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Actions are all that matter, surely?




A person is not his actions, it's the reasons behind his actions that matter.


You could kill someone because they were endangering your life, or because you didn't like the way that they looked at you.


Now, which one of those is right?

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Yes, being homophobic is ok. The only time homophobia becomes a problem, is when homophobics start to abuse gays. As long as you don't hurt anyone else with your thoughts, it's perfectly ok to discriminate against anyone. Actions, not thoughts, are all that matter.


It's a mind controlling poster in the way it is designed to get people to go along with the message. I have my own opinions, and I'm sick of people telling me how I can and can not feel towards certain groups of people. I don't hate gays, but if I wanted to, I would, and it's my right to.


like Iun said, there's a lot of scenarios which turns this way of thinking onto it's head. I think the right to be individual is massively important, and individuals who do not see the same way are wrong :P As oxymoronic as that statement is, I think it makes a kind of sense. You're saying the nazi's had the right to believe the jews and blacks and gays were lower than them. That mentality does not stay in the head - it comes out in actions subconsciously, surely?


I think the campaign is alright :) No point sitting back and letting 13+ year olds work out for themselves, because quite frankly they're still learning about the world and are hugely impressionable by their peers.


And stuff. Poorly written post, this.

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So basically, a man isn't allowed to have his own racist thoughts now? Thought police indeed.


How can I put this...


I think homophobes are kind of backwards. I think the inability to see someone beyong their race, gender, culture or creed is ignorant. I'm not saying it is illegal, but perhaps suggesting that you could philosophically quite easily prove it to be morally wrong to dislike someone for such a non-specific reason.


I think that society would be a lot better if we hate people for who they are, not what they are. It's not about what you are or are not allowed to think, more about why you ought not think that stuff! Justifications.



I also think that educating youngsters about this ideal is not a bad thing, and is no more brainwashing than any lesson on the curriculum.


Actions are the only things which affect this world, I don't know how any one can possibly disagree.

Literally, yes. Thoughts cannot directly affect anything. You can't move anything by thought alone -- but thought leads to actions. All actions have consequences, and if you live your life not thinking about the consequences then you are, in my eyes, ignorant.


So are you saying you have racist and homophobic thoughts, but you're not racist or a homophobe?

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How can I put this...


I think homophobes are kind of backwards. I think the inability to see someone beyong their race, gender, culture or creed is ignorant. I'm not saying it is illegal, but perhaps suggesting that you could philosophically quite easily prove it to be morally wrong to dislike someone for such a non-specific reason.


I think that society would be a lot better if we hate people for who they are, not what they are. It's not about what you are or are not allowed to think, more about why you ought not think that stuff! Justifications.



I also think that educating youngsters about this ideal is not a bad thing, and is no more brainwashing than any lesson on the curriculum.



Literally, yes. Thoughts cannot directly affect anything. You can't move anything by thought alone -- but thought leads to actions. All actions have consequences, and if you live your life not thinking about the consequences then you are, in my eyes, ignorant.


So are you saying you have racist and homophobic thoughts, but you're not racist or a homophobe?


Some people may just not like the typical gay life style. Some people may just think gays suffer from a sexual illness. Some people may think may think flamers are annoying. They're entitled to have their own likes and dislikes, and people should just get the fuck off their back if they aren't affecting anyone else.


No, I'm not saying you are not a racist or homophobe if you only have the bad thoughts, I'm saying it is OK to have them as long as you keep them to yourself. It's really not a hard concept. The campaign is stupid, and people are going to get sick of this pro homosexual agenda stuffed down their throat. Homosexualty is not normal, and it goes against the benefit of the human species' progression as a whole.


It's almost as if you have to apologize for being straight these days, and finding gay sex repulsive. I'm sick of these designated protected groups. Gays, muslims, blacks, women, and what ever the fuck, they don't deserve special campaigns to protect them. Hold them to the same standard as every one else, and just punish everyone the same for the same crimes. Problem, solved.

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Personally I hate Stonewall. Shoving stuff in people's faces all the time.


Also, I'm not a believer of gay pride. Yes, I am gay, I am out, I will defend my sexuality, but I do not let it define who I am.


If that poster is trying to say that being gay is something trivial and people should get over it, then yeah, I agree. But I suspect it isn't.

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Gays are given special protection in this country, when they don't deserve it. Instead of making a big deal out of it, just let people get on with their lives. If someone attacks a gay, then put them in prison, simple as really. There's no need for hate crime laws, or stupid campaigns like this, they're just fucking annoying.


Chair, good for you for being out. I hope you have many good years of smoking penis if that's what you like doing. But like I said, this isn't something that deserves attention.

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Also, I'm not a believer of gay pride. Yes, I am gay, I am out, I will defend my sexuality, but I do not let it define who I am.



Nice one. I've got a friend who recently decided he liked men because he's had enough of women, and he didn't let it affect who he was as a person. He didn't let it change his personality or owt, he just likes boys instead of girls now.


I think everyone has a 'thing', that is one big part of their personality. Like, music, food, or being funny. My thing isn't being straight, so I don't understand why being gay has to be somebody else's thing.


All of this made sense in my head.

