my point across properly to be honest. I just find it curious that, as you say, the majority of hermaphradites end up changing their gender when they get old enough to take take responsibility of their own life. etc.


It's a tough thing, really, to decide your own gender. And I can see why the person may later blame the parents for chosing the "wrong" gender. But wouldn't it be even more difficult growing up being told that you are neither? It would be hard to cope with as a child.

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Indeed. But the psychological research into the whole area is very interesting. Many individuals find that they do not accept who they 'are' (be it determined by their parents, who, despite what I seem to read in-between your words, aren't doing anything maliciously. How can you tell whether a day-old baby is more gendered one way or the other?) and desire to be the opposite sex, regardless of how right/wrong parents are.


I don't think I can get my point across properly to be honest. I just find it curious that, as you say, the majority of hermaphradites end up changing their gender when they get old enough to take take responsibility of their own life. etc.


Nobodies talking about day old babies though, it's done prepuberty, niot like it's too late for a child to choose their own sex by then. I knew by then.

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Nobodies talking about day old babies though, it's done prepuberty, niot like it's too late for a child to choose their own sex by then. I knew by then.


Well, obviously I haven't tried that myself, so I wouldn't know. But is there a possibility that not everyone know that early what they feel they are?


Also, there is of course the possibility that the primary appearance of the person is the opposite of what the person feels like. Perhaps the person looks more like a female, but feels more like a male? And this is where the pressure from the surroundings kicks in. Will they accept it? Or will the parents try to "convert" thier child to fit with the social norms and be "accepted" by their surroundings?

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Nobodies talking about day old babies though, it's done prepuberty, niot like it's too late for a child to choose their own sex by then. I knew by then.


So why did you spend the next 30 years before you acted upon it? Not meant as a rousing question, just an honest inquiry.

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So why did you spend the next 30 years before you acted upon it? Not meant as a rousing question, just an honest inquiry.


Times were different back then, I knew I wanted to be a girl, but with no internet to find likeminded people or research the subject I was left with only my parents opinions on the matter, which once they found out about what I'd been doing would never let me forget how sick and disgusting I was. That sort of thing sticks with you, with nothing to contradict them you try to fit in, be someone you were never meant to be, live a lie until you can't take it any more.


I can't honestly see how a 5-12 year old would have the depth and understanding to know what gender they wanted to be, sure a certain...wrongness might have been felt but i doubt they would know what that is until far later on in life no?


Maybe for some, but I knew when I was 7 or 8, I just didn't know what to do about it, or that anything could be done.

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Maybe for some, but I knew when I was 7 or 8, I just didn't know what to do about it, or that anything could be done.


I think people sometimes forget that you are from an older generation than most of us on here and that you did not have all this high tech gizmos like the net and mobiles that we have today.


I bet as we progress we will get a lot more transexuals and transvestites coming out as with all the media these days it will be less taboo. I have already seen evidence of this but the human race still have a long way to go before it's truely accepted.


There is no harm in it and noones getting hurt.

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I think people sometimes forget that you are from an older generation than most of us on here and that you did not have all this high tech gizmos like the net and mobiles that we have today.


I bet as we progress we will get a lot more transexuals and transvestites coming out as with all the media these days it will be less taboo. I have already seen evidence of this but the human race still have a long way to go before it's truely accepted.


There is no harm in it and noones getting hurt.


Definitely, I have several transgendered friends who are in their early twenties and are a lot more open about it than I was at that age.

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