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Nobody writes songs about the ones that come easy


In regards to relationships. Heard that quote again today. Felt it might provide a discussion. Or something more provocative may come along. One of the other.


I think this might be more accurate:


"Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty... I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led diffcult lives and led them well."

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Yeah but mine was a Veronica Mars quote :P


LOGAN: I thought our story was epic, you know? You and me.

VERONICA: Epic how?

LOGAN: Spanning years and continents. Lives ruined, bloodshed, epic.


LOGAN: But summer's almost here. And we won't see each other at all. Then you'll leave town then...it's over.

VERONICA: Logan...

LOGAN: I'm sorry. About last summer.


LOGAN: You know, if I could do it over...

VERONICA: Come on. Ruined lives, bloodshed? You really think a relationship should be that hard?

LOGAN: No one writes songs about the ones that come easy.



Anyway. I believe, personally (as in for me), a ladedah happy relationship couldn't work. I need the drama. I'll admit it. I dunno. Considering im currently drinking gin due to other drama you'd think I'd want something stable. Maybe its becasue I know utlimatly for myself a relationship started now won't last, and thus why not have antics along the way?


Although to not have a relationship is part of my plans for the next (academic) year.

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I hate how it's hard enough for me to find a guy suited properly for me, let alone find an attractive guy that's suited for me.


Same life-long conundrum as everyone else. You should also stop trying, it will happen in it's own time. Facilitate meeting them rather than going after them.

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Guest bluey
Same life-long conundrum as everyone else. You should also stop trying, it will happen in it's own time. Facilitate meeting them rather than going after them.

what he means is "use the time and money you save by not dating someone to go buy nice lingerie for when you are dating someone." (^___^)

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Why is no4 of "Metal Gear's Awkward Moments" a sign of homoerotic?


Well all the one guy behind the other thing. Then they're stuck there, penetrating each other with swords...and then he goes "will you be the one to finally finish me". It's all a little homoerotic.

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Well all the one guy behind the other thing. Then they're stuck there, penetrating each other with swords...and then he goes "will you be the one to finally finish me". It's all a little homoerotic.


Okay Haggis.

It didnt seem homoerotic to me. :hmm:

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I don't think it is homoerotic unless you are looking for it, and if you are, you need a life.


Vamp is pretty camp though and Raiden is seen as effeminate. That might be it. But like I said, its reaching.

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I don't think it is homoerotic unless you are looking for it, and if you are, you need a life.


I'd have to agree, I don't understand why there's always talk about it and MGS. I mean if you didn't go out of your way to look for it, you wouldn't see it...so why bother?

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If MGS is homoerotic, what's Star Wars?


A bunch, mainly, guys going around waving their lightsabers everywhere, using "the force" to bend people to their will. The Empire dominating the galaxy with their phallic ships, Darth Vader clad head to toe in black meanwhile the Jedi groom their padawans in the ways of the force.


...its there if you want it to be.

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A bunch, mainly, guys going around waving their lightsabers everywhere, using "the force" to bend people to their will.


Barney: Think of me as Yoda, only instead of being little and green, I wear suits and I'm awesome. I'm your bro. I'm bro-da. And tonight you are gonna use The Force to get the hottest chick in this bar into bed.


Ted: You're gonna use force? 'Cause that sounds wrong, bro-da.


Barney: No, The Force. It's a Star Wars reference.


Ted: So we should make lots of Star Wars references around girls, that's what you're saying?




Anyway. Everythings gay if you dig deep enough into it. And if you can't be bothered to dig; read!

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guys...Im in a really bad situation

My best friend got dumped by his boyfriend because he fell in love with me (his bf) and now I have my friend on the one side crying and me trying to help him get over it and on the other side, I have his ex telling me "I want you" etc.


...I think I will kill myself.

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Guest bluey
guys...Im in a really bad situation

My best friend got dumped by his boyfriend because he fell in love with me (his bf) and now I have my friend on the one side crying and me trying to help him get over it and on the other side, I have his ex telling me "I want you" etc.


...I think I will kill myself.

fantastic solution - and a totally mature thing to say given the horrific severity of the situation you're in.



seems pretty simple to me - tell the ex he can forget it because he's obviously a bit of a dick for dumping your friend like that and moving straight on to you - then be a good friend and keep helping your mate get over the idiot.

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fantastic solution - and a totally mature thing to say given the horrific severity of the situation you're in.



seems pretty simple to me - tell the ex he can forget it because he's obviously a bit of a dick for dumping your friend like that and moving straight on to you - then be a good friend and keep helping your mate get over the idiot.


thats what Im already doing. but I hate hurting the people around me. and I sympathise him a lot

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guys...Im in a really bad situation

My best friend got dumped by his boyfriend because he fell in love with me (his bf) and now I have my friend on the one side crying and me trying to help him get over it and on the other side, I have his ex telling me "I want you" etc.


...I think I will kill myself.


Dont kill yourself for a start, not worth it..


My advice..would be (if you like your best mates, bf) take your time! First settle your mate and try to help him...don't consider anything else as yet...if this bloke likes you so much, he'll wait for you and something to happen at a more appropriate time!


Saying that i am shite at advice, so that might be crap...i don't know...

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Should never have agreed to that threesome in the first place!


Just kidding, DEFINITELY point out to the bf how you're not gonna go with someone that dumps his partner for another for obvious reasons, and try make him have a good think about what he's doing to his current/ex relationship and if it's worth it for zero consequence.


Assure your close friend that you're not interested in his bf in that way (assuming you're not), so he can at least get a bit of peace of mind of no threat from your side. Be there for him like you are doing, it's all you can do at this stage.

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I've heard of people who have a "triangle of love" relationship. This guy had a girlfriend, and then they met this other girl and both of them fell in love with her. I dunno how it happened, but they all ended up living together.


Maybe you can just be a big happy family? :p

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I've heard of people who have a "triangle of love" relationship. This guy had a girlfriend, and then they met this other girl and both of them fell in love with her. I dunno how it happened, but they all ended up living together.


Maybe you can just be a big happy family? :p


You most certainly can, I'm a member of such a family with 10 members and we all play together.

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I've heard of people who have a "triangle of love" relationship. This guy had a girlfriend, and then they met this other girl and both of them fell in love with her. I dunno how it happened, but they all ended up living together.


Maybe you can just be a big happy family? :p


"Tarnish my love, for always havin' me, here in your arms..." :awesome:


[/Random private joke]

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