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I've got a friend who recently decided he liked men because he's had enough of women.


I always thought you was either born either liking girls or liking boys. Not turning gay once you're fed up of women. Good for him though if thats what he wants.


That sign is more funny than anything, surely they aren't really considering putting that around schools?

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I always thought you was either born either liking girls or liking boys. Not turning gay once you're fed up of women. Good for him though if thats what he wants.


That sign is more funny than anything, surely they aren't really considering putting that around schools?


I don't think you have to be born one way or the other. For example, you might have had a bad experience with people in the past and that makes you resent guys or girls. Either that, or somebody special comes along which changes all of your thinking.

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I think everyone has a 'thing', that is one big part of their personality. Like, music, food, or being funny. My thing isn't being straight, so I don't understand why being gay has to be somebody else's thing.


All of this made sense in my head.


I agree, I've never understood that. Why do epople have to define themselves by their sexuality? It's just mad. There are many more important things about you as a person than which sex you prefer.

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I don't think you have to be born one way or the other. For example, you might have had a bad experience with people in the past and that makes you resent guys or girls. Either that, or somebody special comes along which changes all of your thinking.


Must be a pretty bad thing to actually resent the whole of a sex.


My friend who was recently a lesbian for a night keeps doing things to make me think shes becoming a more consistent lesbian =[. I wouldn't mind, yet shes annoying us with the lying. If shes not lying then shes still being rather weird =[ Don't know whether to just confront her or keep going along with what she says is the truth.

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You can't change sexuality, it is a fact. Anyone who tells you they have switched team is a liar, or was a latent homosexual and didn't realize it.


Where does it say in "the rules of life" that you can't change?


Must be a pretty bad thing to actually resent the whole of a sex.


My friend who was recently a lesbian for a night keeps doing things to make me think shes becoming a more consistent lesbian =[. I wouldn't mind, yet shes annoying us with the lying. If shes not lying then shes still being rather weird =[ Don't know whether to just confront her or keep going along with what she says is the truth.


Humans are very complex creatures. Especially the female of the species.

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Gays are given special protection in this country, when they don't deserve it. Instead of making a big deal out of it, just let people get on with their lives. If someone attacks a gay, then put them in prison, simple as really. There's no need for hate crime laws, or stupid campaigns like this, they're just fucking annoying.


Homosexuals, Lesbians, Bisexuals and people who differ from your narrow-minded perceptions obviously need protection from you.


Prejudice against sexual orientation, racial difference and religious beliefs are all prejudices against small aspects of personality. When you are prejudiced, YOU notice these characteristics more, they are not more prevalent traits.


True, there are those who are extremely flamboyant with their sexuality, make more of their race than others or indeed preach the Koran/Gospel/Talmud from on high to anyone who will listen.


But can we not apply the same thinking to football fans? Someone who is a fanatical Manchest United supporter, or a Rangers fan could be classified as just as "Fucking annoying" surely?


The difference is that no, they do not have greater protection from the authorities, and are in fact punished harder by them for transgressions. Why? Because crimes between football fans are often crimes of prejudice. The same is true of hate crimes. They are crimes of ignorance, the blank refusal to accept the fact that someone else may have a differing point of view, or a lifestyle which others may find distasteful -which is a pretty close definition of hate. That is why we need hate crime legislation, and the punishment is just the same, it is only the terminology that is different in this case.

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White, straight, people obviously need protection from you as well then.


I said hate crime laws, and campaigns are fucking annoying. Assault is assault no matter who it is against, or for what reason. Minorities are given a special protection in this country. Murder a black guy when you're white, and it's a witch hunt by all and sundry, if the reverse happens, everyone goes quiet. Fuck that.


The law


* The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 created a number of new racially and religiously aggravated offences

* The Criminal Justice Act 2003 introduced tougher sentences for offences motivated by hatred of the victim’s sexual orientation (this must now be taken into account by the sentencing court as an aggravating factor, in addition to race or religious hate motivation). Read the Sentencing Guidelines Council guidance on hate as an aggravating factor (new window) for more information




That's special protection.

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White, straight, people obviously need protection from you as well then.


I said hate crime laws, and campaigns are fucking annoying. Assault is assault no matter who it is against, or for what reason. Minorities are given a special protection in this country. Murder a black guy when you're white, and it's a witch hunt by all and sundry, if the reverse happens, everyone goes quiet. Fuck that.


The law


* The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 created a number of new racially and religiously aggravated offences

* The Criminal Justice Act 2003 introduced tougher sentences for offences motivated by hatred of the victim’s sexual orientation (this must now be taken into account by the sentencing court as an aggravating factor, in addition to race or religious hate motivation). Read the Sentencing Guidelines Council guidance on hate as an aggravating factor (new window) for more information



That's special protection.



Um, and? Thats good if you ask me. Anyone who would actually go as far as assulting someone JUST because they are black or gay etc should have a longer sentence than someone who was, say, provoked and it turned into assult.


Prejudice is a pointless thing. The "special protection" you speak of is the government realising that there are some pricks out there that will put people in danger and they have therefore made the law have a harsher punishment so as to stop it from happening.

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