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Really? So if someone beats up a blind guy or a young mentally handicapped girl in a wheelchair because he thinks anyone with "defects" should be hurt, then the punishment should be the same?


Wow. Just wow.


The attack should be the same as if he had attacked anyone unprovoked, yes. The life of a blind person, or girl in a wheel chair isn't worth more than a healthy person's.

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Surely not though. Beating someone up for being gay, or just randomly beating someone up is a different thing. One is a attack that has been planned on a person because of their sexual preference, whereas the other is a random attack not specifically aimed at that person (if you get what I mean).


There is a difference.

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Surely not though. Beating someone up for being gay, or just randomly beating someone up is a different thing. One is a attack that has been planned on a person because of their sexual preference, whereas the other is a random attack not specifically aimed at that person (if you get what I mean).


There is a difference.


Premediatated is the difference there. I think what Mikey may be trying to get at is that if the attackers have a reason, they have a reason. But special rules for gays have been put in place so its even worse than having a reason which is kind of unfair. I don't think its wrong personally. Law seems decent there to me.

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Premediatated is the difference there. I think what Mikey may be trying to get at is that if the attackers have a reason, they have a reason. But special rules for gays have been put in place so its even worse than having a reason which is kind of unfair. I don't think its wrong personally. Law seems decent there to me.


Ah right, ok. I understand what he meant now a little more, but like you say I still think the law is decent as it is.


I think the amount of prejudice there is out there for someone thats gay, it's needed really. If the world was totally accepting of someone with a different preference it wouldn't be needed.

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I think the amount of prejudice there is out there for someone thats gay, it's needed really. If the world was totally accepting of someone with a different preference it wouldn't be needed.


It's not like they can't blend in though is it? Unless they're a screaming queen you'd be hard pressed to tell whether someone is gay. Not like us transgendered.

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It's not like they can't blend in though is it? Unless they're a screaming queen you'd be hard pressed to tell whether someone is gay. Not like us transgendered.


Thats true, yeah, but thats what I mean. An attack aimed at someone thats gay, would mean the attacker/ers would have to have found out whether the person in question is gay or not and therefore it's planned. Whereas a random attack isn't, it's just basically the first person someone see's, one of the reasons why I got attacked back in may. I think the law should be harsher on people that have gone out of there way to plan an attack on someone rather than just attacking the first person they see. Though I'm not saying one isn't a very serious offence, because it is, I just mean one should be considered even more serious if you ask me.


Bugger, I've rambled again. (and in the process have probably contradicted myself numerous amounts of times knowing me)

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I think motive has a lot to do with law and the enforcement of it. There have been these horrible fires burning over in California, all because some 10-year-old kid played with matches. Despite all the destruction and harm that his actions caused, no charges were pressed against him because it was an accident. He hadn't meant to cause so much wildlife and property damage or endanger so many lives, so he was let off scott free. So, regardless of if you believe it's right or not, intention is a part of the law, and that's why there are "special" protections for hate crimes.


Thats true, yeah, but thats what I mean. An attack aimed at someone thats gay, would mean the attacker/ers would have to have found out whether the person in question is gay or not and therefore it's planned.


Sometimes the attackers get lucky, though. Some will beat someone up for the perception that the target is gay, whether or not that is the case. A flamboyant or "questionable" heterosexual has just as much to gain from hate crimes law as a homosexual/bisexual/transgendered person.

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I could've had any man I wanted last night, if I'd wanted a man. It felt so good to be told how sexy and beautiful I am that I almost did anyway, but it never went further than kissing. All the years I've been with my wife she has never said that about me when I'm a girl.


It felt really good to be out all dolled up anyway, there were some priceless moments, like when I stepped out on to Coldharbour lane in Brixton right in front of some black guy, you should have seen the look on his face, or when we pulled up next to a police car at traffic lights and I gave them a little wave. By the end of the night I was feeling brave enough to take a taxi home like that, good job there wasn't anyone around on my estate at 4am.

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I think im in a love (or lust) triangle. What a cliché :/


Is it a literal triangle of three people fancying the person on the triangle that doesnt fancy them? Like that fraiser episode.


Or the usual one where two people fancy someone who fancies them both? And if so which one are you!

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I fancy someone who fancies his ex and likes me but wants his ex more.


Monday made me so optimistic and all. And now im all cynical again.


But im going to pursue it. The friendship route. Its worth it. Because honestly, in a competition of awesomeness I'm going to win.

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I fancy someone who fancies his ex and likes me but wants his ex more.


Monday made me so optimistic and all. And now im all cynical again.


But im going to pursue it. The friendship route. Its worth it. Because honestly, in a competition of awesomeness I'm going to win.


Why dont we pair up?


I mean I will be your wingman. Even if it means me taking a chubby for the team I will suck it up!






Ok thats enough family time for today.

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Isn't Ashley Bi and Triforce gay?


Or am I confusing things?


Yes and who knows


Why dont we pair up?


I mean I will be your wingman. Even if it means me taking a chubby for the team I will suck it up!






Ok thats enough family time for today.


lols. Gotta love that show. Have to.


But yeah, hopefully seeing him tomorrow to hang out which at least means close cuddliness, that will be fine for now.

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Are you thinking of me perhaps?




So your starting to like girls then triforce?


Pfft I dunno what's happening to be honest.


I like this girl, a lot. She knows I'm gay and stuff and were real close, but I'm starting to feel more now...and I don't want to =/


And it doesn't help that I'm madly in love (bit of an over-statement I know :P) with one of her best friends, which is a guy.


That's how I came to know her cuz the guy I like I met at Stagecoach January this year, he says his not gay but I'm so sure he is, and most of his friends think so too.


Not because his overly camp, but he has so many traits of a gay/bi person.


Not sure whether he is just doesn't want to let it out yet or is trying to deny the fact that he is? Or maybe he is just simply straight...which isn't my favourite option obviously =P



So yeah, there's my dilemma =/ Oooo but I am spending more time with him, we have got real close recently =]

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New topic!


We were talking about this in ethics earlier this week for some reason, and eventually the conversation around the class lead to whether being gay or bisexual is the effect of your upbringing, or whether you're just born being attaracted to the same or both sexes. Basically, the nature or nurture question.


We also discussed about whether everyone is Bisexual, whether it be just that 0.0001% of someones sexuality, even if they don't realise it. We know that many animals display bisexual behaviour so why is it considered wrong to be bisexual (or gay)?


(I know thats about 3 new topics, but meh)


What do you think?

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